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Everything posted by pfc123

  1. Agreed...
  2. Yes it mattered to the football league in your case because: 'The club and SLH were found to be inextricably linked.' You tried to cheat by claiming that they were separate entities. Leon Crouch admitted on Radio 5 that SLH was set up for the sole purpose of avoiding administration. And what was so called 'parent company' SLH's website address again? Oh yes, it was: saintsfc.co.uk. Noooooo! And the company address? Why, it was: St Mary's Stadium, Britannia Road, Southampton SO14 5FP. Noooooo! And you call US cheats!
  3. Ok, I'll bite- how is your league record better than having won the top flight twice, the second flight once and the third flight three times? Or are you talking about the 'making up the numbers' school of honours?
  4. Wow, nice guy!
  5. ‘The league will now continue discussions with the club regarding the administration of its parent company and update the Board at its next meeting.’ Crucial phrase the League's spokesman uses there is 'parent company'. Looks like we're not going to be hit by them for CSI's administration which at least buys time...
  6. An hour and 34 minutes.....
  7. Yes, I do. We're not an Everton although there are some similarities in that they're probably the last club in the PL with a worn out ground that needs renewing, hence the difficulty in selling the business I believe. Ours is a harder sell as we're out of the PL. It won't be easy, I admit that.....
  8. I actually agree with almost all of that. I think it's correct to state that history is pretty much all we've got. Whether that's going to be enough, I don't know, but it helps. The support question is like most clubs cyclic- when we hit the depths of div 4 circa 77-78 things almost couldn't have been worse. When Frank Burrows came in and finally started to turn things around the crowds came back in big numbers- way, way bigger than anyone else Div 4 was getting. Admittedly, now the crowds are on the way down. Some won't come back until we're back in the PL. Others want a new stadium or toilets that are cleaned once a season, whether they need it or not "Your only chance is a massively rich Pompey fanatic - are there any out there?" Dunno. Hope so.....
  9. Because Standard bank of South Africa called in a loan that Gaydamak couldn't repay, mainly due to the crash severely reducing his income from commission on stock market trades....
  10. No. read it again- 'In the summer, Ben Haim compromised on his £38,000-a-week wages, which were negotiated while Portsmouth were in the Premier League'.
  11. SFC only major trophy: F.A. Cup 1976 Forest's last major trophy: League Cup 1990 Dirty Leeds last major trophy: First Division champions 1991-92 Pompey's last major trophy: F.A. Cup 2008 Who's living in the past?
  12. Not madness at all. What you all conveniently choose to forget is the history that goes with the club. Four major honours, the last only three years ago, a passionate fanbase and bags of potential if anyone's brave enough to tackle the ground and the debt issues. Not an easy business to sell and turn around I grant you, but the clubs history will help....
  13. The problem with the above is that you want us to admit that winning the cup was 'cheating' because it will make you feel better, and that it will somehow expunge the whole nightmare for you. The reality is that we were trading solvently with Gaydamaks backing up until the crash of October 2008. We won the cup in May, five months earlier. WE-WERE-NOT-CHEATING. Nothing any of you can say alters that fact, and the fact that our name will be for ever more on there as winners in 2008. GET USED TO IT. Cue yet more immature 'Thick skate' abuse.....
  14. So then, no-one going to start bleating that it's a conspiracy that we've drawn a nice fat payday in our latest hour of need? No? I'm faintly disappointed. Could be a live one too for even more cash
  15. :lol: Oh, the absolute irony
  16. I agree- maybe if you re-read the post you'd see who accuses who first. Step forward rallyboy. Touché...?
  17. Yes that's right were skates so we must be thick ha ha. I used to have a boss who had the same attitude as a lot of you on here. We used to be in meetings where he'd try to put a point across and if anyone didn't agree with it he'd say, "Well you're just thick aren't you?" What was so funny was the fact that he never once realised how he immediately lost the argument as soon as he resorted to abuse...
  18. Funny how mental illness works isn't it? I mean the whole football world knows what a passionate bunch we are. Even Ronaldhino said the atmosphere was the best he'd ever known after the AC Milan game at FP. Thierry henry was another who marvelled at the atmosphere. Mark lawrenson during the commentary of that 5-1 stuffing by Arsenal said he'd never heard a home team singing an opponents name in praise at his sheer class before. But no, all of football, the press and other teams fans are wrong and you are right arent you? The fact is that no-one EVER talks about you lot in the same terms and it eats you up doesn't it? THATS mental illness for you. The greenest of green envy....
  19. I think that perhaps it might be time for you all to drop the spelling thing, yes? It was a lovely idea, but it's not really turning out the way you hoped is it? I mean carry on digging if you like, I don't mind....
  20. The tone changes with events doesn't it? As I said earlier we'll probably be ok, but nothings certain other than the hunch I've always had. Wishful thinking? Yeah, probably. As to not giving a stuff about "getting away with it", sometimes you do feel like that when you get pushed into a corner- belligerence sometimes takes over. The one thing I'll give you is that this thread has been given a new lease of life. Just hold back a little on the crowing, eh? Were not quite dead yet you know....
  21. I think a fans consortium or an enthusiastic but not necessarily megabucks individual is the best we can hope for really. If the worst comes to the worst we'll survive in some reduced form or another, and gradually work our way back up. It's too big a club to just be left to die. We'll be ok...
  22. Ok, to clarify, if were soon going to be on the Market again as part of some sort of Lithuanian government asset recovery sale, we just want someone straight to come in. If it means an owner with no real money to spend on ground and the team so be it- were just sick of being pawns in someone else's game of monopoly- and right now it feels like we've landed on Mayfair with a hotel on it and it's not ours...
  23. Someone on one of our boards yesterday posted that he's so sick of lurching from one disaster to another he'd take demotion to the Conference or lower just to wipe the slate clean and start afresh. Difficult to disagree with him. Like I've said all along, the club itself will probably be ok, but if it isn't there are plenty of us who right now would almost welcome implosion followed by renewal. F*ck it, if AFC Wimbledon can come back from the dead, anyone can....
  24. This thread still g.... No, I'll get me coat......
  25. Ahhh, proper comedy gold. "Cheer up Bwian, some fings in life make yer mad....."
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