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Everything posted by pfc123

  1. So then, what have I missed in the past few weeks? INCOMING!!! :smt030
  2. Dunno. The only crumb of comfort re FP is the city council planning commitee have a 'Leisure use only' clause on that land which presumably would make it difficult for a property developer to put houses on it. Really have no idea now what's going to happen now. Nothing would surprise me anymore.......
  3. Might not be a good idea- I'd probably walk away from him and then five minutes later suddenly think "Where's my wallet gone?"
  4. Well, it IS a great story for everyone except you lot on here. Journo's may be lazy at times and are usually failed-at-something-so-will-write-about-instead types, but amongst all the wreckage we've seen so far and with god knows how much more to come, Wembley is going be a bit special win or lose. Knowing our luck we WILL be wound up beforehand, but hey ho, it wouldn't be Pompey if there wasn't another disaster waiting just around the corner. Anyway, have a read, you'll like this one. Incoming!!! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/portsmouth/7386963/Henry-Winter-FA-Cup-victory-shows-Avram-Grant-is-restoring-pride-at-Portsmouth.html
  5. Ah, so. Me and the wife are going there next year on some free flights we got from Virgin. Just started looking at other costs, hotels, transport etc. Any tips you could give us?
  6. Yep, fair play. But the last line still applies to most of you on this thread who are aching to see us go pop permanently and disappear. It won't happen. Sorry...
  7. What do you expect after all the vitriol and hate dished out to us on here? I stumbled across this forum originally and only got involved because I started reading a few posts, and felt that even though it's your board some of the outright lies peddled on here as fact about Pompey needed answering. I've got plenty of other things I can do with my time. I don't often bite back in a nasty way on here, but today is just one occasion when 400 odd pages of glee needed a few sharp answers. You took my money when I registered. If I'm really that far off beam, withdraw my membership.....
  8. Sorry, I didn't realise it's still Wednesday in Dubai...
  9. Funny that- they never said that about your lot last year did they? For someone who is supposed to be not in the first flush of youth you do have a selective memory. That cesspit known as the dell barely held 15,000 in all seater form and yet you go on as if you've been paying in the Bernebau for the last 50 years. No one cares that you might get good crowds in a newish stadium- you're a third division club, end of...... Do you know what? We're going to come out of this mess a lot less damaged than you all think. Still, after todays final nail in the coffin for making the payoffs, I suppose all you've got left is to have a go at us. Even that's not working out at the moment is it? Dear oh dear keep up- that was broadcast three days ago..... There's a classic line from the film 'Wargames' that sums up what it's like for us at the moment: Colonel Joe Conley: This is Crystal Palace. Are you still on? Is anyone there? Colonel Chase: That's affirmative, sir. Airman Dougherty: Yeah, we're here! Jesus H. Christ! We're still here! We're still here, and we'll continue to still be here whether you like or not......
  10. Funny you should say that.....
  11. As will the fans of both clubs. Wemberlee, Wemberlee, we're the famous Portsmouth FC and we're going to Wemberlee....!!!!!!
  12. You don't give a toss about local businesses, especially if they're from Pompey. It's obvious from your posts that you're just ****ed off that we appear to have found a way of avoiding being wound up......
  13. Correct. Probably. It seems on the surface that all Chanrai has to do now is keep paying the current PAYE & VAT to make sure that the debt owed to them stays below 25% of the total, and the revenue can stamp their feet as much as they like
  14. I'll take the Southsea common 'dog turds for goalposts' option please. It's cheaper
  15. To be honest I wasn't sure whether I wanted us to win or not that day.....
  16. Actually, under MM we were running at 70% of wages to turnover, which was about 10% over the top of what was comfortable, but still sustainable. We got up from the £5m sale of Crouch to Villa and the collapse of ITV Digital. I think overall that MM took around £12m profit from the sale to Gaydamak...
  17. Yeah, seven years of quality Premiership football, stuffing you 4-1 at Fratton, laying down and dying at West Brom on the last day to help send you down, three Wembley appearances with an F.A cup win in the middle, a fantastically enjoyable if brief european tour, holding AC Milan to a draw at FP, having enough of a team left to stuff you again 4-1 on your own patch. Jeez, even winning the Asia cup was a gas! Lots of pain yet to come maybe, but definitely, definitely not a case of nothing to show for it......
  18. Nope, but under MM we spent to the limit and no more. As soon as Gaydamak came in the sky was the limit. Fantastic at the time and would still be if only the money hadn't stopped flowing. I've said all along that you lot did it the right way i.e. spent money you didn't have on a ground that wouldn't be knocked down, wheras we spent money we didn't have on players and wages. At least you got a new ground out of it. Wonderful thing, hindsight........
  19. Yep. Hate to say it but you're almost certainly right. It wouldn't make a lot of sense. Admin followed by another MM our best option now.......
  20. Nevermind that, are any of them available on a free?
  21. Private Baldrick: I have a plan, sir. Captain Blackadder: Really Baldrick? A cunning and subtle one? Private Baldrick: Yes, sir. Captain Blackadder: As cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University? Private Baldrick: Yes, sir. [another call: "On the signal, Company will advance"] Captain Blackadder: Well, I'm afraid it's too late. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was better than my plan to get out of here by pretending to be mad. I mean, who would have noticed another madman round here? Could have been written for Pompey.........
  22. Rubbish. The majority of you lot on here were slating the Football League for imposing your 10 point penalty, and bleating on about how SHL and SFC were two separate companies for weeks after everyone else had realised that the game was up, and that they were clearly one and the same entity. Jeez, even SHL's official website just happend to be 'saintsfc.co.uk' for christs sake, yet oh no, the FL were out to get you big time. Also, at least half of posters on here were shatting themselves over administration right up until it became clear that it was by far your best option to get new owners to start sniffing around. Yet now you tell it like you all knew from day one it was the best thing that could happen, so bring it on! Buuuull****! Now you slate the couple of our fans (and it was only two) who lash out at the PL, one of whom has obviously lost a shedload of money. Who wouldn't lash out in circumstances like that? I agree that Claridge has it pretty much spot on in that what we were doing was only sustainable until Gaydamak pulled the plug, and yes the infrastructure is almost non-existant at Pompey, which makes it a much harder sell than West Ham or Newcastle. There are a few of you on here who are genuinely interested in the game and a bit of light banter. Sadly, many of you seem to live in some bitter and twisted little fantasyland where everyone within the SO postcode has a masters degree and matching Tefal-head, and anyone wearing the star and crescent is some sort of care in the community windowlicker. Say what you like on your own board I suppose, but some of you really should grow up. Cue loads of puerile abuse......
  23. I suspect that the £1.8M will be the total wage bill for ALL staff including, office, groundstaff, stewards, caterers, PS and directors, Avram (IF they're actually paying him). Those we've signed in the last year will almost certainly be on less than 10k a week. In a way, the fact that we've had to sell virtually the whole first team already should take the 'shock' factor out of the equation if indeed we do go down. If most of the decent players have already departed it might mean there will be less chance of going straight through the CCC into L1, even though there will still be some loanee's to go back. Having said that we could be in the Hampshire league if it all goes tits up
  24. Do you know what? We'll be just fine, believe me....
  25. Or, to quote a Frattonise front page we did once "They're pining for the fjunds..."
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