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Everything posted by harvey

  1. An MP in waiting..........good response
  2. I'm taking your points on board Saintandy666..........but you seem to be missing mine . Lets put it this way, should fat people be banned (or maybe even taxed for the space they use up), from useing supermarkets because they inconvinience normal people from doing their daily/weekly shop?.....I mean, it's not my fault they're fat.........why should it be a burden to me?.
  3. That's a typical liberal response to be fair. Smoking pubs or no smoking pubs........it's not difficult.
  4. I was a heavy smoker for 20 years, and I still wish that I could go to a 'proper pub' for a fag and a pint, i only gave it up because I couldn't afford it anymore..but I digress. I remember saying in the 90's (when the **** taking, as in 'we're taxing you more for you're smoking....for your own benefit started '....that before long, you'd get people breaking in to shops to pinch fags, and what do we see now? .....just this week, (and it started years ago), Asda in west end was broken in to, and they took everything from the tobacco kiosk. I personally think there should be a tax on fat people..........what do you think?
  5. So what would be the harm of having smoking and or no smoking bars in pubs, or even pubs that choose to have a smoking or non smoking policy?.......that's it though isn't it?, we're not allowed to choose nowadays are we
  6. Hello!!!!!!!!! make the seperate rooms, it's not that difficult ya'know. As for your 'woe is me, I'm a non smoker I'm glad I don't have to be subjected to it anymore', don't you think that's rather selfish?.......there's room for everyone on this planet you know
  7. Public houses should have been given the option of becoming smoking or no smoking pubs......or failing that, having seperate bars? Dune is right, the smoking ban is rediculous..........and that's coming from an ex smoker.
  8. [video=youtube;YvRsn-5SqSA]
  9. Well he wasn't anyway, so there was no need for any cringeing
  10. I'd be interested to hear how you're going to dispatch this animal (so humanely) that's been part of your family for the last fifteen years?
  11. I don't think jos was last man?
  12. Is that the same Andrew Stone from Pineapple Dance Studios who's currently on Celebrity Big Brother?
  13. Very good choice.
  14. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a3a_1307780645
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46pfPVE5q1o
  16. harvey


    Kenco - Columbian
  17. To be quite serious now, I really do hope that what you saw was not as 'serious' as you first thought........and I mean that most sincerely folks
  18. I therefore conclude that she was indeed 'acting' ..........go me!!!!!!
  19. How did she 'dramatically collapse'......did she hold her out turned hand against her forehead and fall gracefully to the ground?
  20. Ruby Blue - The Quiet Mind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBShkrvyqbc
  21. Nail on the head there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Today reminded me of what a good tune this is....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKl6EZShaaw
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