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jeff leopard

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Everything posted by jeff leopard

  1. yes it does. do you leave the cinema a few minutes before the film ends so you can beat the traffic? i listened to the game on the radio and by the end the burnley fans were out-singing the man city fans (like the carlisle fans did with us for the last twenty minutes of the JPT). my favourite song was 'you were six nil up and you phucked it up' massive respect to all the burnley fans that stayed.
  2. There's also a brilliant Nick Broomfield documentary on the matter http://www.nickbroomfield.com/theleader.html He's got a similar style to Theroux and, metaphorically speaking, tore Eugene Terreblanche to shreds. And like everyone else on here, death is bad (m'kay) but his brutal murder was hilariously fitting. it'll play havoc with the pitches over the summer.
  3. Damned United Great acting, very nicely shot and even the football games are recreated quite well, but (cue wholly predictable comment) its not a patch on the book. if they had done it as the very dark fairy tale (as in Peace's novel) it would have needed a Lynch, Scorsese or Von Trier to do it justice. The best sports film imo is still This Sporting Life with Richard Harris (and i really hate rugby). The Incredible Shrinking Man Classic 50s sci-fi which now has some social attitudes and special effects which will raise a titter or two. It's still very impressive though, and the ending is an absolute knock-out; tragic, terrifying and uplifting all at once.
  4. i listened to the teenage fanclub best of and, shame upon me, i forgot just how amazing they are. it also reminded me that Everything Flows is one of my favourite tracks ever.
  5. cheers ribbo, backatcha i got me a solid coach last season, and after a slow but steady start i really felt the benifits. i need to win my last game to go up to league 5 and its against the bottom placed bot-team, so it would take a disaster not to get there. my most exciting recent development was promoting my first youngster since taking over the running of the youth team, he played 20 mins at the end of a reserve match and finished with three stars. next season i'm going to focus on training up my midfielders and by the end of that he could be a 5 star player, at the age of 18. its very exciting and i've sbeen celebrating with a series of wardrobe-strangle-w@nks
  6. no great surprise on the winner - lib dems 68%, surprised that labour come in at 67% as I can't ever see myself voting for them again.
  7. Some very funny things for you… http://www.theonion.com/video/scientists-successfully-teach-gorilla-it-will-die,17165/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7ehztRDhZc
  8. Cheers guys, both are awesome. Best thread ever!
  9. Not if there's a hung parliament [-o
  10. 70s rock at its best A certain Johnny Cash video that reduces me to floods of tears
  11. I suppose if a film costs $100 million and stars Will Smith you know its going to get pretty sickly by the end, that's why lots of filmmakers will only do films which cost arond $20 million, they can take lots more risks and not have to tie everything neatly in a bow at the end. SPOLIER FOR I AM LEGEND * * * * * IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE LAME-ARSED ENDING, LOOKAWAY NOW * * * * Apparently there are two endings for the film, one left-wing tree-hugging do-gooder love-in where the main zombie and will smith make their peace, get hitched in a civil partnership and adopt a coloured baby. And the one they used, where Will Smith kills all the evil terrorists, i mean zombies, cos the only good illegal immigrant, i mean zombie, is a good one. USA! USA! USA! BOMB IRAN! BOMB-BOMB IRAN!
