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Stuntman Mike

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Everything posted by Stuntman Mike

  1. It is a bloody stupid idea, they've done it on the M3 at J5 too. You used to be able to see what was coming, judge your speed and go or slow down. Now you have to slam on the brakes, stop, see what's coming then go. All I can say is that it is a) not very green as you have to use more fuel and b) penalises those drivers who can read ahead and don't need to stop at every junction!!!!
  2. What the f*ck are you on? Brass Eye is a satirical program, have you actually seen it? Jesus, there is no help for some people on this forum, weirdos.
  3. Just making a point. This forum is full of self-serving dullards.
  4. Come on Matthew, the world isn't full of slime monkeys and pavement gremlins. Besides, you're a double-hard ba*tard aren't you?
  5. Quite honestly, who cares? Someone, like you, who thinks far too highly of themselves and no one really cares about. All that I care about are the club winning and doing well, which we are.
  6. Not really. The "middle man" will be screwed whoever is in office. In just seems now that the "middle man" is a wider spectrum of man ...
  7. You have a fair point! Also, those with degrees in Politics and wordy subjects where they need to talk! I was crap at sales, I'm a Science geek ;-)
  8. Totally with you on this. I'm actually going through the process of applying for a senior role in a very large company - had 6 interviews so far. There preference is for someone with a relevant degree, preferably an MBA on top. The only times it doesn't really apply is if you're in sales (for example), you can pretty much do that, at any level, with any old degree, or no degree. And that's the point, in some jobs, relevant degrees are very much required, no matter how much experience you have, employers still like to see that you're serious about your subject matter from a young age! The whole point about the fees is that, surely we wouldn't be needing to ask grads to pay more if there weren't so many people going to university to study things they don't need to!! It's common sense really. There are too many graduates out there looking for work and not finding it.
  9. Oh look how popular I am!
  10. It's a tough call. Obviously what she's doing is against UK copyright law (oddly enough), but as she's paid a subscription and obtained what she needs through another (cheaper) service, then what's the harm? It's totally different to watching matches for free over the internet. Those matches are being streamed from subscription paid for boxes (generally), so they are "reselling" something illegally, whether free or not. Subscribing to a Greek provider who can legitimately "resell" the football shouldn't be a problem. Very interesting case!
  11. The main problem with this forum, it's populated by nutters and weirdos.
  12. Some people have far too much time on their hands!
  13. Latest news being old - I would get humourous (are there any on this site?) contributors to write stories and articles, much like a proper paper-based Fanzine would. I thought they were doing that, but as I haven't seen any, maybe not? Non-£5 paying users can't start threads, limits the amount that can be started, so limiting potential topics. Also, threads that are started (as stated above) are often closed for being a "repetition"? Personally, I don't want to and haven't got time to trawl through a 4 page thread, let along a 34 page thread. I'd rather short, snappy threads with opinions instead. Too many people on this site have weird agendas and are obsessed with the club's management/ownership etc rather than just discuss football. Then you get the super-weird obsessed ones who just post (as Essruu says) Lowe-Lover and other such crap in response to opinions. The "fun" forums are populated now by bores who don't offer intelligent wit and humour. There are also too many other outlets to catch up on Saints news. Facebook, Twitter, The Echo, the official website, other forums, the BBC etc etc etc. Personally, I just don't have time to look and I can't look at work as people put up stupid pictures of semi naked women in the football threads and some even have dodgy avatars (the tube driver guy being one) so I can't really look in my lunchbreak as I get some dodgy pictures come up. I would advocate a relaxing of posting rules first and foremost though.
  14. Jesus wept, how about: None of your business and none of you business!?
  15. I beg to differ, most people on here are capable of moaning for Britain. This is has the biggest amount of moaners/complainers/whingers/negative people I've ever come across. I work with 6 other Saints fans (that I know), none of whom were interested (just for example) in talking about Lowe, moaning about Lambert, moaning about SISA, picking apart accounts of various companies interested in the takeover, etc. They just want to go to the ground, watch football, support the team and hopefully see a win. We may discuss tactics and players, that's it.
  16. Sorry to be devil's advocate here, but e-mailing the results of a poll from a couple of hundred Saints fans, most of whom are fairly like-minded (in that they use this forum), does not, unfortunately, discredit any other group. SISA/Saints Trust probably still have as many supporters as the volume of people that would vote on a poll. So all you'd be doing is saying; "look, this 'supporters group' has discredited 2 other supporters groups as not being the voice of the fans. But we are ... " It's ********. Just live and let live. If Illingsworth or Chorley or whoever are happy to put their names against some quotes, then fine, up to them. I couldn't care less, they don't speak for me, no one does in anything I do, but I don't care what they are doing. As they don't speak for me, I don't vet what they are doing.
  17. My pet hate at the moment is anyone older than 21 and male, wearing Hollister stuff. It's for teens and geeky ones at that. Same with Jack Wills.
  18. Spinning is f**king tough work - one of the hardest classes I've done, but really addictive.
  19. Funnily enough I'm after a drummer to come and sit in my lounge. Your remit would be to bash a few drums when I make a joke in the house. That's it. Interested?
  20. Yes, it's ridiculous over-hysteria that we wouldn't have heard about pre-Internet days. Why can't he be left alone to do a job, after all, he's hardly going to want to fail is he?? As I said, this site seems to be full of people with odd agendas.
  21. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. So yes, a UK citizen, but born in Northern Ireland, therefore, Irish, not British. Although that view probably depends on your religion. *roll eyes thing*
  22. Since when has O'Neill been British?
  23. Totally agree, it's why I don't bother with this forum, full of crap opinions from a very small minority of the fanbase, most of whom seem to have weird agendas and obsessions.
  24. thorpe le saint, out of interest what kind of teacher gets to spend so much time reading web forums and posting??
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