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Everything posted by harvey

  1. But Lowe is the catalyst for all the problems at SFC, (Askham if you want to go back further) I was glad the Wilde bunch came in at the time, but you're right they didn't improve things but the situation had stagnated under Lowe, he was a spent force.
  2. I was actually really, really bored. Total football just ain't what it used to be
  3. A different day and a different ref, it could have been a yellow.......I've seen worse :smt102
  4. I agree, they played as well as they possibly could........but at the end of the day this is a forum for people to express their views on how THEY see things good or bad.
  5. He's right he should have come out for it, apart from that he was excellent.
  6. harvey


    Well I've not long finished off my bottle of Aspalls Suffolk Cyder and it was bloody lovely, and that's coming from someone who's a non cider drinker. I had a bottle of 1664 afterwards and there's no comparison, I think I may get more aquainted with Aspalls in the future..........nice one :smt033 I might try Westons next week :-k
  7. harvey

    Stella Artois

    Well I like it :smt102
  8. harvey


    Ok, thanks for all the suggestions people :smt023. Just bought a bottle of Aspalls suffolk, I shall be giving it the taste test next Friday evening :drinkers:. Infact I'm gonna try a different one every Friday thereafter :finga:
  9. harvey


    So where can you purchase Aspall's Suffolk cider, do the main supermarkets stock it ?
  10. Personally if I were Nathan and I knew that petrol was going grattis and my picture was gonna be in the Echo..............maybe I would have given it a miss at the present time :-k
  11. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/latest/3651325.Look_who_pitched_up_for_free_petrol_offer/
  12. (Tbf) If they're the same as the one's that Ive put in before, the actual bollard detaches from the base using a special key, allowing traffic into the that particular area when required
  13. My thoughts are with you mate. I put approx £70.00 of diesel a week in my van, but I'm not paying for it (firms fuel card). If I had to run a vehicle out of my own pocket, it would cripple me .
  14. It is what it is, but my own personal opinion is that if the media didn't do so much scaremongering, then things wouldn't be so bad. Would the recent slump in the economy stop me doing the things that I enjoy, not at all.
  15. Good man :smt023
  16. Is your house "clean"
  17. harvey

    Asturius Sports

    But it was all bull**** :-$
  18. Politicians are in politics for one reason only, themselves. I've got no time for any of them, no matter what party they belong to. Basically it's a 'Who's the best bull****ter competition' at the end of the day.....with a nice pension thrown in at the end of it ££££:smt023
  19. harvey


    Just remembered, Vidas Wines in Spring Road Sholing used to sell a litre of scrumpy for less than a pound..........I wouldn't say it was nice, but it got you ****ed quick and cheap before you hit town :partyman: (This was 20 years ago)
  20. At the end of the day, you drink what you want mate. If you've got the balls to stand there and drink white wine while all your mates are drinking beer, fair play to you.
  21. Not really, no =;......I did say that I'm cynical by nature
  22. White wine isn't cheap in the pub though........is it ????? :smt102
  23. Sorry but I just don't see the point in this signing whatsoever. I hope that he hasn't been bought to replace someone (ie Gillet), who has possibly been earmarked for moving on come January. Can I just say, that is my personal opinion and I am really exicited with the way things are as they stand, but............I'm cynical by nature and I really don't trust the rosey cheeked one.
  24. Yes, a humungous faux pas I'm afraid [-X
  25. That's the one !!!! ......thanks very much St Boggy :smt023
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