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  1. I've heard the stories of planes being thrown off the back of carriers. I suppose at the time no-one realised that 70 years later we'd still being dining out on the story of ww2. No-one thought that old spitfires and sea furies and the like would be of any interest for future generations. It reminds me of the story of Peter Cook trying to buy the tapes of 'Not only buy also' from the beeb during the 70's once he knew they were going wipe them. He could see that there would be a massive market in nostalgia in years to come, but the beeb didn't want to know and wiped the bloody lot. Criminal, absolutely criminal....
  2. Not sure we'll be seeing that anytime soon from Burmese Spits. 67 years of monsoon climate won't have done the airframes any good unless the crates have remained watertight. Can't see that sadly, but some of the engine blocks might have survived...
  3. Oops. Too late... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/world-war-two/9228910/Its-Spitfires-at-dawn-in-Burma.html
  4. It's got 'Time Team two hour special' written all over it. Just hope it doesn't descend into an unseemly bunfight between rival recovery groups
  5. Yes that's right, over 1200 pages because you're all soooo outraged about the plight of local Portsmouth people and the rest. Buuuuull****. You don't give a flying **** about local Pompey people. This thread is ENTIRELY about jealousy and bitterness towards your biggest rivals. ENTIRELY. If you really believe that load of cock above, you should be worried- you're losing your grip on reality....
  6. We apologise for the fault in the CVA. Those responsible have been sacked. ......... We apologise again for the fault in the CVA. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked. ......... The directors of the firm hired to continue the CVA after the other people had been sacked, wish it to be known that they have just been sacked. The CVA will be completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.....
  7. Indeed, just like the derby game at SMS where FOUR of yours were arrested to ONE of ours. 4-1. Again.
  8. No. I did not use the phrase 'free transfer' From the original post: If his contract is cancelled by mutual consent, rather than the player being given a free transfer, the player walks away with nothing. The player then becomes a free agent. The key phrase is 'mutual consent' i.e. he agrees to go. To be fair, he might agree to go if he's paid a percentange of the outstanding amount on his contract, sometimes described as a 'loyalty bonus', but usually a player leaving by 'mutual consent' is walking away with nothing...
  9. Er, no actually: So Phil, wrong once again. This is basic stuff FFS. And I'M the one that's supposed to be thick?
  10. Well, for a start what about the charming reception our buses got on their way out of your place after the derby game? The '80 year old toothless granny spitting vile abuse' and the dog walker 'sliding to a halt (in one his own dogs turds by the sound of it ) to stick two fingers up a the passing Pompey fans'? Not very Mensa is it? You're just as bad as us.
  11. Where do you get a price tag of £2m? He will sign for another club as a free agent once his contract is cancelled. Believe me, we'll be well happy to see him go on a free....
  12. So then: "More 'lies' about Pompey's support. This time from Derby and Doncaster. Funny how these 'lies' just keep coming don't they?" is met with the response: "Enjoy Yeovil you cu nt." Well ok, call me Mr Picky, but that response doesn't seem to tie in terribly well with the idea that: 'To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction'. Still, it's a start. Now, especially for 'view from the top', here's a few tips: next time you feel the need to respond to a post on here, try to think of something that adds to the debate, and if you need to make a counterpoint, try to formulate your argument into a series of words (it's called a sentence) that really describe your point well! Then, if you really, really can't resist, simply add "you cu nt" at the end. Unfortunately, you'll lose a fair amount of impact with that last bit, but keep plugging away, you'll get the hang of it in no time at all!
  13. Mmmm, classy...
  14. More 'lies' about Pompey's support. This time from Derby and Doncaster. Funny how these 'lies' just keep coming don't they? http://www.portsmouthfc.co.uk/LatestNews/news/Derby-Praise-Pompey-Fans-3376.aspx
  15. If they hadn't tried to go to port on sighting the iceberg, the ship would almost certainly survived. Even at 21 knots a head on collision would have taken out maybe 20-30 feet of the bow, but she would have survived the impact. Going to port sent her down. Easy to say with hindsight I suppose.....
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