  12. CHAMPIONS!!!!! \\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/ The second place team lost, confirming that the sinistry of mound are champions again. Still on course for finishing with 100% record, which is good because this league has got too easy. Fingers crossed, next season will be all about league 5 and wondering where the hell the goals, let alone the points, are going to come from. [-o
  13. it said i was 39 and i'm not, ha! i will be in two days though
  14. I Am Legend Those fools, those nerdy boffins playing god, creating unnatural things in labs which they naively think will make life better. It spreads like a virus and by the time people notice that something is very wrong, its way too late, its everywhere, no one is untouched by the horror they call....CGI!!!!:smt103 For all the good things in I Am Legend, are there are a few, the cgi drags everything down with it. A cgi car speeds through cgi streets hitting rubbish cgi monsters, cgi explosions send cgi flames across a cgi sky, is anything real? is will smith real? Give me the extra's in unconvincing masks any day or lizards dressed up to look like dinosaurs, but please just quite it with this sh1t cgi. Yes, the story goes off the rails in the second half of the film, but end of the world films usually do. Yes it force feeds you Christianity in the same way prison guards used to force feed hunger strikers (ie with a big stick) but least we forget, those puritans were originally british so we should share some of the blame. And yes, its basically a mega-budget 28 Days Later with Will Smith playing the saviour of all mankind, but for all its early promise, the last half hour is so sugar coated, the film should come with some kind of health warning :vom: And its vision of a new Eden at the end of the film made me want to gauge my eyes out and replace them with burning coals. 4/10
  15. I watched the 80s tv series recently and it's great, although it gets a bit silly at the end and the eric clapton soundtrack gets a bit annoying. The recent film version is meant to be utter bobbins though. In my mind, Mel Gibson died just after making Mad Max 2 and didn’t get to disgrace himself with his lumbering, british-hating, history-raping, one-dimensional piece of sh1t movies. (I’m not a fan and probably the last person who should comment on this thread). He's right about the Jewish conspiracy though.
  16. And it was freezing cold, and the train timetable was as reliable as our defence and I’d just stopped smoking. Happy days. I hate Ipswich as I had a prize khunt of a boss once who was a big fan. Beating them in the cup was bliss And I hate Everton, tedious football, smug gob-sh1te fans.
  17. Its been a long time since i watched this, i'll have to give it another go soon. Roger Avery wrote the story for two of the three sections and then went on to direct two brilliant films, Killing Zoe and Rules of Attraction. Then he was done for drink driving/manslaughter charges and my estimation of him dropped considerably He's just been released after his jail tweets became something of a sensation, it will be interesting to see what he does next.
  18. The irony of this whole situation is that the independent drug advisers who were sacked by the home secretary (or resigned in protest) after they gave independent advice on cannabis were leading experts on legal highs and had a good handle on Mephedrone and what could be done to counter it. The replacement ‘yes men’ have no experience at all and realistically won’t be able to do anything meaningful until much later in the year (or possibly next year).
  19. It wasn’t very nice, and Saint Boggy is absolutely right, too many interesting threads are ruined by people rehashing the same old tired arguments. Anything vaguely political descends into Blair vs Thatcher by about post 5 or 6, anything planet or climate related soon turns into an all too predictable climate change debate. I admit that I can be as bad as anyone else for this, it is pathetic and ruining the lounge and muppet show forums. Unless all we want the Saints Web forum to be is somewhere you can argue the toss with other knee-jerk no-lives, with absolutely no resolution whatsoever.
  20. Interesting image, tedious comment. The fact that there is so little water and air surely proves how easy it would be to pollute and poison both, and how ridiculously fragile life is.
  21. If there is such a thing as 'the new comedy', then James Corden is nothing to do with it. Gavin & Stacey is all too reminiscent of 80s dross like Terry & June.
  22. As a small child I saw this when it was released and was bored out of my mind. It was released in the wake of Star Wars, and yet it tried to be 2001: A Space Odyssey, either this is brave filmmaking in the extreme, or one of the most stupid decisions in the history of cinema. You decide. Wrath of Khan was infinitely more fun and probably the best of all Star Trek films, including the re-booted one.
  23. :confused: He must be utterly gutted to miss out on the hundred he was desperate for. Still, according to TMS he played beautifully, much more like the KP of old.
  24. It’s my least favourite Scorsese film, and just waaaay to bloated. The film it’s based on, Infernal Affairs, does a better job in what feels a fraction of the time. Regarding Matt Damon, it’s funny how he went from Ben Affleck’s plebby mate to an A list action star, on the way over-coming the team America thing which could have ended his career. The reason he’s done this is because the Bourne films absolutely rock, the best ‘action’ films in years (which make the latest Bond films look very ordinary). The Green Zone should be something to get very excited about too. I saw Iron Man again over the weekend, and it still looks good. It’s interesting to have an American film that expresses so much guilt about what they’ve done in Afghanistan, and to admit that when America goes storming into a situation things usually get worse. None of this stops the film from being great fun though, even if it does run out of ideas about half an hour before it ends.
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