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Everything posted by Saint_Pedro

  1. You really are a weirdo. Exactly how many hours a day do you spend tapping away at your laptop?
  2. For 8:15 in the morning, that is a tremendous post, BletchBear, yo! How about we create a new batch of users, all with Bear in the name....?
  3. Catch 22 were the only big name around that time that I remember - I was 16 at the time and can just about remember seeing them at the Top Rank, but its a bit hazy now. As the article suggests, Catch 22 was graffitied everywhere around town. As for venues, the West Indian Club was also fairly popular (damn those drugs, its difficult to remember....)
  4. Only 14 at the time, and completely over-awed by the day My sister snogging some random bloke next to her as the final whistle blew Bobby Stokes, Viva Bobby Stokes
  5. I always believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you read. If this had been in the Sun, would you believe it, pap?
  6. Jimmy 219 not out, Hants declaring on 500-9. A good start to the season ......
  7. Pap - the poster who is never wrong (in his own eyes) - such a sad person
  8. ART has got to be the strangest poster on this forum - the sh1t he comes out with is so hilarious, I'm never sure if he's trolling or not
  9. Turks will be inconsolable - he wasn't wearing Stone Island!!! Run for the hills.....
  10. I wonder if Pap visits this page?
  11. Crikey! James Vince has a wicket to his name!
  12. Nah - she's just gone into hospital for 2 nights......
  13. Sex is like a game of bridge. If you don't get a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
  14. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/08/28/article-2194760-14B921A3000005DC-397_634x460.jpg Buzz Lightyear http://buzzlightyeartoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Toy-Story-Electronic-Buzz-Lightyear.jpg Julio Caesar
  15. typical Guardian reader
  16. How old are you? Eight? You certainly act like you're eight.
  17. "The site at Haldon Hill, near Exeter, Devon, has been used illegally by travellers for 12 years, but is now to be revamped using £1.11 million of taxpayer’s money. The proposal will replace the existing ramshackle camp with 15 official plots for “new travellers” under plans approved by Teignbridge District Council. Communal allotments, a children’s play area and composting bins will all be installed at the site as part of the project. Parking for visitors along with new sanitation will also be installed while the camp will have a permanent site manager. It has been given approval under a Government initiative announced last year to provide £60 million of funding for new official gypsy and traveller sites." Another "good" use of public money .......
  18. Condescension is not an attractive trait.
  19. Just because you lived in NI, it doesn't mean you're always right, pap. I could write that when Adams dies no one will party in Catholic areas of Northern Ireland – because they’d be shot, but I don't really believe that. Then again ..... Anyway, to me the sight of young people (too young to remember her)celebrating her death is disgusting - the fact that she is so hated by young, middle-class imbeciles is testimony to the Tories’ failure to win any of the non-economic battles of the 1980s, not MT herself.
  20. Stop reading that idiotic newspaper - its for simpletons.....
  21. Hope you drink yourself into a coma... and don't come out of it
  22. LONELY HEARTS ADVERT; Premature ejaculator seeks a young attractive woman for fling..... must have large breasts, big lips, a tight ar*e, and ........ aaaaaw, f*cksake!!..., never mind
  23. I want to be cremated, so it's got to be Firestarter by Prodigy.
  24. Much worse off as well. Just into my fifties, mortgage not yet paid off, dreading retirement, and currently on a 10% pay cut "to help the company through the recession" so it doesn't have to lay off lower paid factory workers. As a result, I am extremely cynical about taxes, banker bonuses and all politicians - haven't got a good word for any of them..
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