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Everything posted by pfc123

  1. The tone of this thread is changing. For those of you on here for whom this has become a big part of of your lives, the awful truth must be now dawning. Not only are nasty old Pompey not going to disappear, they are stabilising on the road to recovery. One of the side effects of this realisation is the ever more ludicrous and desperate attempts to erase certain facts from history. We DID sell out every wembley visit- count them, there were five in three years. There WERE 200,000 people along the route of the cup parade and at the common, and we HAVE won more honours than you will EVER win. You'll all be swearing man never went to the moon next.....
  2. Nope. Everthings just fine thanks!
  3. 1-5? Try 3-0. Deluded....
  4. Nice of you to think of us, but really, there's no need. Like I've said all along, we'll be just fine thanks
  5. Yep, they've all been 'upgraded' for your visit, i.e. removed....
  6. Dear oh dear, your location really is correct
  7. So er, this thread is still going then?
  8. Ah, interesting. The info I got from a party member was relating to a show that happened while the party conferences were in full swing- maybe that had an influence? Either way it's just such a shame the whips have the politcian guests so nailed to floor that they can't even begin to be a bit more honest and open....
  9. They mainly come from the big three local parties. When QT is coming to say Brighton, the local parties are all informed in advance and get the bulk of the tickets. That's why when you hear applause or abuse from only one part of the audience it's because they're all seated in designated area's....
  10. You'll fit right in here then- this thread is full of dreamers...
  11. Well, the above pint of bile merely proves my theory that most of you KNOW it's over....
  12. Because the football authorities don't tend to come after clubs and hit them again and again once the dust settles. To be fair it's only an educated guess- yes, some of us have actually had an education, some of us even privately I just can't see the PL having any authority even if they wanted to hit us now that we're a FL club. As all those in court were long gone before relegation to the FL, I can't see how they would want to try imposing anything either. So unless m'lud has some legal right deduct points, and we know they don't, I can't see anything further than the original 9 point deduction biting us. The renegotiated CVA doesn't kick in until next April, and the money to pay it is ringfenced from the parachute payments with the FL watching very closely, so that's taken care of. The new owners have been very reasonable, not spent stupid amounts of money, not made wild claims about how well we're going to do in the next 12 months and have generally been a breath of fresh air. Foreign owners they may be, but it's just unfair to tarnish them all as 'bent' because they come from eastern europe. Maybe they are, but Pompey fans have to give them the benefit of the doubt, while you lot will immediately have another dig. As I said earlier the one area that the new people have to sort out is the sub £2500 small creditors which is a disgrace...
  13. Fair enough, it's your forum. I'm only a barely tolerated guest at best. What's comical is the ever more desperate attempts to keep this going, but that's up to you....
  14. What about it? It won't affect the club whatever happens....
  15. On your last question for Corp, sorry, I'll jump in here and give an answer and it's No, because there isn't a Notts County takeover thread with 842 pages, or a Plymouth Argyle thread with 842 pages, but there's a Pompey takeover thread with 842 pages almost entirely because it's Pompey. If you think these 842 pages worth of posts have been motivated by strong opinions about morals, the state of football, FA and FL governance and the FAPPT, you are naive in the extreme. This thread is nothing more than an abbatoir, free for anyone to come in and hack away at the Pompey carcass at leisure, with everyone baying for more blood in the background. The only problem is that it's now descended into fantasy. The reason Frank's Cousin is confused is that poster after poster on here, thinking he's Poirot, goes off on some long meandering trawl through cyberspace and comes back with yet another new invented scenario where nasty old Pompey are up to their dastardly tricks again. Poirot's, or more accurately, Clouseau's post is then taken as fact by all, generating huge uproar all round before everyone goes home for tea. Most of what is written on here is utter b*llocks, and most of you know it. People who are 'In The Know' generate bizarre flights of fancy as to who owns what in the car manufacturing industry. Sorry people, but most of you have too much time on your hands, time partly spent trawling the net for any small crumb of comfort that it's all a conspiracy that's about to implode any minute now. And of course when it doesn't implode, someone else pops up to reassure those remaining who haven't smelt the coffee, that it's ok, come back, implosion really is just around the next corner, honest! Desperate attempts to breath new life into the dead horse include: CVA non-payment, money laundering, the russian mafia, Spyker cars, Saab cars for Christs sake! Forthcoming gems laid squarely at Pompey's door will include mysteries such as Shergar, Lord Lucan, the Mary Celeste and the Bermuda Triangle. Get real, it aint gonna happen. We're financially the closest watched football club in the country, not by you, but by people who really ARE In The Know. If you still wanted to bleat about Pompey why not concentrate on the one stain that I will grant you is a disgrace- the still non-payment of sub £2500 small creditors. They've been saying for months that it will happen, but Chanrai clearly doesn't want to cough up and the new owners seem unwilling also. If Chanrai isn't going to, CSI should pay it in full right now. It's not big money to them. The rest is just rubbish, complete rubbish.......
