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Everything posted by Saint_Pedro
Away from the racist angle for a minute ... what will happen to those convicted? The text below is from Delingpole's blog (not my words) Well, for those over eighteen whatever custodial sentences they do receive, if any, they will no doubt serve just a fraction of their sentences as is common for most criminals in the UK. However, in what will clearly be a perversion of justice, those rioters under eighteen will be treated as if they too are the victims of the very crimes they have commited, as this is the ethos at the heart of the youth justice system. I know this from having worked alongside and in the Youth Offending Service. Within a few weeks many of these rioters that you are now watching loot, burn and terrorise on a twenty four news channel will be on an Intensive Surveillance and Supervision Programme, where they will spend the majority of their ’sentence’ being escorted to gyms, adventure centres, DJ courses and having their lunches bought and paid for and they will even be given the bus fares to attend their ‘punishment’. There will be a minimum of community work as part of their ISSP and in some parts of the country the Youth Offending Service will fail to implement this part of the ISSP. I know this will occur because I have seen it first hand. Another part of their ISSP will involve them sitting in on classroom based sessions where staff will ask them what feelings they were experiencing prior to setting their community alight and how best they could channel those feelings in the future. We may even get them to do some ‘poster work’, as I have heard it referred to, where they will draw and colour in examples of criminal behaviour just in case they were not aware that torching local businesses and throwing masonry at the police, fire brigade and passers by were indeed criminal acts. When this is the system charged with preventing youth crime is at any wonder we have such high rates of recidivism amongst the more serious of young criminals? Many of the rioters you see on the streets will have been through this sytem. They know there are no real consequences for their actions and thus they behave in the manner we are now viewing. Comments anyone ..... ?
Read this and weep: "Funniest" interview ever on Sky. Female Sky reporter interviewing a white guy who has had his shops burned. He said to her , the arsonists/looters were all black. She said to him , you can’t say that , there must have been white guys there as well. He thought about and then said , ok they were not all black , i was the only white guy there. Is that ok to say ? This guy states this with a totally dead pan face without a hint of the pc faux pas. She again corrects him and states nervously you just cant say they were all black , he responds , but they were i was there. Unbelievable. The interview describes the state of our society in a nut shell. And the second is an aside – that the BBC bears some responsibility for fanning the flames of these riots. The IPCC have announced two things. First, Duggan’s firearm was a firearm and thus illegal and deadly. Second, he didn’t fire it, and the initial report by the IPCC that he fired at police was wrong. The BBC have headlined the second fact without the first. Particularly dangerous in the circumstances, especially from a public service broadcaster. I think we can most of us agree that things need to change round here.
Very sad that you think like this .... take some time and read this ...http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/katharinebirbalsingh/100100161/no-wonder-these-kids-think-stealing-trainers-is-ok-everyone-makes-excuses-for-them/
As I wrote in the first line, the roots of these events are many and tangled ......... I was trying to get just one point accross. I am not saying gangs are the only reason fior the riots. I did see many whites people taking advantage of the situation as wel...... Sent from my laptop using a keyboard and my fingers.....
Just because you're not sophistictaed, it doesn't mean some of us appreciate a good post. Well said, St.Bletch
The roots of these appalling events are many and tangled, but for the moment let’s just focus on one: the way Britain’s educational establishment has cringed helplessly in the face of a gang culture that rejects every tenet of liberal society. It’s violent, it’s sexist, it’s homophobic and it’s racist. But it is broadly tolerated by many people in the black community, which has lost control of its teenage youths. Those youths scare the wits out of teachers and social workers – and some police officers, too. The threat of physical violence is ever present in many schools, and one can hardly blame individual teachers for recoiling from it. But we should and must blame those schools and education authorities that have made extra space for gang culture in children’s lives because they believe it is an authentic expression of Afro-Caribbean and Asian identity. We've seen a lot (but not all) of black faces on our TV screens; it’s a shame that the spotlight can’t also fall on those white multiculturalists who made this outrage possible
Duh ..... blame the politicans, why don't you .......
At the public meeting Victoria Ward is attending: here was an incredulous laugh when someone told how she heard a grown woman discussing on the bus how she planned to head back into town tonight to swap the clothes she looted from H&M last night for some better ones. Someone else told how a man who had stolen a TV had later been robbed on the street. "That's karma," he said. This, along with rumours of Birmingham and Croydon being next on the list this evening, just goes to show that :- 1. It has nothing to do with the "cuts", like that toad Ken Livingstone was going on about this morning 2. Nobody is prepared to take responsibilty these days - and I mean parents, teachers, the police, and of course, whichever govt happens to be in power. Isn't about time, parents took more responsibiilty for their kids - e.g. don't give them mobile phones so early, take an interest in what they are doing and where they are going in the evening etc etc
Calm down dear ......
