619 -
Everything posted by pfc123
Can't be arsed to find it TBH, but it is a genuine figure. DubaiPhil has confirmed it before. Answers to questions: 1. Nope 2. Damn, been rumbled. Still, plenty of material on here for my 'What I did in the summer holidays essay'...
Oh right, so now it's THE WAY we sell out that's the problem, LOL! Whether they were on general sale or not, THEY - WERE - ALL - SOLD......
No, you are wrong once again- it was NOT paid off. Aviva had to write off £16m. It's a fact that has been posted on here numerous times by your own people! By the way, I love the usual classy end to your post.....
No, aviva lost £16m when you went into admin, so the capital was NOT paid off. Also, the small creditors pfc still owe are being paid- it's being sorted by the club now...
Hmmm, don't think so actually- £16m of defaulted mortgage arrears that thousands of aviva policy holders had to pay for in lower endowment payouts is hardly "creditors paid" is it?
I think the level of support is about even really, although you're way ahead on actual bums on seats since SMS was up and running. That's why I wish we'd spent the money on a new ground rather than the short term option of players and wages...
Because FP is a dump that a lot of people won't spend their hard earned to go and sit in. And in the 1990's it was still a dump.....
Yep, that's a fair way of looking at it. I think we'll average somwehere between 13 and 16k, depending on how well/poorly we're doing. Might be a bit more, might be a bit less...
But you're going down the road of quoting individual examples again as 'mark' did two pages back. Both those games were sold out anyway, so any empty seats weren't down to us not selling them. Tickets for both those games were like gold dust. IF there were any empty seats they're probably spares held back by Wembley? (As an example, me and the wife saw a John Barry tribute concert at the Albert Hall a few weeks back, and our cheapo up-in-the-gods seats had been sold twice by mistake. They gave us a held back private box right above the orchestra as compensation. We were gutted- not.)
Which proves my point that this isn't going to be resolved until we're in an almost identical situation. Dunno.....
Not really, it's the one year in the last 30 that we've had in the same division in similarly crap grounds....
In fact, here's our league averages for 87-88: SFC: 14,594 PFC: 15,923
We've always had good away support until the last couple of Premiership years when we were on a downward spiral and people were getting ****ed off with the cost. Put it this way, we've never had to start a campaign like you have on here to try to get more people to go away. With regard to the grounds, it's not the size, it's the infrastructure. Fair play to you, you picked up about an extra 10k because a lot of people were attracted to a new ground as it's a mark of a club that's modern and ambitious- it's more comfortable. FP was worn out three decades ago, but has been kept going through several liberal applications of sticking plaster over the last 20 years. Because I'm too tall I can't get into the seats in the South and North stands because there's no legroom- those stands were built when people were literally six inches shorter, i.e. 100 years ago. I watch from the Fratton end as a result- I don't like it, but it's the only way I can comfortably view the game. Bottom line here is that I've made a compromise I shouldn't have to make- and a lot of people simply weigh up the cost of a ticket and the **** poor seat they're going to get for their money and they pass. They're not idiots, they want value for money and you can't blame them. We've only had one season in similarly crap grounds in the same divison, 87-88. What are the figures for that year? That's why I maintain that we won't settle this (if ever) until we're in a similarly modern ground and in the same division as you and in the same phase of the up/down cycle. Would most of you agree that at least that last idea makes sense?
Fair point. Petty point scoring on both sides I suppose, but the reason I had a dig about it was in response to the stupid post by 'mark' saying that our support is: "sh*t and you know it" after pulling in 19k + for a nothing game against Chelsea (and there were 3k there following Chelsea, not 'half' as some attempted to suggest). A week later you pull in a mere 6k for a fantastic value mini tournament with top quality european opposition, a free funfair and band outside, and you wonder why we have a go back? What do you expect? You kept quiet about attendances for years and years all the time you were at The Skip, because you knew damn well you couldn't sell it out most games. People on here think that's a lie- it's not, look at the official attendances v's capacity! But as soon as you get a shiny new ground and hey presto an extra 10k turn up, the previous 100 years or so is conveniently airbrushed out of history. That's why I've said it will never be settled until we're in the same division in a similar sized and quality ground. End of....
It's a pointless argument that will never come close to being settled until we're in the same sort of ground as you, in the same division as you, and doing roughly as well/badly as you. Until then there are too many other factors that skew it one way or the other........
But your friend 'mark' wasn't commenting on league game attendance, we were talking about a friendly. Sorry, 6k is a disgrace...
After the 19k + we got for Chelsea, this little gem was posted: So then, how many turned up for the Markus tribute tournamant yesterday? Three matches against not one but two top quality european teams, not to mention a FREE funfair outside AND a band, all for a mere £16? 6,000 according to Solent. 6k! The phrase 'People in glass houses' springs to mind. Cue lots of excuses such as: didn't like the format, er, my dog died that morning, er, I dropped a toolbox on my foot, er, I'm on holiday, er, er.... Still, nevermind, I expect you'll easily get 30,000 for the West Brom game, yes?
I'll tell you- nearly all of them. I'd be a bit concerned if I were you....
They brought about 3000. To be fair, I suspect we'll do well to match that once the league gets going as it was a cheap game at £15 a pop....
Yeah, only 19,345 for a pre season friendly. Crap eh?
Halford signs from Wolves for £1m apparently. You're gonna love his long throw-ins. Don't ask where the money is coming from, I don't know- loans to the club from the owners is the usual way most clubs do it.... http://www.expressandstar.com/sport/wolverhampton-wanderers-fc/2011/07/07/wolves-net-1m-in-greg-halford-sale/
Ok, the reason for being too "yellow" to appear on this board is the abuse dished out. If you look at my previous posts there's a couple of long gaps between posts. The reason for that was the personal abuse hurled in my direction. I decided to get me coat and leave. Maybe it's my fault for sticking up for my club on an sfc board, i.e. I'm asking for it. True, I suppose. And maybe I'm a little too thin skinned, but if you look through my posts there are very, very few if any where I dish out abuse. I might be cutting and blunt sometimes, but that's pretty much as far as it goes. I don't mind being told I'm wrong and having it explained why, that's what debate is all about. All I'm saying is that resorting to abuse is just ignorant. Having said that, I know our boards are probably just as bad if not worse, so we're no angels ourselves. Dunno, it's your board, I'm a guest I suppose, and it must be frustrating having people like me come on here and shove a stick in the spokes. Anyway, If I disappear again that's the reason why......
Sorry, but that's a truly pathetic post, devoid of any semblance of argument. You have every right to disagree with what Corp says, but once you descend into the gutter of cheap and crass abuse you lose the argument....
Ok I did kind of ask for that one and that one.....