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Everything posted by Saint_Pedro

  1. John Cooper Clarke - the Bard of Salford. Beasley Street - so many memories "Keith Joseph smiles and a baby dies, In a box on Beasley Street"
  2. Did this 3 years ago and was very impressed - but I would only recommend this if you all have an interest in Egyptian tombs, temples and fancy seeing exactly where Tut was buried. Food excellent, and relatively small ship so not too many people on board.
  3. Aladdin Sane by a mile
  4. Hmmm, yet again trying to make the majority feel like 'they're not worthy' compared to you and you mates It doesn't work - we don't care and we won't start wearing Ben Sherman just because you tell us.
  5. So... the Specials are touring next May and the nearest venue is the Guildhall in Portsmouth. Should I risk going to skatesville to see a brilliant band? Or are they past their best? Your views? P.S. tickets on sale tomorrow morning
  6. Play just Lambert up front, with Ramirez just behind him. Same back four as started v Swansea. Midfield needs someone to man mark Taarabt and/or Granero (perhaps Cork and Davis/Morgan to do this?) Most of all, I'd like to see something I thought I'd see on Saturday with 15 minutes to go but didn't- Puncheon swopping wings!! Yes, there I said it! I know its not a favourable idea, but why couldn't Nigel have tried Puncheon just for 10 minutes or so, on the opposite side, beating the defender, getting round the back and getting a cross in for SRL?
  7. Did you know that in the human body there is a nerve that connects the eyeball to the anus? It's called the Anal Optic Nerve, and it is responsible for giving people a sh*tty outlook on life. If you don't believe it, pull a hair from your bottom and see if it doesn't bring a tear to your eyes
  8. The wife and I were lying in bed this morning when she said, "I think the romance in this relationship is dead" I wish she wouldn't talk to me while I'm having a vvank
  9. Have any iPhone 4S users had issues with battery drain since upgrading to iOS6? I have not changed any settings, but since the weekend when I upgraded the battery life has gone to s**t. Just googled the subject and there are pages and pages of similar comments but no fix!!! Might go back to my Nokia 6310.....
  10. LG 37" LCD TV for sale - approx 2 years old - very good condition. Decided to buy a new Smart TV instead, so nothing wrong with it. Full spec here : http://www.lg.com/uk/tvs/lg-37LG3000-lcd-tv Will accept £180. Email : petethechip2@gmail.com
  11. How about execution of anyone you personally disapprove of? Yes, smoking is antisocial, but then shooting people is also antisocial. So why not execute anyone who carries a gun, for starters?
  12. A very delusional post ......
  13. I don't disagree - what I really meant was by "Its a bit sh1t" is that people should not expect everything to work like clockwork, they should expect ****-ups and massive delays. My approach is I expect such things and therefore am not upset or surprised when they happen. And I stopped watching the BBC news a couple of years ago I have Americans, Polish, Bulgarian working and living in my office, and they prefer it to their home countries, but they also exclaim surpsrise at the "little things" which make their lives irritating..
  14. I still think we should prepare the athletes and foreign tourists about what to expect when they arrive at Heathrow. A f*ck1ng big banner reading "Welcome to Britain - its a bit ****"
  15. The web site is getting worse - the "Account" menu has disappeared now.....
  16. Just finished Blue Monday by Nikki French. Most entertaining novel about a psychologist helping (inadvertently) to find a missing boy. An easy read, but with 2 excellent twists near the end. Recommended
  17. Uh Oh Chongo .... Its Danger Island next ......
  18. Not really, though I do laugh to myself at others sometimes (for a variety of reasons) but then I do that when I go shopping as well. Personally I don't think you'll be able to change what others wear, and for me, I wouldn't expect to be able to, so I would not get so concerned about it .....
  19. Such an entertaining thread this - I haven't laughed so much for ages.... Seriously - what's your preferred solution to the dreadful state we find our club in? - Do you volunteer to 'vet' every person's attire before they are sold a ticket to a game? - Or perhaps you could send out a list of appropriate clothing for all Saints supporters with each ticket sale? - For Saturday at Boro, would you have preferred 1200 Saints fans dressed 'properly' or 3000 dressed in whatever what they want to ....?
  20. I was knocked out by the girlfriends sister yesterday...... What sort of a sick ***** puts chloroform in their dirty knickers?
  21. Just bought two block 43 tickets online - yippee!
  22. Bloody hell - there's a name from the past - is he still around?
  23. Right now I’m a bit Wigan. (It’s a continual uphill struggle for survival with a very limited budget) You never know, things might pick up later and I might be more like Swansea (never thought I’d make it, but in reality things are going quite well) Yesterday I felt a bit Man City ( I just feel like some things are getting out of control) I feel very Man City ( Actually I’m a bit jealous of my neighbour) Not sure, kind of Man City ( I’ve a feeling of dread that something bad is about to happen)
  24. Love that video! A nice take on stereotypes.....
  25. Going to be cremated, so its got be Firestarter by Prodigy
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