I went to an open-air cafe today and it rained. It took me four hours to eat my soup Just buried a mate who died when he was hit on the head with a tennis ball. Very sad, but what a beautiful service The woman who botoxed her 8year old for beauty pageants lost custody. The child didn't look surprised. I bought one of those beaded seat covers for my car. Massages you while you drive. It's good but it feels weird driving around naked Anypne seen ky readimg gasses?
can anoyone recomend a decent all inclusive hotel in Egypt
Saint_Pedro replied to Turkish's topic in The Lounge
Agreed - been there twice. Perfect for relaxing, and great snorkelling 20 yeards of shore. -
1976_Child: your name is apt - you behave like a child writing things like this. You are a dim witted fool. Go back to your dungeon and keep your pathetic views to yourself.
I found my dyslexic mate covering his d*ck with boot polish on the early hours of Sunday morning at the conclusion of daylight saving.. I said, "You idiot! You're supposed to turn you clock back!" A guy gets a call from the police telling his house was robbed. The offenders had also consumed all of his beer and had raped his wife. A moment of silence passes and the guy says, "I can't believe they f*cked my wife after only five cans!" Got this text from my brother recently. It read. "Can I stay at your house for a while? My missus kicked me out after she caught me measuring my c*ck. It just reaches the back of her sister's throat!" Was ****ging this bird over her kitchen table when we heard the front door open. She said, "It's my husband! Quick, try the back door!" Thinking back, I really should have legged it - but you don't get offers like that every day. I saw a fortune teller the other day. She told me I would come into some money. Last night I ****ged a girl called Penny - spooky or what? The missus asked me, "When you're on a boys only trip away, do you think about me?" Apparently "Only to stop myself coming too quickly" wasn't the right answer.
The Mrs had no cartlidge behind the kneecaps (so had bone rubbing against bone when she walked) - had a micro fracture op (drill holes in thekneecap to make it bleed into the cavity & form type of cartlidge) in Jan and still not fully recovered (4 months off work). Had it done here : http://www.hampshireknee.co.uk/ Now she's thinking about a MACI op. Whatever you do, think about the repurcussions before you go for it - there'll be no turning back (no pun intended)
What's so wrong about this story? http://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/crime/lesbian_couple_cautioned_after_being_caught_having_open_air_afternoon_sex_in_the_racecourse_1_2857877?commentspage=0
A guy meets a cute girl at a bar and strikes up a conversation. Many drinks and a long enjoyable evening later, he asks her to come back to his apartment. In no time, they are in the throws of passion, tearing off each others' clothes. His manhood at full attention, he has just her socks and panties to go before reaching the promised land. When he pulls off her socks he realizes that she is missing all 10 toes. She explains that she lost them after having been unprotected in freezing weather, and they were amputated due to frostbite. This immediately causes him to lose his erection and to have no desire to continue with his love making. No longer the least bit interested in continuing, he apologizes to her and rushes to get her dressed and out of his house. As she was a real beauty and he couldn't wait to mount her, the event really bothers him so he visits his doctor and relates what happened. Upon finishing his story, the doctor pats him on the shoulder and says "Nothing to fret about. It just appears that you are lack toes intolerant."
The Girls Gone Wild phenomenon has been broadcast in America since 1997 and features camera crews approaching young drunken women in public places and encouraging them to expose themselves in return for free T–shirts and other merchandise. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/8536258/Girls-Gone-Wild-should-not-be-filmed-in-Britain-say-MPs.html The producers are bringing the programme to the UK and are on the look out for suitable cities to film in......presumably down the road? Anyone seen this programme before?
Type *#100# and hit the send button
Did anyone else notice Antonio's entry into the Ministry of Silly Walks when he went off? Laughed my t*ts off.......
So basically what the 3 pages of this thread tells me is what I already know ..... that footballers in this day and age do not have any loyalty to their club. The sooner we remind ourselves of this, the sooner we can come to terms with people like Stern leaving us. Out of interest, who was our last "loyal" player ? Has there been anyone since MLT?
I was laughing at Chez's idea that Surman has a good engine and scores goals, not the price. I'll happily take whatever we can get for him.
Biggest laugh I've had all day !!!!!!!
I couldn't give a sh*t where Surman goes - he's been a complete waste of space for the last 6 months - he played like a wuss
Missus Pedro (who works in a pharmacy) had some training on these yesterday. Apparently if you don't consume less fatty foods whilst on these pills, you get chronic diarrhoea which is coloured ORANGE! So basically if you keep eating fatty foods, it will be fairly obvious to others!