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Everything posted by SFC1906

  1. SFC1906


    The place is literally 3 minutes walk from where I am sitting now. Article from the Echo: https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/18201164.chandlers-ford-company-primerdesign-launch-novel-coronavirus-test/
  2. Delete if not aloud
  3. Late notice I know but I’ve got a spare ticket if anyone wants it - £15? Meet at stadium 07796142904
  4. Re-incarnated as Sundance Beast if I remember correctly. He was truly a bit special!!!!
  5. Went to Prague couple of years ago for boys weekend and they were playing Lyon in the Europa - 7 of us just turned up at the stadium and there were loads of touts offering tickets. Ended up getting tickets from the ticket office no questions asked, no ID requirements. Obviously maybe a bit different if a load of English lads are trying to get tickets for a Saints match there but seems they're not too bothered who they sell tickets to there.
  6. Interesting link IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro, apologises for the immolation of Greece - http://www.telegraph.co.uk http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/07/28/imf-admits-disastrous-love-affair-with-euro-apologises-for-the-i/?campaign_id=A100&campaign_type=Email
  7. This is exactly how I feel - been chuckling to myself all morning after reading this thread. And am cracked up now just writing this post!! Does my memory serve, and am I right in saying that the original thread was in the 'Golden Threads' that were lost when the forum swapped servers or something a few years ago? Or am I just making that up lol!! Would love to read it again - as you said the humour on there was epic!!
  8. I think you might want to go back and read the comments before Batman's - then you will see the context in which his comment was written. He was sarcastically responding to someone else's ridiculous comment.
  9. No worries at work too!
  10. I have a spare but cannot pm - if you're happy to post your number here I can contact you?
  11. Don't know Turkish - and couldn't say that I really give a feck either. Do you really think anyone else outside of the Daily Echo readership or this mongboard give a feck either, or even know about this 'massive' David vs Goliath mega lawsuit? Anyways I was only responding to Sour Mash who asked why the club didn't just pay Frannie what he was owed - so I just pointed out that therin lies the reason for the dispute i.e the two parties didn't agree on what was owed. Not rocket science is it? Maybe for some it is? Just to clarify I don't know who was in the right or wrong - and frankly I don't care either. It's been sorted, obviously Frannie is happy as he has accepted an offer from the club, and the club is happy as the issue has now been put to bed. It would appear that only a few Internet Warriors have an ongoing issue with this - not sure why? Perhaps they need a more fulfilling life than just sitting at their keyboards allday micro analysing every aspect of the SFCs workings. The most amusing thing about that is that none of you having a fecking clue about the details of this settlement so are just p*ssing in the wind with your warped conspiracy theories of what 'Evil Nick' is up to lol The sun is shining in our fair city - get yourselves out into it and enjoy your life COYR!!!
  12. Because the club and Frannie didn't agree on what was owed - hence the dispute and subsequent issues. You seem incapable of understanding this straight forward issue for some reason.
  13. He sat in one of the Hospitality Boxes. Source - My mate who was in the same box.
  14. Hilarious!!! What's even more hilarious is the total over-reaction of some of the hysterical tarts on here!!! What's even, even, more hilarious is that one of the reasons Cortese probably did this was to invoke the 'rage' of some of you cyber warriors - and you're all biting!!! I bet he's absolutely wetting himself at home know thinking about how some of you no-marks are literally spitting feathers about this and are incandescent with anger because it's all soooo important in your sad little lives!!! hahahahahahaha - Cortese = LEGEND
  15. Or maybe it's all just a load of bollix designed to control the feeble-minded, and make them believe that some supernatural being controls everything that's ever been, or ever will be in the world. And that this in turn justifies anything that extremists (from all religions) do, even if that includes killing any 'non-believers'. But that's a discussion for another time:)
  16. All cultures, civilisations and faiths have a 'chequered' past shall we say, if you look back. It's just that most of them have moved on from Medieval times - Islam has not
  17. As opposed to killing innocent people in the name of Allah, subjugation of women, stoning people to death, and 'honour killings'?
  18. What cracks me up is that even Sky couldn't find a picture of him for that article! Forget asking for people's opinions on whether he's any good or not - does anyone actually know what he even looks like???!!!
  19. Free in the News Of The World today - HTH
  20. How about a song just for Herbie?
  21. One of the 'tough guys' throwing stuff managed to hit a kid sat next to me in the head with a lighter. Well done you gutless *****s!!
  22. He certainly is. Did anyone else just hear his interview on Wave FM? He came across as a complete ****, making a joke of the whole thing - esp the Lowe bit. He joked that that they would probably just all sit round a table and 'have a bit of a cuddle' and all would be fine. Which I expect is true - it's just the way he was saying it that made me say out loud 'Shut up you condescending *****!' If he relly wants to **** NC off he is definately going the right way about it!
  23. Interesting last sentence Phil - care to elaborate? Are you inferring that we may see the return of a certain Mr Jackson, or are you just stirring the pot to have a little fun? I really hope it's the latter because I honestly think that I would actually die laughing if MJ got involved with this!!!!!
  24. Yeah, they threatened legal action against a number of newspapers for printing untrue stories about a Faraj interview where he stated having no money and only intending on being there for 6 months. They then had to retract their statement as it all turned out to be true LOL!!!!!!!!!!
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