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Everything posted by harvey

  1. What a stupid thing to say. I thought you were one of the more educated ones on here...obviously not.
  2. The thought of seeing Smallbone on the pitch again next season horrifies me.
  3. To win.
  4. Leicester and Leeds are playing Baseball while Saints are playing Softball.......
  5. Will Labour do that when they come to power?....
  6. So I'm guessing you're 'Faaaaaarrr Left' then Soggy?
  7. And the occasional '10 free texts to enter' so a better chance to win......surely if that includes everyone that's the same as one text for everyone?
  8. Wtf was Smallbone doing there!
  9. harvey


    What is ' alt-right'?.....is that the same as 'alt -left'?
  10. harvey


    Oh dear 🙄
  11. harvey


    I see it's always the far left that are quick to accuse some people of being racist when maybe they should be looking closer to home?. Seriously though, how has it come that you have to be either 'far right' or 'far left'?...many years ago people had differing opinions but there was no venom or vitriol expressed toward either side. Maybe times have changed, but not for the better. Social media I guess.
  12. harvey


    This weekend could change the whole fabric of society in this country if the met are wrong.
  13. What did she say that was incorrect?
  14. 1)Kimlovessouthamptonfc 2) Winchester Saint (I think)....he went on amusing rants and either got banned or disappeared iirc.
  15. That's not the only reason it's a shithole 😉
  16. harvey


    But, but, but......
  17. harvey


    It's amazing how quickly the 1400 Israelis who were butchered by Hamas have been forgotten by the MSM. As an American Jew commented recently, they gave those murdered one or maybe two days sympathy, but since then.....
  18. harvey


    Oh no doubt it'll be a completely different reaction from the police.....there'll be mass arrests and claiming that they're inciting violence.
  19. harvey


    That's disgusting, the police should be dragging those scumbags out of the way, but they don't because they're too scared of their own shadows.
  20. harvey


    We're not going to agree on this as I think you're taking a very simplistic and naive stance on this subject, and no doubt you feel the same about me. Nevertheless, I hope everything goes peacefully next weekend....but I doubt it very much.
  21. harvey


    I should have been clearer, my point was your inference that it is a march for peace.
  22. harvey


    That's great!, so if they're gathering to call for peace that surely means I can rock up with an Israeli flag and be welcomed with open arms?......I mean they want peace don't they, so what better way to show it than walking side by side for peace?
  23. harvey


    Exactly, it would never be allowed to happen by any government, nor should this march be permitted.
  24. harvey


    That's just common sense.... something that seems quite alien to some posters on here.
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