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Everything posted by pfc123

  1. What you mean by 'great outlook on things' is benign.....
  2. Williams F1. Gift: Sadly not the team they once were...
  3. Lol....
  4. Hmmm, quite...
  5. lol !
  6. I suspect that after nearly 900 pages we ALL fall into the latter category, hmmm?
  7. Ah, the old 'Thousands were locked out of every home game' myth. Even if true, clubs building new grounds gain thousands of extra bums on seats due to better facilities and a general feel-good factor that a new ground generates....
  8. SFC Average league attendance 1994-2001: 2001 15.115 2000 15.132 1999 15.133 1998 15.159 1997 15.105 1996 14.822 1995 14.689 1994 14.764 You managed it! We're only 1500 off your last 'Skip' average attendance and you were in the top flight then! Pot & kettle yet again........
  9. Strategic food retail planning doesn't work like that. If the competition build new stores you don't just run up the white flag and retreat, especially if you're a big player like Tesco. You respond in kind. Additionally, Tesco's current presence on Portsea island is quite weak with a small, unexpandable store in Crasswell street and an even smaller worn out shop in Albert road. A new store at FP works strategically in that it will cater for people in Southsea, Milton, Fratton and Copnor. Anyone leaning towards Tesco In those areas at the moment probably doesn't bother with Crasswell street as it's a hike across town, doesn't give Albert road a second thought, and doesn't bother with Havant or Northarbour due to the distance....
  10. This can't be right surely? You were sooo unlucky to go into meltdown. Surely it wasn't as a result of reckless spending of money you didn't have was it? That sounds very familiar, where have I heard that phrase before? http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/untoldstories/4368324.Saints_run_on____faith_and_hope____three_years_ago Hmmm, this sounds familiar also- bringing in players you couldn't afford? Only Pompey do that sort of thing, yes? http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/untoldstories/4368386.Missing___15m_target_meant_Plan_B_failed/ And in the last year where figures are available, you're STILL living beyond your means and only getting away with it due to being propped up by a wealthy benefactors family. Hmmm, that sounds familiar too, eh? http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/8960967.Saints_reveal_accounts/ You ****ed up, so did we, just in different ways, and different amounts. No-one else is still bleating on about it apart from you hypocrites on here which says it all really....
  11. Well nevermind, that's capitalism for you! I suggest that if the system that allows this sort of investment and speculation is so offensive to you, you go and buy a tent and pitch up at St Pauls with everyone else who's bitter and twisted. You don't give a **** about how we won the cup, you just hate it that we did. The greenest of green eyed monsters the lot of you....
  12. He won't answer because he knows it will hole a large part of his 'Pompey are toast' argument below the waterline.
  13. I don't believe it! This gets better and better. Holepuncture you utter fool, you really are the gift that just keeps on giving! Another open net, he shoots, he scores! 2-0 to the skate. I just love this thread!
  14. Yeah. Whatever. Zzzzzz.....
  15. Thats right, keep digging. Once again, pot and kettle spring to mind. FFS
  16. Child-mailer....Child-mailer? This is some sort of new service being introduced by Royal Mail, yes? Ok, I get it. Yes, I can see it now: In fake American infomercial accent: "New from the Post office- Going on holiday? Want to save money on expensive air fares? Want more time alone with the wife? Got kids? If the answer is YES! to all of these, send your little darlings on holiday to Benidorm by post with: 'CHILD-MAILER!' With easy, youth size zip-up pouches, your offspring will be hermetically sealed in a survival cell that will enable them to withstand all the thrills and spills of Europe's finest mail services, arriving safely* at your holiday destination a week** into your holiday, and at half the cost of a budget airline ticket! SPEND! More time with the missus while the kids are extracted from a jammed sorting machine in Madrid! SAVE! Money, as the kids will be too sick for days to want to go on the latest gut-wrenching rollercoaster! FEEL PRIDE! Knowing you've given your kids an adventure they'll never forget- assuming they still remember anything after having a half a ton of newly printed Drachma's dumped on top of them at the Athens airport sorting office! CHILD-MAILER: almost approved by the NSPCC! *Safe arrival in Italy not guaranteed **two weeks if holidaying in Greece
  17. Sorry mate but that's a crap post, and follows the mistake most of you slip into on here when you read something you don't like- most of you just lash out with something inane or abusive. I'm amazed at Corp's patience actually. He obviously spends a lot of time researching his evidence. I don't know whether it's all accurate or not, as I don't have the time most days to verify it, but to keep bouncing back from one abusive post after another deserves at least a nod of respect. Maybe that's asking too much though on here?
  18. Yes, I wonder what Aviva pension holders would say to that, hmmm? Yet more pot calling the kettle black methinks....
  19. Oh dear, a little confused on our dates aren't we? Pompey won the cup in April 1939. War didn't break out until September. Do try to keep up wont you?
  20. Lol! A long winded ramble quoting the desperately weak stat about having more derby wins than us, followed by the statement that we don't have "...much left to hold onto." If ever there was a case of the pot calling the kettle black! As for earlier similarly desperate attempts to run down our list of honours, since when has 3 years been ancient history? You've been dining out on your single major trophy for 35 years! Once again, the words 'pot' and 'kettle' spring to mind....
  21. This just gets better- that such a tiny, tiny club compared to your gargantuan selves STILL utterly thrashes you on titles and trophies actually won....
  22. Mmmmm, touched a nerve there methinks. Fact is you have underachieved for 126 years and that's the bottom line. The fact that we wipe the floor with you on honours just rubs salt into the wound, yes? And as for all the bleating about 'bent pompey' that has characterised this entire thread, we couldnt give a flying ****. If 1 % of the lies, half truths and pure fantasy peddled about us on here was true we'd have been dead and buried long ago. Were not because 99% of what you lot write about us is bull****....
  23. No, to be fair no evidence at all, just a hunch. But one I'd put my house on- were turning things around and were going to be ok....
  24. Ok, on that basis it's about time you stopped going on about the offside-winner-but-stevie-wonder-was-the-linesman '76 cup win, yes? As you lot always, always used to say on forum post after forum post about our top flight titles, 'ancient history'....
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