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jeff leopard

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Everything posted by jeff leopard

  1. It looks like Pendulum to me. I would have Sarah Palin fisting Jeremy Clarkson and some kind of speech bubble with Palin saying 'the price of oil's gone up again, bi-itch?' This way we'll lose two arrogant, racist, hate-filled, climate-change denying, MOR loving retarded reactionary right-wing twunts for the price on one. (I'd ideally use the real people, not some gay effegy). It would be the greatest gift we could hand future generations. Happy bonfire night boys and girls!
  2. Now that is a co-inky-dinky. I love the bit at the start of the video clip, where Klaus Kinski's character shoots the expedition leader, assumes control and then stares down every man around him, all of whom peed their iron pants fo sho. By all accounts he tried to kill the film's director on several occasions. and droopy 70s bob dylan? you gotta love Pekinpah, blood, nudity, swearing and men being so masculine they go beyond manly in feminine, and then rape and kill all the women and go back to manly for right old whisky knees up cor blimey ****ells and muscles alive alive-o. :smt117 (they've censored my kock!)
  3. The uni library is selling videos at 50p a pop, so I came away with an unusual combination for a Friday night in. Animal Crackers - its starts off incredibly flat and wooden but as soon as the Marx Brothers turn up it comes to life. Not one of their drop dead classics but still a hoot. Aguirre, Wrath of God - if there is a more deranged performance in the history of cinema than Klaus Kinski (see him repremanding one of his monkey butlers below) in this film then I'd love to see it. Completely classic tale of Spanish conquistadors journeying deep into the Amazon jungle to find El Dorado, and going absolutely stark raving mad in the process. One of the greatest films of the 1970s, it was a MASSIVE influence on Apocalypse Now and all of Terrance Mallick's stuff and, despite the occasional ropey looking special effect, its still an amazing viewing experience 35 years later. Shoot the Pianist - one of the 60s French New Wave films that Tarantino was so fond off. Its brilliantly inventive and manages to be absurdly funny and deeply moving at the same time. You've gotta hand it to Joe la Frenchy, he's made some unforgettable films.
  4. + 1 + ketchup
  5. :smt114 merry xmas preston, i hope you liked the gifts anywho A priest goes into a hotel and books a room for the night. As he takes his key, he leans forward and whispers to the receptionist, 'I hope the pornography channel in my room is disabled'. The receptionist replied, 'No! Its regular, you sick ****!'
  6. A glimpse of ankle is more than enough for any hot-blooded male.
  7. Don't wanna sound like a daily mail reader but yes, its just nastiness for the sake of it, (Its harder to w*nk to, that’s for certain). Without a degree of style or humour or imagination, porn becomes utterly tedious, ditto with like likes of Saw etc. You can have a scene charged with sexual energy without graphic close-ups of splayed fannies, and films can be sh*t scary without having to show someone having their skin pealed off by demonic 5 year olds with cheese-graters and then their limbs torn off by tramps every ten minutes. or something. Scary films, like most things, work best when they retain some sense of mystery and force you to use your imagination. Returning again to Funny Games, its so damn disturbing because the violence is off screen. You hear what is happening and your mind fills in the blanks, and this is WAY more scary than some tacky special effect which will look rubbish in a year or two. Torture porn = horror for 15 year olds with ADHA
  8. 1 - 1 if we somehow manage to score
  9. swansea were much too good for us just think about that for a second...
  10. Sexy Beast is a trillion times better "What's that? What d'you ****ing say ****? What? Problem? ****ing problem? No mate no, no ****ing problem with the plane ****, ****ing plane was fine, ****ing plane was alright, ****ing plane was perfect. It's you. You're the problem. You're the ****ing problem. You ****ing Doctor White, onkin, jamrag ucking spunk bubble I'm telling you H you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the ****ing ground i promise you!"
