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jeff leopard

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Everything posted by jeff leopard

  1. Clegg has been really getting his teeth in to Gordon lately, I personally think he’s saying ‘If there is a hung parliament, we’ll do a deal with labour, but not with Brown in charge’. If he can force a Brown out (so to speak) he’ll be a hero in many people’s eyes.
  2. Inglorious Basterds I was put off watching this by some scathing reviews but eventually curiosity got the better of me, and I’m glad it did. The first two thirds of the film is brilliant, from the wonderful Spaghetti Western opening in the dairy, to the mind-blowingly great scene in the cellar. ‘Wow, this is amazing, I thought’, but the film had peaked, and *spoiler* most of the likeable characters had been killed, and suddenly I found myself really annoyed by Brad Pitt’s character, and obsessed by Eli Roth’s appalling acting. By the end I wasn’t even sure if it hung together as a film, to me it felt like a compilation which has some great tracks on, but only a die-hard fan would listen to it all in one go. Still, it was much better than Death Proof or Kill Bill 2. 7/10 Wicker Man In a moment of weakness I bought the remake for a couple of squids as someone had assured me that – It was hilariously terrible Nic Cage runs around punching women Whilst dressed as a bear In reality it wasn’t that terrible, just incredibly average. Nic Cage does dress up like a bear and punch women, but by that point I’d past caring. Plus, there's no nudey dancing at all, which is a big mistake. 4/10 Wicker Man So I watched the original and was blown away but how gloriously odd and disturbing it still is, how much great music is in it, and how nice nudey dancing is. 10/10
  3. So 'the truth' can be found within a daily mail article :rolleyes: I hope that you are enjoying pretending to be a spin doctor for the blue few, and that railing against the failings of labour and the libdems is making you feel better. But I also hope you know that merely mimicking and regurgitating tory propaganda isn’t going to change the way anyone in the real world is going to vote. Just as long as you're aware of this...
  4. "Fantastic result Pards, good luck on the run-in." The Yeovil bench take the last minute winner extremely well.
  5. Its absolutely priceless Over in Tory HQ they're melting down over what to do next, and now the anti-Dave elements of the blue few are starting to speak out against him. Its very likely the Libdems will still finish third, but they'll stop the Tories getting a majority, and Dave 'normal bloke' Cameron will always be the guy who couldn't beat Brown, probably the worst prime minister ever. Its all too beautiful :smt050
  6. I spent all last season training my keeper and he's up to formidable, but I've been told he needs to be at least outstanding for league V. I spent half a million last week on a midfielder with world-class playmaking, and will probably try to get an outstanding defender for another half a mill. Time for a clear out of my players who didn't cut it in league 6, and then bring in more younglings from the youth time to fill my reserves. Yesterday felt empty without a game, but then again, I should get out more.
  7. The libdem's rise in popularity may just be a flash in the pan, but it was a glorious thing to wake up this morning, turn on the radio and hear that, behind a calm exterior, the Tories are in near melt-down over 'the Clegg factor'. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And an ex-editor of The Sun came out with a brilliant new campaign motto for the Libdems 'A vote for the Libdems is a vote againt Murdoch'. Life doesn't get much better than this
  8. There was a wonderful piece of unscientific polling done on radio 4 last night, they went to a village in Suffolk that has never had immigrants relocated to, and asked locals their opinions on immigration. Everyone they spoke to was incredibly right-wing and said ‘they all come over here to live off our benefits, not right is it?’. So the interviewing asked them if they’ve ever had any contact with immigrants…..‘no’. Then he asked, have you ever spoken to anyone who has had contact with immigrants…..’no’. He then asked them how they have reached their opinion on the matter, to which they all replied…..‘the daily mail’ Hilarious and terrifying, both at once.
  9. I'm listening now and its feckin' ace!
  10. This is very true and can be applied to absolutely any aspect of the campaign trail so far. This will only change if there is a staggering knock out blow delivered along the way (perhaps tonight), and it seems all the 70 plus rules for the debate have been put in place to stop just this from happening. If it was a football game (with three teams) it will be a tedious first leg 0-0-0 with everyone terrified of making a mistake. Ho hum.
  11. I assume you’re talking about the quality of journalism The Daily Mail really should come with a warning ‘Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental’ As people have mentioned already, the story is so toe-curlingly biased that it’s almost impossible to make any rational judgement. The whole point of the story is to illicit extreme responses, which is obviously how the joke press functions. If anyone hit me in the face, loosening two teeth, then I’d want them to face some kind of punishment. If the aggressor was occupying my country, then I’d feel especially aggrieved. We can’t just leave Afghanistan and there’s no doubting that our forces out there are doing some good and are taking unimaginable risks every day. But I don’t buy into this attitude of all troops are heroes, there’s bound to be at least a few wrong ‘uns out there who for whatever reason, would love to give a Johnny foreigner a damn sound thrashing. This is why there has to be measures in place to punish troops that step out of line, which is what apparently happened here. In stark contrast to the article being discussed here, there was a great piece of journalism on radio 4 this morning about the American prison at the Bagram airbase which has been keeping suspects in solitary confinement for months on end, and then releasing them without charge and leaving them pysically and mentally destroyed. As long as such systematic abuse continues, locals (whether they are terrorists or not) will keep on playing the ‘torture/abuse’ card against the Western forces.