  16. Zzzzzzzzzzzz...........dear oh dear, is life in Dubai really that boring that you have to try to re-heat the same old chestnuts over and over again?
  17. Mmmm, just like your ground is owed to hundreds of thousands of aviva policyholders....
  18. I wouldnt harp on about history if I were you, yours is shall we say, a little 'thin'...
  19. The scene: A computer shop. A man walks in with an open, switched on laptop. Man: I wish to register a complaint. Shopkeeper: I'm sorry sir we're closed for lunch. Man: Nevermind that my lad, I wish to register a complaint about this here thread that I subscribed to from this very boutique just over two years ago. Shopkeeper: Ah, you mean the Pompey Takeover saga? Er, whats wrong with it? Man: I'll tell you what's wrong with it my lad, It's dead- that's what's wrong with it. (Continue ad nauseum)
  20. Unbelievable. This thread has been dead for months..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......relax, don't worry, there WON'T be any points deductions. It's over. Get used to it.....
  21. It's a loan: "But it also states the amount owed in more than five years is £20.4m as a loan to be repaid to the shareholder – that is £12m on top of what Southampton Football Club Limited owes. Markus Liebherr was the only shareholder in DMWSL 613 Ltd before his death last August, with the company now in probate." Interestingly, in the same article is this little nugget of info: "Despite the appearance of hefty loans on the balance sheet, there was plenty of investment – and, lest we forget, the debt that Liebherr entirely wrote off for the club." So then, the debt is "written off", (a moot point) only for Liebherr himself to then rack new debts up immediately with himself as the creditor! 'Frying pan' and 'fire' are three words that come to mind....... http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/9100616.Good_news_for_Saints_amongst___7_7m_loss/
  22. No. Nothing will happen to the club.......
  23. Basic history lesson: Pompey win the FA cup May 17th 2008. World financial crisis begins: October 2008- five months LATER. Gaydamak had no problem at all financing the club until the Russian stock market trades he earned his commission money on started to tail off and then virtually stop in October. Standard bank then got nervous and called in the £30m loan hence beginning the downward spiral. And the reason our relative debt levels at the time of administration are so disproportionate is that you went under as a CCC club- you'd already been forced to downgrade the size of the business accordingly, hence the smaller debt at meltdown. Premiership clubs all run on a massively larger turnover. All the numbers are bigger including the debt if it all goes wrong, as happened to us. So to say we 'cheated our way to FA cup glory' is just plain wrong. As usual you're all just looking for an excuse to erase the scar of us winning the cup by claiming it was null and void. IT WASN'T, GET USED TO IT........ tip: Try to argue against the above point without adding words such as: cock, ****, ******, thick, arsehole, dickhead, tosser, and tired, tired phrases such as "This thick skate just does not get it". Holepuncture in particular has honed these terms of abuse to a fine point. Your argument is instantly devalued once you resort to plain old abuse. I assure you I do 'get it', I just happen to have a different opinion that's all....
  24. Yep, some fair points there. I agree that we let the situation get out of hand, and we pushed it to the limit to survive. The fact that no-one's been jailed (yet) and we haven't been closed down (yet), is maybe an indication that although we've pushed it ethically to the wire, we haven't done anything illegal. To be honest, I'm not proud of that unethical approach, and we're genuinely relieved that the club are paying back the small debtors, albeit too slowly I think. Overall, I think we just went into survival mode....
  25. No. Because of your twisted view of us (as highlighted above) you try to make it sound like your board were all jolly good chaps, nay pillars of the community doncha know, and golly gosh they were so unlucky to take the club into administration by spending £7m that-they-couldn't-actually-afford-to-spend. Ooops. That's the bottom line- you spent what little reserves you had left on a reckless gamble to get back up and when it failed, there was nothing left. It doesn't matter that it was only a 4k bill that took you over the edge. Barclays pulled the plug because you weren't a good bet anymore. You simply weren't generating the income to cover the bills. Banks don't take their clients down for no reason- it's not good publicity. You were insolvent, end of. If this attempt by most of you on here to grab the moral high ground was genuine dismay at profligate spending by football clubs, why isn't there a Birmingham city thread on this forum? What about a Plymouth Argyle thread? No, you'd rather all whip each other into a frenzy of outrage with a load of lies peddled as fact about Pompey. For example, the "they're not even servicing the CVA...." lie from the other week was an absolute classic....
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