3,023 -
Everything posted by saintbletch
Metamorphosis? So the Man turned his back on pap because he'd turned into an insect? Yeah, I can see that. pap is Gregor, The Man is Gregor's father and I guess I'm Greta.
Are they not just syntactic sticks and semantic stones, CHAPEL END CHARLIE? It's not clear (to me) from your post, but are you suggesting that pap should have been banned for seeing the world differently? Or are you suggesting that pap contravened one of the clear laws we have as a society that protect others from verbal/written attacks?
What punchline? This is serious, CB Fry. To be fair, I'm veering towards cock up and away from conspiracy. Sorry pap. I think it far more likely that The Man lacks the experience. He seldom posts now, so I ASSUME that he doesn't have his finger on the pulse of forum social interactions. He fired from the hip, I'm guessing. It's like playing Sunday league, and realising that your ref understands every law of the game, but has never played the game himself. BTW I've just reported you for circumventing the swear filter.
It wouldn't take much to make a case, would it. Either way I think papster is pretty philosophical. As I've said earlier, the irony I see is that pap, alongside perhaps Alpine, have probably been on the end of some of the worst attacks (assuming that was a factor). I mean look when CB Fry goes off on one, it can be brutal. I wouldn't want him banned, far from it, he's one of the most entertaining posters on the site. But when you see that lack of moderation consistency, you're left wondering, well to be honest Tim, you're left wondering if the government was involved. There, I've said it.
I'm interpreting other people's actions here Tim, so I'm standing on shifting sand. That said... Follow the link that Hypo posted at the beginning of the tread. He posted a link to a previous post of his where he speculated they pap's ban was for naming verbal AGAIN. The man replied to that post, saying that this was a small but contributory factor. I think The Man was staying that pap's ORIGINAL hints at verbal's identity were a factor. Whereas if you read the thread as it appears, it suggests that a small, but contributory factor in pap's banning was that he attempted to name verbal AGAIN. We're left scratching around and poking **** with sticks because we don't know definitively why pap was banned. This is all moot anyway, we are were we are and it's not changing. As I say I was trying to interpret other people's posts.
I'm not trying to force anything into Lou's mouth, let alone words, but I think I can explain. She'll correct me if I've got it wrong I'm sure. When pap was banned, Hypo speculated that pap had probably named you again. In reply Steve Grant, earlier in this thread, said that naming you was a small, but contributory factor in pap's banning. I believe pap took issue with this suggestion, as he hadn't attempted to name you again. I THINK this is the verbal situation for which Lou hypothetically suggested that The Man would offer an apology to pap. I may have this all arse about face though.
I'm off to join up! Looks great, and there's fewer annoying *****. Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Long may your vision be unrealised CB Fry. I'll drink to that - I'll even buy you one at the next get together. It's been interesting watching his papness trying not to let omnipotence corrupt his principles of free speech. He's got Toke and Bear currently posting ever-increasingly risque images in the Papfraction Roulette thread, whilst he is trying to cajole them with advice instead of nerfing them with the infraction stick. Coxford Lou has posted a helpful list of all the classes of photographic female exploitation (you and I might say porn), and pap has put together a working party (I'm just an apparatchik on a sub-committee) that will study examples of all those different porn types to decide what can and can't be posted. Actually I THINK I read that pap's daughter has the casting vote (she's the militant one in the family). And I see that you've finally admitted that the government pays you to post! But who do you think pays the government to pay you? Hey?
Hmm. I can understand why it was done, but personally I wouldn't have removed it. papsweb, is and probably always will be the Lounge and TMS for people who want to continue to interact with pap. It's not going to replace the TSW as a place to chat about football any time soon. I've consciously referred to pap's site as papsweb because I could see a potential conflict with 'promoting' it on TSW. The Man charges to use this site, it generates money, so it's sort of like taking bhajis out of his kids' mouths. Or at the very least, it's like stealing his server and curry tokens. I do think that the schism of the Forum Wars will leave a bit of a Tory / Labour imbalance in The Lounge, but that's probably just art imitating life while the Left regroups. Personally, I plan to pay both subscription fees - a fiver curry tax goes to The Man, and papster has said that his site is free as long as Toke and The Bear give him a BJ once every 12 moons - or a moon every 12 BJs - I forget.