  12. the new lcd soundsystem single drunk girls i like it its good
  13. This is true, but I agree with what badger said. what terrifies me about the proposal is the kind of parents who will go to the trouble. the smug self-centred parents that bully and elbow their way to getting what they want will suddenly be the ones in power. It has BIG MESS written through it like a stick of rock and will only increase the inequality in education. The DIY school system has pretty much failed in Sweden, and whilst there are examples of American parent groups which have turned failed inner-city schools into genuine successes, these are the exception.
  14. Absolutely true. If I want news and some slightly lefty opinion, I go to the Guardian. If I want lies from a racist Australian, shameless publicity about some sh1te talent show I’ll never watch, gay-bashing opinion passed off as news and pictures of half naked women so airbrushed that they look like rubber dolls then I’ll…I’ll…nope. It’s never once happened. But I understand I can get all of these things in spades from the joke press.
  15. I think it’s more of a case of dismissing or laughing at the "current situation" instead of impotently crying with rage and throwing rocks at the moon. It’s sunny, Saints are playing well and who cares what the skates are up to. The most shocking development of the weekend, IMHO, was Terry’s tackle on Milner. Forget agent Redknapp, let’s start worrying about agent Terry and England’s world cup hopes.
  16. :smt059:smt059:smt059:smt059:smt059:smt059 Hallelujah, a voice of sanity at last on this thread. I have little doubt that our cup win has gone some way in inspiring the skates to get to the final, and their achievement should inspire us to have an incredible end to our season with yet more glory. That’s why you have rivals, and without them you wouldn’t achieve nearly as much or realise how great things are. So at the count of five, we’re all going to thank Portsmouth and feel much better for it
  17. you're just showing off now don't you know the rules of the off topic forums?!!! read the headline from a joke newspaper, leap to a conclusion, become utterly irate (yawn) and then fire off half a dozen posts before your thoughts have even had the chance to settle. that's how we do things here!
  18. promoted to league V for the first time and i have little doubt that it will be (initially at least) a brief stay. but i'm hoping that my team will be much better for the experience. i'm in the middle of promoting the cream of my youth team up to my reserves, and if things go badly wrong next season and we're dead certs for the drop, i'd be tempted to give the kiddies lots of first team experience too. its going to be weird though, in league 6 and 7 you win the vast majority of games, and then in league V its defeat after defeat. it will take some getting used to.
  19. is that english? if you can't speak the language, i suggest you get out my country i'd rather vote for annoyingly smug yogurt-weaving tree huggers than Nazi empathisers.
  20. Very graciously (in public at least), he said something along the lines of 'he was always entertaining'. Julian Temple was on radio 4 this morning and he said Lydon's comments were incredible when you consider the animosity between them. I was never a huge Pistols fan (for me it was The Clash and Buzz****s), and you can’t discuss MM without talking about his many flaws but I was genuinely sad to hear of his death.
  21. I despise the BNP and I find the rise of the far-right across Europe deplorable. But I'm starting to think that we need the BNP to do well just to shake party politics out of its comfort zone and actually motivate people to commit to something approaching progressive change (rather than just paying lip-service to it). The bottom line is that even if the BNP get a person elected onto every council in the country, they’ll all be isolated from decision making and will achieve nothing, thank christy.
  22. Lost the argument? I wasn’t trying to win anything, and I certainly wasn’t arguing. Actually, if the Tories had opposed the invasion of Iraq I would have voted for them just to register my protest. But they didn’t, of course, and i get the impression that they would have made all the same mistakes labour have made in the last ten years or so. What’s this vision of hung parliament hell based on? Europe, where it works well, or the previous hung parliament in the 70s? If it’s the latter… In a perfect world, a hung parliament would be putting the right people in the right positions, regardless of their party. In reality it may well be a complete mess, but I can’t imagine it being any worse than more labour or a return to the tories. As all the party leaders keep bleating, 'its time for a change'.
  23. One thing that sums up Brown for me was at a European leader get-together a while ago. They had a buffet lunch and they all stood around chatting with each other, doing deals etc, and Brown was sat in the corner on his own, just eating and sulking. I’ve never got that image of him out of my mind since. But, baring all this in mind, he’s still infinitely more preferable then Cameron. It’s true that Brown has tried to play upon his being mates with Obama, which is just wish-fulfilment, but who can forget Obama's classic summing up of Cameron when they had a meeting during Obama’s visit to Britain…’what a lightweight’.
  24. Whichever way you look at it, he's a liability to Labour, a miserable drunken thug. But if we're to believe the opinion polls, the fact the Tories aren't way ahead is a damning indictment of David Cameron (a man with all the gravitas of a regional news weatherman). I’ve been Lib Dem for years now but I’m not happy about the fact Nick Clegg presents himself as a pale imitation of Cameron, and that the party doesn’t appear to be moving forward under his leadership. I’m still praying for a hung parliament as… Keeping labour in power would be seen as validating what they’ve done since 1997, a lot of which has been hilariously inept. As bad as Brown gets, he’s still going to be infinitely better than Cameron as PM, imagine that wet rag representing this country, terrifying isn’t it? As weak as the Lib Dems are, as poor as Labour have been, there is no way, absolutely no way, that I will ever vote Tory. That's Thatcher's legacy, right there. As bad as a hung pariliment will be, I’ve no doubt it will be infinitely better than any one party getting in. Most European countries have had nothing but hung parliaments and they manage very nicely.
  25. Brown's bloody Britain. Letting these grey-skinned, big-eyed b@stards come and go as they please, killing our sheep, ruining our crops. Where's the Earth National Party when you need it, they should be protesting outside of alien schools and churches, and throwing bricks at alien women and children. Phuck off back to your own planet etc etc etc
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