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Everything posted by pfc123

  1. As if any of you lot know what's coming in and going out of PFC's accounts! You take a made up list of guessed at wages, then you add another guessed at list of costs and surprise surprise, you all conclude that we're about to go pop in a big way and it's just around the corner. Well, keep dreaming. We are not being liquidated. We are not having any points deducted. Get used to it....
  2. £16m in parachute payments in reserve old chum. So, even if we've burned up the first years worth early, we STILL have enough to get by. Thats what you call a reserve AND contingency. We'll be just fine....
  3. Yep, we don't pay any of the little people do we? That's why anyone owed up to 5k is being paid in full under the terms of the CVA. Oh, and it's St John Ambulance, not "St Johns." Sorry, I'm an ex member so that one does grate when people get it wrong.... Well if that's the case it will either go on debt repayment or day to day running costs- either way we'll still get the benefit of that money.... They're not my calculations- they're spyinthesky's, one of your own! I haven't even mentioned the income from merchandising. On shirts alone we'll probably sell at least 10,000 replica shirts a year at 40 quid a pop- £400,000. Then there's all the other items we sell. I'd be surprised if we're not turning over 8-900k and making 500k profit on that lot. Sure we've got the usual electric/business rates/water/gas/legal/transport/hotel/catering bills to pay, but it wouldn't be unreasonable that the original 300k total figure was about right. Mind you there are some glaring errors in the players wage list- Utaka is not on 38k, he's on 26 (still painful for the return he gives) so there's 12k the bill is lighter straightaway. And how on earth can the model be unsustainable? We have £48m coming in to pay off what's been agreed in the CVA which is what, £32m? Leaves £16m left to help pay the day to day running costs.... I do agree with you there re revenues. I think the only problem we're going to have now is one of short term cashflow, i.e. making sure the account doesn't run dry before the next tranche of SKY/BBC money and Prem league parachute payments are due. Hopefully, now we're safe, we can get on an even keel and pay our way again.... See answer above- short term cashflow problem, nothing more. Think the frustration is starting to show in the rest of your post mate. At the end of the day (apart from it getting dark) 95% of the posts on this thread are driven by a hatred of Pompey, nothing more. If this was happening to say, Huddersfield, or Ipswich, you wouldn't give a flying **** about "all the little people" and "poor Terry the builder." You're all just ****ed off because we've been a bit more clever about getting out of a hole than you were....
  4. Key word here is "apparent". The wages figures you suggest above are probably about right. However, you completely forget about the BBC/SKY tv money that all Championship teams receive, currently £3.5m per club per annum. Also, you conveniently forget about the income from the Carling cup games we had at home and potential income from home or away games in the F.A. cup and associated tv money and gate receipts that go with that. Lets say we got £500,000 from that. Might be less, might be a lot more, who knows? Then lets look at this 300k per week wage bill. If it wasn't that high, say 250k per week? that would bring the figure down to 13m per annum. Lets meet half way on attendances- lets say we don't make 19k but we do better than 15k, say 17? At 17k the income @ £20 would be £7.82m. Add the tv money + £3.5m + £0.5m cup money = £11.82m WITHOUT touching the parachute money of £12m that we've got for the next four years. If the outgoings are £13m and the income is £11.82m we aren't far short at all are we? £1.18m. So, even if ALL the parachute money is ringfenced towards the CVA, the picture is probably nowhere near as bleak as you'd all love it to be....
  5. Ok, suit yourselves. Keep this one going if you like but you're only prolonging the agony for yourselves, because as I've said all along, we're going to be fine. And posts like the one above are now just brilliant. So how do we feel right now after all the abuse heaped upon us in the last 18 months or so? How I feel comes in at precisely 1 minute and 30 seconds of this clip. You lot even get a mention at one point, so there's something for everyone to enjoy! http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrY17cyWzVs
  6. So then, time to close this one down? Face it, it's over...
  7. You answer your own questions with your final line mate. For everyone else it's such an old story it's not just tomorrows chip paper, it's yesterday's. No-one else cares outside of a few fans from clubs who perceive they got a raw deal when they went into administration, and those on here who hate us because we're your local rivals. All the mock outrage in the world will never disguise that fact...
  8. Not really. It's your inability to see the bigger picture that marks you out as the underachiever. The fact is that Millwall away in midweek is not a big draw for us- it obviously is for you. The club know this hence only took up 1000 tickets as they're not on a sale or return basis. Seems a logical, dare I say it prudent use of common sense. Or would you prefer we lose money on the deal thus raping further the poor and the blind and all those afflicted by leprosy that we've condemned to an early death by our nasty, evil cheating ways? Cue Vincent Price type echoing laughter....
