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Everything posted by team-saint

  1. No way will Barnard be dropped as he's was our best player in pre-season and has played well so far even if he hasn't scored.
  2. Remember that he is still young for a centre half. I agree he hasn't been a great signing so far but he definitely has potential.
  3. Dickson also played very well against Reading. You may not have been impressed with him today but having only seen him play once I don't know how you can come to the conclusion that he is an average sqaud player. Give him 5-10 games and you're entitled to an opinion but you can't really comment on him like that after 1 game.
  4. No doubt at all that Lambert should win but Harding and Jaidi have both been brilliant signings as well. Many others have done well but I think those three have been the most important.
  5. Fans who post on this forum.
  6. Traditionally in July isn't it. Will probably happen again then.
  7. Looked completely at home against premier league players todays
  8. wtf? :confused:
  9. He is a class above any of our current lot. Antonio has his moments but is much better from the bench.
  10. How could he have scored 10-15 goals this season when he has only started 4 games???? :confused: He is just not part of APs plans and so does not play. Presuming that you don't know Mr Saganowski how can you say he doesn't care. AP has said himself that Saga's attitude in training is good, so there is nothing more he can do unless AP wants to pick him.
  11. Can't believe that Jaidi isn't winning MOM so far. He won every single header and I don't mean that in a cliched way, he literally did win 100% of his headers. He was immense.
  12. Third half doesn't exist anymore, since Radio Hampshire got closed down Merrington's worst which he has used on several occasions this season is: "What you don't want to do know, Adam, is lose the game." :smt081
  13. It's impossible to be worse than Thomas, he's just a thug and nothing else. Perry has hardly put a foot wrong since he got back in the team.
  14. Most of our fans are too thick to learn the words. The Rickie Lambert song is usually just duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh when it is supposed to be actual words
  15. I think he can he just always tries to be positive in his interviews. At the end of January if Pardew hasn't bought in the players we need then we should be concerned but until then he deserves benefit of doubt
  16. That was a brilliant game
  17. Agree with all of that Chez but to be fair to Papa he was playing on the left, which meant he was always coming inside. Paterson looked really good today I was well pleased to see him actually look like a footballer. He was much more of a goal threat than any others after he came on but also made some good build up play. Obviously had some good coaching this season.
  18. Saga is much better than Pericard
  19. I like Lloyd James and think he is a good player and have defended him before, but his crossing is fairly good at best, we just lack real wingers who can put in a cross. James always floats the ball in fairly slowly never whipping the ball in with pace and he generally does it from far too deep. Since Bale and Skacel were playing together down the left we have not been getting enough crosses into the box and any half decent striker will score goals for us if we can get a good winger who can cross the ball. How many headers has Lambert scored this season out of his 19 goals. I think just 1 or 2.
  20. McClaggon and Thomson are cover for Waigo on the right wing and Lallana can play there too. If Holmes is leaving then a proper left footed winger must be a priority though.
  21. Trotman. No to Antonio
  22. In what way? Holmes is a standard left winger. Fish is a full back.
  23. mark bright... so annoying martin keown and alan shearer i both find very boring. alan green is anooying as well, his job is as commentator, but he spends the whole game giving personal opinions which i usually disagree with
  24. Papa just needs to be starting games again and he will soon hit form. Its amazing how quickly some fans can change their opinions of players. When Papa came most of us were impressed for the first few games. Then Antonio came in and simply because Antonio did great people decided that Papa was rubbish. Strange logic that :confused::confused::confused:
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