  11. this is what it sounds like when doves cry:smt099
  12. i'm sick of all this nagging
  13. I loved the self-harming robot that kept hitting itself in the face with a tray, it only appeared for a few seconds but made me laugh for the rest of the film (especially during Wall*E's agonising and shockingly graphic death scene).
  14. The Do Dos - Visiter Half gentle folk, half crazy psychedelia in a Beta Band stylee Leonard Cohen - Greatest Hits i know i'm getting old but its beautiful stuff Low - Secret Name a strange mixture of their fluffy and not-so-fluffy stuff Walter Wegmuller - Tarot Amazing krautrock, very ironic indeed all goog music for writing essays to
  15. For sure, although I think his best acting work was in Lassie. If I ever finish my time machine and set out on my quest to kill certain celebrities before they became lame, i'll be sure to whack Howard just after he finished making Splash, his only decent film IMHO.
  16. I salute your optimism, sir! But I believe some people are beyond redemption and Ron Howard is one of them. I didn't like Apollo 13 and thought Beautiful Mind was hilariously bad, the fact it had oscars thrown at it just highlights what a waste of time the oscars are. As bad as that was, it still shines down upon the rancid stillbirth that was the Da Vinci Code, oh lordy. But its all about different opinions isn't it, thats what keeps it interesting. I hope Frost/Nixon is good but the reviews i've read have said its all a bit too static and rather meh. Watch out for those Howard motifs, the soft focus shots and oppresively emotive soundtrack. I sound rather cynical, this limit of two posts a day is killing me. (The first person to tell me to subscribe is a massive gheyer)
  17. It will be facinating to see how it pans out. Hopefullythe local media will follow the story through.
  18. You're all sounding like reactionary/right wing/sun reading old women. A riot at a school = the most fun these kids will ever have in their lives! What kind of protest doesn't turn into a riot, a ghey one, that's what. And the best thing, so many kids were involved that its going to be incredibly hard for the school to punish anyone. If they go for the ring-leaders to make an example of them then their parents will appeal and probably sue the school. Riot, the unbeatable high.
  19. its directed by Ron Howard, a man who can only make Hallmark channel/daytime tv movie style toss.
  20. this country has faced bigger and nastier threats over its history and didn't feel the need to strip us of our basic human rights. this whole extending the limit for holding suspects is a disgrace. First it absolutely had to be 90 days. Then it absolutely had to be 42 days. What a joke. At least the House of Lords has some backbone. And this attitude of 'if you're not guilty you've got nothing to fear' has been disproved by history time and time again. The net result of this will be you and your family having to prove your innocence every day, and heaven forbid if you forget your i.d. card. The removal of human rights is a slow but steady decent into fascism.
  21. Victory! :smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038:smt038
  22. 'The Orphanage' was good, so too was 'Perseopolis' the best Iranian animated film of the year! Another good foriegn laguage film was 'Lust:Caution' For English language the best films are all very obvious ones, Wall*E, No Country for Old men and, my fave, There Will Be Blood.
  23. This is the perfect example of Americans, like children, doing everything to avoid taking ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING. Oooops, didn't mean to shout. I'm suing God for all the terrible things this country has done, co's its his fault, not ours. Super f*cking weak.
  24. McCain looks like a muppet, not as in 'shut it, you muppet' but as in an actual muppet, like one of the old men in the box, but a much weaker looking version. It really does look like he's blown it. If the rumours that he wasn't tortured in Vietnam are proved true, then he has nothing and will get his sorry arse whooped. Thanks, primarily, must go to the credit crisis for swinging it Obama's way. It may even save Brown's job.
  25. I'm not sure about that but the rest of your list is spot on. Going for the exploitation cinema of the 70s/early 80s is always goning to flush out the truely nastiest of the nasties. Any of david cronenberg's early films are going provide classic 'chunk-blowing' moments, I remember The Brood being particularly gruesome. Careful with that paper-weight, now. Has anyone mentioned Irreversible, yet? That boasts a disturbing scene or two.
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