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Everything posted by harvey

  1. harvey


    Tbf, I think it's always been like that.
  2. harvey


    With their resident dance troupe 'The River Rats'?
  3. harvey


    The 'Bridge' etc were ok at one time, but hand in hand with the rest of Woolston.....they seem to have gone down the same slippery slope.
  4. harvey


    Is such a dump nowadays.......two 'parents'(late teens) drinking cans of beer while looking after an oblivious child no more than 3 or 4 years old who's entertaining himself jumping around the feather statue. It reminded me of 'North End' Portsmouth.
  5. You're a real 'card' Hypochondriac..........a one off
  6. Rockettothesky - Grizzly Man
  7. Are you sure...........
  8. Rubberbandits - Horse Outside
  9. One of my favourite tunes was ripped from someone else , this............ And this is the original which is far better................ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4dRpFO7IVA&feature=related
  10. I always get worried when the cameras pan in on NA & AC turning round to Dean Wilkins discussing options............we tend to f**k up shortly afterwards.
  11. Quite right too!!!! don't want that sort causing a nuisance to those nice Turkish, Polish, Russian happy clappy fans
  12. Very silly indeed......I can't believe anyone would be that stupid
  13. Are you sure that the 'friends' that you spent the evening with weren't (unknowingly).....dune & turkish?
  14. harvey


  15. UB40 - Food For Thought
  16. The The - Lung Shadows
  17. Talking Heads - Life During Wartime
  18. I haven't met a bird who does At The Moment either
  19. Another point, when did the term 'all important' start being commonly used on some tv programmes?. For instance "The all important dna results" (Jeremy Kyle), and "The all important weather forecast for the week ahead" (Countryfile).....
  20. Thanks St boggy , maybe I could borrow that porn mag sometime :-)
  21. I committed a terrible faux pas ........from here on in I am your sevant
  22. T'was a boring topic anyway
  23. And you're quite right to be so bold BTF,......I stand corrected
  24. harvey really should be spelt with a capitol 'H' Deppo
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