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  1. Quite like that there is no picture of Lovren in the Mail's Gallery of top talent the left saints in the summer.
  2. Quite a few left in the 'lower school end'. Loads of plastic mancs there on Saturday, should be fun
  3. 'LEADING' not 'LEAD' if action hadn't been taken, and Cortese had was still here then who knows what sort of wages we would be paying now. The fact that our two most expensive signings EVER (in fees and wages) are no longer at the club speaks volumes. Last season was amazing, Some great days out. But I always had that 'what if the money goes' question in my head. We were living beyond our means. The final outcome would have been a Leeds utd. Where as now it would appear we're back in the black, building. I am grateful that Cortese got Markus to invest but I still would have preferred a day at wembley and 12th than losing to Sunderland and finishing 8th. Maybe that's just me.
  4. It's not what he did in the 1st 6 months that caused his departure. It was the cancer he was spreading with in SFC. He somehow made some players, staff and fans believe that without him then SFC wouldn't be where it was. It would appear however that he was leading us down a very dark road, somewhere we have been before, somewhere I (as a fan) hope we never go again. The knew regime would appear to have cleared the decks of the disease, and kept us (at the very least) heading in the same direction. I for one would rather have a club which shows a slight profit, produces our own players than one which is dependent on Daddy's trust fund.
  5. 3 points at Liverpool tomorrow and 3 points not the 4th October against spuds.
  6. He should ask Colchester Utd or Norwich FC fans how loyal they think he is.
  7. Use the telegraph one. Much better and you don't have to give your credit card details.
  8. Still comes up on my phone.
  9. Because there is minimal outlay. Gives the illusion that they've spent money and invested in the squad.
  10. Think Swansea needs updating. I think they'll struggle this year. 3 vgood players lost for them.
  11. I find things like that hard to watch. What a waste of oxygen. I would kick her in the ****.
  12. It's. Not the fact that it's a 'bad time to be a saints fan'. It's seeing something most of us love being systematically striped back to the root. I used to work for the weekend to go to football, scrape through the summer gagging for the season to start. Don't care what division we are in, just want a leader to rally behind. They could have fought to keep these players. They could have told some of them that we need another year, they could have got Cork and Fonte signed up, I can't wash my hands of them and I won't get rid of my ST but I'm not sure I'll be able to get motivated to go to the stadium. Football isn't a venue sport anymore, it's made for tv plastics.
  13. I'm in the Bournemouth end. Loads of seats still available.
  14. We don't get 'Nothing' for the kit, the club gets all the profit from shirt sales. Adidas have paid £75m for the potential of shirt sales and they make the money off of every shirt sold. Who's to say that if Manchester united were to supply their own kit that they wouldn't make more than £75m per annum, its a chance they're not willing to take I guess.
  15. It won't be a domestic suspension, if there is one.
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