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Everything posted by SET

  1. Millwall centre mid called Boulder How can someone so **** pull a full time footballers wage
  2. SET

    7am official site

    Sorry am using phone and missed the otr thread
  3. The official site will supposedly have some big news on it tomorrow morning.
  4. SET


    Drums just remind me of those morons at sheff wednesday. clackers were bad enough when we were kids, but drums should never be accepted.
  5. SET


    No no no no no no no and no Drums are for small time morons who can;t make an atmosphere themselves, its second only in the ****ish stakes to music after goals.
  6. Get on vodafone then, i have a perfect 3g signal at sms:D was using it on my blakberry storm during the relegation battle, to have sky sports news on and keep up with the other games.
  7. SET

    Ajax vid

    quality is very good. i'll guess at the samsung hd
  8. SET


    No C&P needed was just a tread started that said pompy to go into admin tomorrow. seems though it was ****** :mad:
  9. SET


    Nosey aint ya.
  10. SET


    it was red issue, feel free to sign up for an account http://www.forums.redissue.co.uk/showthread.php?t=210686
  11. SET


    It was posted yesterday on a MUFC forum suggesting admin for them today. hopefully its true
  12. SET


    picked it up from another forum so it is hear say until something concrete comes out.
  13. SET


    Internet rumour suggests admin in the offing today for them
  14. SET


    At SMS today, absolute gentleman, was signing kids shirts and shaking hands with the fans.
  15. SET


    Surprised you can show your face round here when your bids delaying almost put the very existence of the club in doubt.
  16. Very Happy with that appointment
  17. I'm thinking there will plenty of kids having Swiss Flags on their cheeks
  18. Me, The Wife & 2yr old daughter
  19. SET

    so the ajax game.

    Thanks TS Been a rough day, need Saturday to come round quick and hopefully get back to some sort of normality. Again sorry about first post, think i just needed something to bleat about earlier and just happened to be reading the Cheltenham match report at the time.
  20. SET

    so the ajax game.

    Scrap first post just feeling despondant today, we buried gramps earlier
  21. Anyone else thinking they won't be bothering using their complementary tickets. Its going to be an embarrassment. We need manager and players signed up before this weekend if we are to have any sort of chance in the first couple months to clear the -10
  22. Rasiak is a spent force, whose career is in terminal decline.
  23. new manager needs to be in place on Monday and players signed before end of july. right now its looking like we need 10 new players
  24. Notgot my season ticket yet. If tony Adams gets the job I won't be getting one at all.
  25. i want a ticket in the Northam, a renewer gets it £54 cheaper than the centres. a first time purchaser only gets it £9 cheaper than the centres. :confused::mad:
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