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The boy done well

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Everything posted by The boy done well

  1. I agree with AP too. I don't think he's good enough. Do the majority on here really think he is? Runs around a lot or at least looks as though he does with little end result. He's 24 too and not very likely to improve much IMO.
  2. Fully agree with this
  3. Well, it takes longer than 7 games. I went Swindon and we were awful. I went to Stockport and I felt gutted because we should have won, but we were better. I went today and thought we were pretty good. Last Saturday was poor but we're still building and consistency doesn't come overnight. We've probably got further to go yet but this team isn't going down and can't be compared with what happened last year. The kids were thrown in at the deep end and should never have been. That's why their confidence was wrecked-they just weren't ready to play week in week out. That's not how you bring kids on.
  4. Well my friend, you should have gone. AP chose the right team and played the right game. He also made the right substitutions at the right time. We thought we were pretty good from where we were standing and if you had gone maybe you'd feel as positive as I and those that I went with feel now. At last after years of rubbish we've got a proper football team back. AT LAST! Celebrate it for god's sake. Don't knock it.
  5. Just back too. I thought we were pretty good. Seen every game this season except Huddersfield. Today we were up against a team who I thought were really good on TV last week against Brentford and except for a 20 minute spell in the 2nd half thought we matched them completely. Also thought AP's gameplan was good as were his substitutions. Just wonder how many of the negative posters on here actually went. Make no mistake about it we were not at all bad and it's definitely going to be upwards from here. We've got a good team at last after 5 years of real dross.
  6. Agree today was pretty dreadful but except for Mellis I reckon most of us would agree that the players AP has brought in are better than those they replaced. We all know as does AP that we've been short of width and pace and today we didn't have players fully fit and available to provide us with either. Thomson needs time if he's going to make it at all and Mills is only young and has been out for over a month. But i felt that the subs AP made were pretty spot on. There's just one problem IMO in that he hasn't got the team playing yet. One can only hope that in time particularly with one or two more additions, including Papa Waigo, he will. Maybe this is where the jury's out at the moment but surely no-one can argue that we haven't got a better squad than we had 4/5 weeks ago.
  7. I thought he seemed to have quite a lot of potential. Another kid who might just make it if brought through the right way. I wonder if I've got the right player in view of Lordswoodsaints comments-or whether he has! Getting in the England squad is a great achievement for him and for our academy not least bearing in mind the league we're in.
  8. Why is this such great news. He can put himself about a bit but has no pace and rarely scores. He also looks to be overweight. While he was was ok at Stockport there was nothing about his game which made you think we couldn't do without him. Not sure he's the kind of partner Lambert needs either.
  9. Nearly-but not quite. Must say I'm a bit under-whelmed by today's non-developments too. Perhaps they are hoping to let us down gently by announcing Jaidi's signing tomorrow-with fingers crossed tonight that he gets a positive response to his application for a work permit presumably after the relevant government office opens. See Craddock scored for Luton tonight so assume he's not been in AP's sights.
  10. On the positive side apart from Poke going on loan (whcih is good for him and good for Torquay), at least no-one left. So we still have Spiderman, Saga, Gillett and Holmes (and Lallana but I was trying to be positive) all of whom were rumoured to be on their way out. Ignore this post-error on my part
  11. It's a shame he hasn't moved on. It might have brought the adulation of him by some on here, not to mention often acrimonious debates, to an end. I'm a lot older than J Bizzle and I think he's vastly over-rated too. Runs around like a headless chicken creating little but in the mould of that much adored very average player that some would seem to want back, Prutton, looks as though he's doing the business. Have to say I'm relieved AP has spotted it!
  12. Those of us who went were pretty gutted too. Not sure I'd have quite known what to say a few minutes after. But several hours on and with time on my side my thoughts are that we're much fitter, much stronger and much better and that with a couple of further additions we are on the way to rebuilding and turning it around. The trouble is I'm not sure that most of us realise how seriously bad the team was. With things as they were we'd have gone down again....and again. You can't reverse that in a handful of games.
  13. We weren't bad today. It was much better. What's got us all a bit down again is the fact that we conceded in the last minute of a game which should have been over 30 mins earlier. They had done their homework and peppered us with crosses at every opportunity throughout the game and it paid off at the death. Sad but it's not the end of the world. We're putting together a half decent team. A couple of additions and a couple of wins and we'll be there.
