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Everything posted by harvey

  1. harvey


    Not just on todays showing.....a professional footballer who consistently kicks the ball toward goal as though he is the twin brother of Johnny Wilkinson should not qualify as the captain of league one team with aspirations of promotion.
  2. Tbh from 30 mins it was obvious that we weren't 'up for it'......left after 50 mins to go to the pub quite confident that there was gonna be no improvement.
  3. harvey


    Hammond is consistently **** apart from the odd game....enough to single him out.
  4. That's not what the op said.....he was just prompting a valid question, which believe it or not, this forum is all about.
  5. harvey


    Much laughing at Turkish maybe?..........too much defending of the totally crap Hammond
  6. Rose Royce - Wishing On A Star
  7. I've got a Roberts personal DAB Deppo......i've always found it pretty good, the earphone connection is very fragile though.
  8. If you're going to call someone a 'theif', atleast learn to spell it properly first you thicko.
  9. I give up
  10. Lol!!!!! I feel sorry for you then.
  11. You didn't have to take Merringtons word for it, it was obvious after 20 minutes that it wasn't going to work......i really don't understand why some people can't see that.
  12. Hello!!!!! is there anyone there?, "learn from mistakes".....it was crystal clear that he'd ****ed up after 20-30 minutes and I was only listening on the radio. If he couldn't see that whilst actually at the game and managing the team then we're ****ed.
  13. All very reasonable, but after 35 minutes maximum it was obvious that Carlisle had us sussed......NA was caught out today big time.
  14. On radio solent he waffled a lot and mentioned not complicating things.......hello???????, he complicated things by trying to be too clever when there was no need.
  15. It was avoidable that's the point, the formation clearly wasn't working but Adkins chose not to do anything about it until far too late.......poor tactics.
  16. Went to a good pub near Hereford once......'The Butchers' i think it was called.
  17. http://www.herefordcattle.org/
  18. Mrs McClusky.........Grange Hill
  19. You're very tedious.
  20. The The - Sodium Light Baby
  21. Scritti Politti - No Fine Lines
  22. The Swimmer The Godfather Fargo
  23. Dif Juz - No Motion
  24. Woohooooooo!!!!!! looks like you're in luck ........ My name is miss Glory,I was impressed to contact you today,i will also like us to hold a very good long lasting relationship,In addition, please kindly contact me direct with my email: ( glorymurp@yahoo.com ) To able me to send my details and picture to you ,for you to know whom i am,am Waiting to hear from you.Remember do not reply me in the site use my private email address above: ( glorymurp@yahoo.com ) thanks
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