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  1. Peartree Green in Woolston currently on fire!!
  2. This pretty much sums up my own personal experience and I was going to write something similar - so you have saved me the time Kraken thanks😃 Talking about your issues is a massive help - but only really you as the individual have the power to get yourself through these things. I still have the odd relapse but recognise the signs very quickly now and am therefore able to employ my coping mechanisms/strategies to get myself out of them. Having a very supportive and understanding partner and friends to talk to helps massively - but it is ultimately me that needs to pull myself through. Same as others I hate the term 'Man up' mainly because that was what I was told most of my life and was absolutely partly responsible for my issues - as I just bottled things up through fear of admitting 'weakness'. BUT the individual has take responsibility of their own mental health, the same as any other health issue, and work to make themselves better and pull through. I do feel there is a growing tendency in society to just 'give up or give in' when faced with any kind of adversity and expect others to deal with all your issues. But once you accept that a lot of these things are actually your issues then it becomes much easier to deal with them as you are the one in control of them. Just my thoughts and experiences and I fully accept that others will have had different experiences.
  3. Why is the VAR Ref even telling the on-field Ref to look at it? It's so obviously unintentional, and a massive over reaction and dive from Son? On-field Ref should have looked at it and booked Son for being a pussy!!!
  4. SFC1906


    Yep this is the same anecdotal information I have seen from my friends, family, and work colleagues.
  5. All pretty smooth on the whole and Stewards handled it all brilliantly except................................ I jumped up from my front row seat to celebrate the first goal we'd scored in front of fans for 9 months and was jabbed in the ribs by a female steward and told to immediately sit down!!! She then preceded to tell everyone on the front row, who had also obviously jumped up, to sit down, and then was gesturing at all the fans behind us to sit down!!! Think she was new as I haven't seen her before - and she didn't reappear for the rest of the game either so maybe someone had a 'little word in her ear'?? Other than that a completely enjoyable experience that was well organised and stewarded 😃
  6. I don't expect them to do anything else. And I equally don't actually think they are doing anything that will in any way stop racism. You stated that 'Some young lads are trying to do something to stop racism' - I merely asked you what it was that you think they are doing to achieve that i.e tangible, real things that will actually make a difference. I am genuinely not looking for an argument. But I personally don't think taking the knee every game is actually helping to stop racism in the slightest - others like yourself do so I am genuinely interested in why you think that. My personal opinion is more in line with Les Ferdinand in that the taking of the knee prior to all Premier League games was a powerful, united message seen all across the world and made it clear to anyone that the players were all in it together and racism will not be tolerated. Brilliant message that I fully support - but not ad infinitum. It's lost that powerful message, and real change will only be achieved by actually doing something tangible about it like what they are doing at QPR with their community projects, promotion of BAME coaches/club management etc. In my opinion taking the knee every game has lost it's impact, literally achieves nothing, and is actually fueling racist behaviour as has been demonstrated at Millwall.
  7. Please could you outline exactly what these young lads are actually doing to stop racism? As all I see is them taking a knee - which as an act in itself doesn't actually seem to do anything tangible in the fight against racism. If anything, if this thread and recent news is anything to go by, it's actually causing more division. I get the whole symbolism of it and sending a message across the world - but let's not hold these young lads up as modern day Martin Luther Kings.
  8. SFC1906


    Thankyou for that Crabby - glad you're feeling better fella!!
  9. Thankyou for sharing that Whitey - very moving, and very poignant. Lest we forget.
  10. Because he also turned up injured, didn't play for ages, and his situation was also shrouded in 'mystery'?? I would have thought that would be pretty obvious. Why do you think he picked Delgado as a comparison?
  11. Ditto - Sholing in the FA Cup 3rd Qualifying round on Tuesday night £10 for adults, £4 for nippers, and free for U12. They need the money way, way more than the Premier League, Sky or BT.
  12. SFC1906


    Yes agreed - I believe that this one is far worse than all the others because she actually knew that she had it and was therefore a risk to everyone she came into contact with, and then subsequently everyone they came into contact with, and so on and so forth. For me it is exactly the same as what Trump is and has been doing at the Whitehouse - knowingly putting others at risk. The world's media are quite rightly going to town on the Orange one for his actions yet this woman can just say 'oh I'm sorry' and that's it!!
  13. SFC1906


    Well she obviously thought they were appropriate when she did them didn't she - or otherwise she wouldn't have done them?? Now, after she's done them and had to admit it, she doesn't think they were appropriate and has apologised - so that makes it all OK does it? Just saying sorry for literally putting the health of loads of other people at risk is OK is it? I would like to see her squirm while she explains exactly what was going through her mind when she decided to firstly travel to London knowing she had symptoms and was awaiting a test result, then to go into Parliament knowing she had symptoms and was awaiting a test result, then to get the results confirming that she was indeed positive and STILL thinking 'fuck it I'm going to get on the train again' and expose loads of other people to a potentially deadly virus that they won't know they potentially have and could therefore unwittingly now spread it onto more people who may actually die from it. So no, I don't think just apologising for it and now and accepting that her actions were not appropriate is anywhere good enough. These are exactly the sort of irresponsible and selfish actions that will continue to spread the virus which will ultimately result in more/stricter lockdowns, more/greater harm to the economy, more people losing their jobs/income, businesses closing down, and most importantly more fucking deaths!! And before you ask - yes Dom is a complete and utter bellend for doing what he did and I believe should also have paid a 'higher price' for his selfish and irresponsible actions.
  14. SFC1906


    Maybe not 40 mins no - but yeah I'd definitely like to see her explain to the nation why she thought for even 1 second that her actions were in any way, shape, or form appropriate.
  15. SFC1906


    Indeed - and also OK to attend a dinner party with more than 6 people if you are currently an MP and former Leader of the Labour Party.
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