In the Forum-wars, I think pap's pre-contract signing up of Toke and The Bear is genius It's like when BT outbid Sky for the Champions' League rights. Well actually, it's more like when Radio Morecambe Online outbid Morecambe FM for the rights to cover the 2014-2015 Donkey Derby, before silently sliding into the oblivion of liquidation. No offence Toke/Bear/Pap. I give it two months before they come crawling back with Bear's tail between Toke's legs. Personally I think there is room for both Radio Morecambe Online and Morecambe FM. They're with all the shakespearos. Jonnyboy. Is there some irony in here, shurlock? Or are you channeling Tom Cruise in Rain Man? Alas this is true, hypochondriac. I think pap has described it as his "sordid griefhole". He's nothing, if he isn't self-aware. It certainly is going to be interesting watching papster balance freedom of speech with moderation. #hypocritepap? I think pap is planning on creating a communist idyll away from this place, set in a sea of socialism where the frothing foam of fascism never reaches. Watch him ban any posters who are politically to the right of Left Unity. Anyway, CB Fry, you can't deflect to papsweb, you'd be missed here too much. So, Carswell-like, are you about to challenge The Man for the running of TSW? BTW I up-voted and favourited your post - plus I added a hilarious word pun. You can never have too many word puns. Right? I think papsweb needs a Verbal. If you didn't exist, he'd have to create you.
Apparently, like Ed Miliband my forum credibility has actually improved by being stood up. It's something to do with when you add negative numbers to negative numbers. I don't claim to understand the details, but I think they call it a "dead cat bounce".
Ci dispiace non abbiamo incontrato, Sue.
Bain marie, Fowlly D. Bain marie. I should have listened to Turkish. He sent me a PM urging me not to attend - for fear of losing my forum credibility. Prescient Turkish, prescient. Thankfully he signed off by saying that IF I did attend, then I should make sure I was dressed (to the left) by Paul Smith. Advice I followed to the letter - despite a little **** direction discomfort. Ah Lou, I really thought you could have been the one, but now we'll never know. I'll just have to find someone else to stalk. I reckon I must have missed you all by about 10 minutes. The smell as I walked into the pub was redolent of a petting zoo at an Iron Maiden concert, so I knew Gay Boot and papster had been there. Next time.
No solider left behind, eh? Kismet Halo. I knew I could count on your virtual friendship above all the other virtual friendships I've cultivated. The fact that I can turn to your virtual persona for virtual comfort and virtually forget the physical people I could have physically met in the physical world, literally means virtually the world to me, Halo.
How long is too long to make imploring eye contact with strangers? I don't know the answer to that question, but I'm going to quit while I'm ahead - and haven't been punched. Blown out by a bunch of no-mark, lightweights from an Internet forum. How did it come to this? (rhet.)
Ok, I've just got to the pub. No goat droppings, and no short bloke with long hair. Am I too late? I'm the viciously suave bloke sitting near the door, nursing a pint of Dublin Porter trying to stop the pub dog from sniffing his crotch.
Sign-up CB Fry. You know you want to.
It's in short supply, then?
Should we infer that you're deficient in the stiffy department, Hypo?
You're mixing your Orwell references, Wade Garrett. Boxer is from Animal Farm, but your 1984 reference is much better; with pap as Winston Smith finding himself persecuted by the Thought Police. Anyway in animal farm, pap would be Snowball - who got an ice pick that made his ears burn.
Yeah, I can see that. But, I say again (as someone who enjoys reading your contributions), some of your finest posts were drawn out of you by pap's, well, pap-ness.
Lol. You're not really our Robbie Williams, Halo.
I know you had your run-ins with pap (RIP), buctootim, but surely even you must miss the fact that you're not going to get some sort of ginger/singles/dating joke back from this? Surely? Did he not bring the best out in you? In anyone he challenged? I mean, if we each gazed into the pool of TSW posts, and were met with our own reflection instead of that of the slightly scruffy, long haired, abnormally short, firebrand that is pap, then what would that make us?
Mrs Bletch is actually learning Italian, which means that by osmosis so am I. I often find my wife in bed with the Italian lady from the Duolingo app - not the threesome I was hoping for I can tell you Sue. Ci vediamo domani?
Yep, I saw that, but, and whilst pap is my "comrade from another c**t", that doesn't seem worthy of a perma-ban. Hence my request to The Man to explain his rationale. I need to understand this so I can make an incredibly heroic, but utterly pointless threat to no longer pay my fiver - a moral stand from which I will no doubt row back from once I get bored and have forgotten how to spell pap. BTW in a Twitter conversation with someone, pap confirmed that it was an "Insta-perma-ban!"