  14. Gillett gives the appearance of being busy because he runs all over the place but there is no end result. If we'd carried on with the Lowe experiment this season he would have been a regular again-and guess what we'd have gone down again! Hasten to add he wasn't not the only one resposible for our demise but at 24 he aint going to make it whereas properly nurtured one or two of the other ones just might. Time to offload IMO.
  15. Well FF is the one poster whose information keeps me coming back, not to mention renew my membership of the forum. I reckon I speak for 95% of those regularly viewing it when I say it would be a disaster if FF stopped posting what he's heard even though he may need to couch it in careful terms to avoid disclosing his sources. Most of those with any information at all have decided not to post it because of the ridicule they get from a handful of idiots who know nothing and are at best (yes at best!) P...pey fans. It would be my view that someone ridiculing information given in good faith without being able to post a constructive reply as to why they feel it appropriate to do so should be banned as they wreck it for everyone else. Could I please ask FF and anyone else who feels they might have information which they believe that most of us might like to hear to keep on posting however small the snippet might be. Ignore the idiots as most genuine posters try to do I'm sure. I sometimes find it very difficult to see them as true fans and when they do post anything it's not the kind of stuff that will get the majority coming back for more.
  16. How do you think AP could have stopped this dragging on. We're stuck with 2 overpaid players until someone will take them off our hands aren't we-unless we pay up some or part of their contracts. But why should we? They're the ones who want away.
  17. We are getting better IMO. Except for Davis this is because of the new players AP has brought in; not because any of our pre-existing squad. I would agree that we now need to add some pace and width of which I am sure AP is fully aware. It's much too early to make any proper assessment yet. Don't panic.
  18. Right, I was there last night too. We need a dominant centre back. Thomas can play alongside him but he's not the man we need to take charge of the back for. We are abysmal at any kind of cross, not helped I reckon by Davis who does not dominate the 6 yard box though I agree he's a great shot-stopper. We need a powerhouse in midfield and someone to organise it too. Maybe Hammond will help there. It's also essential that we have someone who can play wide-Swindon had width on both sides and ran us ragged. Up front, we must get someone with some pace. Lambert's a great target man and can obviously score goals but he needs someone who can play off him properly. James, Morgan, Mellis, Paterson and Lallana can't all play at the same time. They're all relatively inexperienced kids and are easily pushed aside. One or a maximum two youngsters at a time has always been the Saints way while they learn their trade. As last year showed too many of them and you don't stand a chance. It may well be that some of them are not going to make it but we need to bring them through properly to find out. God knows what harm last season's policy of playing them week in week out has done as several on here have commented. Unfortunately for me I've already got my ticket for Stockport! Hopefully we'll be starting to show signs of improvement by then.
  19. Agree 100%. Keep the rumours coming.
  20. Shortly after the takeover was completed wasn't it mentioned that Liebherr and Cortese favoured the system of a manager and a DOF/Sporting Director. If this is correct AP would have been aware of it when he took the job. Don't ask me to find the reference. It's just something that seems to have stuck in my mind.
  21. Agree entirely. The sort of information and rumour that the likes of Tac-Tics are able to give is what makes this forum compulsive reading. Without it might as well give up and just F5 the Echo and OS. Keep posting you guys and ignore the critics as I reckon at least 95% on here are interested.
  22. Absolutely spot on. At the mere suggestion of Prutton's return this forum almost went into meltdown. Why? Same fans as Gillett's by any chance!
  23. Am I alone in not rating Gillett. Sure, he runs everywhere but the end product not there. He's popular on here in part for the effort and energy he puts into his game, which is no bad thing, but IMO he flatters to deceive. Don't think he achieved much either when he went out on loan in the past. Average squad player at most.
  24. I agree that Lambert seemed to fade in the 2nd half but I think the the reason for it was that Stuart Gray stuck 2 players on him in the 2nd half which is one of the reasons Rasiak got a free header at the far post as soon as he came on to knock back for Lallana's goal.
  25. Wonder why anyone including AP was bothered about the journeyman Stern John going when we can so readily it would seem get in a guy like Lambert.
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