First of all I did not try to give any economics lessons to any Southampton forum, that post was done months ago and was talking about PFC on a PFC forum, I don't think it has much relevance to you (interesting that you were bothered to go that far back)
The reason I posted here was because I am an auditor and I felt that the OP is putting someone's job at risk, everything you learn is confidential if someone from your club reads the OP (likely?) and makes a complaint about how dealings were leaked here there would have to be an investigation to find the culprit, on top of that if things go wrong scapegoats are sought. I do not think it would be hard to figure out who did it, you don't send too many auditors to accountants as they do the file themselves.
I was reading the forum to find out what's going on, its all interesting is it not? and yes of course we'd be in exactly the same boat if we got relegated from the premier league.