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September Saint

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Everything posted by September Saint

  1. I am certainly in a minority but are not the only one You obviously haven't read all the posts on this thread The teams I dislike most are the ones who viciously attack our fans - like Cardiff btw The word is definitely deffinately is probably a type of coffee for dyslexics.
  2. It's a desolate athletics track
  3. Man U away They play us off the field We are given a dubious penalty (and score) They are not given a deserved penalty We go on to win the cup agaist a lower division side Remind you of any cup game from last season???
  4. Wetherspoons normally open around 9am (even on Sunday)
  5. Indeed it would! Unfortunately, it would also be so unlikely.
  6. Exactly Lets wait for a few more results before hailing Lowe as the new Messiah
  7. Give it a rest (or are you TFLS in disguise)
  8. A good result against Brum should inspire a few extra to come..... ....but it is on Sky
  9. What odds Pompey, Saints and Bournemouth all getting relegated this season?
  10. Agreed Rivalry, especially local, is part of what makes football Unfortunately we seem to have rather a lot of juvenile and/or embittered fans posting at the moment who don't know where to stop. I'm sure I'm not the only Saints fan who (grudgingly) hopes Pompey beats Man U and the others of the Big 4. As for Derby, haven't they suffered enough for their sins?
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