  9. Yes we did...
  10. Yep, admittedly the additional sky money would get the debt down much quicker, so fair point...
  11. We didn't play them "last year". We haven't played them in the league for at least 8 years. The limit allowed by Millwall was 1000 + an unofficial 170 who turned up without tickets and were allowed in on the night. And yes they were all top, top fans as the noise they made was constant and loud. Read the press reports if you don't believe me...
  12. We only need to get back up within the next three years. Even if we came straight back down we'd keep the parachute money coming in for another four. As you found yourselves it's mighty tough to keep a challenge going once that parachute cash ceases....
  13. Look it's very good of you to be so concerned but really, we'll be fine. Thanks for the concern though, it's really heartening On a more serious note, went up to Millwall last night but had to sit in with the home fans in the upper West stand as our allocation was full. They were allright actually, apart from absolutely slating their players every time they lost the ball or generally messed up a move- quite a shock to hear abuse like that directed at their own players. Can't possibly help them. Hardest thing though was trying to keep quiet when we got the penalty and sitting still when it went in. Have to say the noise our end made throughout was mighty impressive though
  14. It's an agenda item at the regular FL board meeting. Don't know how often they meet- assume bi-monthly or quarterly? We apparently tried to get it dealt with one way or the other before the TW closes, but either they said no, or we didn't try very hard to save Chanrai some cash?
  15. Half hearted? He can't complete a takeover until the FL gives it's approval at a meeting on 9th September.....
  16. Out of admin around 15th September apparently. Not going to be easy to keep our heads above water on the pitch without new faces, so January could be pivotal. Looks like we're doing ok cash wise also now which is encouraging.... http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/frattonlatest/Pompey-39to-exit-administration-on.6483025.jp
  17. Well, my and most Pompey fans attitude is largely driven by a backs to the wall siege mentality that's built up over the last 18 months. We've gone from Premiership top ten to Championship basket case in a very, very short time and it's been pretty painful. Because of that attitudes have hardened. We're fortunate to still be in business, so frankly anything else is a bonus- that's why most of us are fairly buoyant at the moment. I'm not suggesting that it's morally right, but after what we've seen crumble in front of us, the fact that there's still something left amongst the rubble to still get behind, is cause enough for celebration for most of us. As you've gone through a similar, or even worse scenario to ours over the last five years, surely you can at least understand, if not agree, with the above attitude?
  18. Oh, it's merely pity is it? Sorry, 32583 posts and over a million views would suggest otherwise....
  19. I'll say it again: No-one outside the SO postcode cares. They really don't. Anecdotal evidence such as "Well, the XYZ FC fans I spoke to at the weekend are outraged at cheating, lying Pompey," probably only ventured a supportive, anti Pompey opinion after it was raised and ranted on about by one of your good selves! Within five minutes of the conversation ending it's tomorrow's chip paper again. It's happened to too many clubs up and down the country to have the mass shock/horror/outrage effect you'd like to think every football fan is feeling about nasty old Pompey... You're all only bitter and twisted about it because our badly run club was better at damage limitation than your badly run club. All the bleating and woe-is-me gnashing of teeth on behalf of poor 'Terry the builder' and his like doesn't disguise the fact that all the mock outrage is purely driven by hatred of us, your nearest rivals....
  20. Relax. We'll be just fine
  21. Don't think it's anything devious. Looks like they're hoping to make a profit on him if he has a good season with AC.......
  22. Kerching!! Right, so that's another hurdle safely negotiated. Year one CVA commitment already achieved. Next hurdle is to officially come out of administration, hopefully before the window shuts if we can negotiate it with the league. If not, being realistic, it might be a struggle to stay in the Championship. Still, at least we're starting to pay our way I suppose....
  23. I don't care either way, and neither does anyone else outside the SO postcode so bleat all you like about it, no-one else is listening. We're out of the woods, on the road to recovery and we won't be docked any points so I'm well happy with that.......
  24. So what? You picked up 10k+ as soon as you opened the doors on the new ground. It's a pointless argument that won't ever be resolved until we have similar grounds and we're in the same division. Until then, it's all hot air either way...
  25. Yeah righto, Reading brought down 7500. Yep. Absolutely. Spot on.
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