jeff leopard
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Everything posted by jeff leopard
Cheers TG i didn't realise what TSI meant until your post. I'll follow your advice and try to sign a keeper late tonight.
sack the board! how financially prudent should i be? my heart says buy a decent keeper and bite some debt. Is it -£300,000ish before you go bust?
Yes mate! 'If I had 14 youth players our troubles here would be over very quickly'.
i started my first season with a 4-0 win last night, especially pleasing after loosing my first two games in charge 9-0 and 8-0. My fans have gone from irritated to calm
I've not seen the US version yet but when when Paul turns around and winks at the camera in the original version, it sent a shiver down my spine. The remote control bit seemed to go a bit too far but by then i was utterly hooked. Have you seen Cache (Hidden), also by Michael Haneke? Its about a family being secretly filmed by a mysterious other. There's a moment when you briefly see the shadow of a big movie camera, suggesting it is the director himself who is terrorising the his characters. He loves breaking down the forth wall (as well as torturing his guilt-ridden middle-class audiences).
YEAH! Big Dave Merrington has been full of praise for the strat saints have made for probably the first time this season.
:prayer: :prayer: :prayer: you rule! back in the twee indie days it was all about the pooh sticks and the pastels. 'i'm in you' makes me laugh
There's an epic thread on some internet forum somewhere about these guys. He saying she's the girl of my dreams and then hundreds of people hurling hilarious insults at him. By the end of it you suspect it’s the work of an above average troll. Same can't be said about her…. There's a picture of her family which made me laugh and throw up at the same time.
Perfume: Story of a Murderer It’s a serial killer film with several differences; its set in Paris in 1766, a string of sexy ladiez are killed to be distilled into essential oils in order to create the ultimte perfume, and its as dull as dish water. It bares all the scars of a book-to-film adaptation; too much annoying voice over, too much plot crammed in; and the unshakable feeling that you really should be reading the book instead. Everyone speaks in mockney accents, apart from Dustin Hoffman whose having a 'Allo 'Allo flashback. There's a nice moment at the end when the serial killer, about to be executed, unleashes his ultimate perfume and turns a crowd baying for his blood into a thronging, gurning mass of loved-up sex monkeys, but all in all, what ever made the book great got lost in translation.
The music is stunning and Richard Gere isn't sh1t! That Mallack is a miracle worker. I was thinking about this last night, time to give it another watch. That’s me! There really aren't many films that can match its ambition and scope. In my eyes this film is a bone-dry (pun intended) sex comedy on human evolution, made by aliens. And the special effects still look better than 99.9% of cgi. There was a great quote from a film critic something along the lines of 'when I watched the moon landings I remember thinking it didn't look as realistic as 2001'. Make of that what you will...
very sad i've not given any of his albums a proper listen but i heard him on radio 4 last year talking about his life and battles with drink and drugs and he sounded like a decent bloke who had learnt a huge amount from his mistakes.
oh lordy I've played two games so far, lost a friendly 9-0 so I went about looking to tightened things up and get players in their strongest positions. I then played a cup match and the improvement was considerable, we lost 8-0. Whats the deal with transfers? I put bids in, it says the deadline is at 18.00 today, 18.00 comes along and the deadline has moved back 5 minutes. This keeps happening until I'm priced out of the transfer. What gives?
The tories can bite my d1ck.
This should be on a 'coming soon' type thread but as I can't start new ones, I've put it here… The 3D Tin-Tin film being made by Speilberg is starting to look pretty tasty. Jamie Bell is Tin Tin, Andy Serkis (golum/king kong/martin hannett) is Captin Haddock and Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are the Thompsons. Its being written by Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish. Obviously the Hollywood money men will have their grubby mits all over it but it has the potential for being a quality blockbuster.
there's that great line, 'we used to make things in this country, now we've just got our hand in the next guy's pocket'. That theme runs through the whole thing, as does Pres's comment in season 4, 'no one wins, its just that one side looses more slowly than the other', this should be the motto for America's war on drugs and war on terror, or what ever its called now (the fluffy kitten's tea-party?). the good news is that seasons 3,4 and 5 are just as great. tonight is a sad but exciting night for me, i'm watching the last two episodes of season 5.
he'll help himself skates = :smt005
If saints were a tv show what would it be called?
jeff leopard replied to Mr X's topic in The Saints
Rupert Lowe's Darkplace (cheap and unconvincing) Dallas (we'll wake up any second now and it will be the day after the fa cup final...any second now...) The Wire (the game is rigged against the little people who get addicted, drained of their money and then tossed asunder) -
Yeah, the start of season two is a bit of a slow burner but it all comes together brilliantly by the end. The union boss develops into a fascinating character, a spokesperson, neigh, icon, for a generation appalled by America's transformation into a post-industry society. Getting a different act to sing the theme tune for each season is a master-stroke, most people think Tom Waits's version in season 2 is the best.
I've just got a couple of episodes of season 4 of The Wire to go and its still utterly brilliant. What began as a superlative police drama has expanded into something far far greater, covering unions, production, politics and education, each of them essentially being an extention of 'the game' played by the gangs and the police in Baltimore's poorest districts. It’s a portryal of America as an empire in a slow but terminal decline, as Pres coldly stated, 'no one wins, its just that one side looses more slowly than the other'. And if its taught me anything, its how to sell smack on a street corner, aight? Just one season left, and then the post-wire emptyness. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
theres illegal and there's this A UN school and designated shelter being shelled with white phosphorous. Of course Israel denied using the weapon until presented with unmistakable evidence. Now it says it was a rogue unit of reservists. FFS.
:smt022 we were just enjoying some light hearted banter but you had to take it TOO FAR! you'll miss us when we're gone, you'll be a yang minus a ying.
Have a look-see here for some staggering photo's of the Israeli's using white phosphorus shells, banned by the Geneva convention, against the UN hospital in Gaza, a designated shelter. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2009/jan/21/gaza-israelandthepalestinians I'm willing to bet they came from the same company that supplied the US military with the phosphorus shells used to wipe out large areas of Fallujah. It makes me sick.
A p*mpey fan goes for a check-up and after just a couple of minutes the doctor starts getting quite upset and says, 'look, there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come out with it. You've got to stop self-harming and masturbating!' The p*mpey fan looks shocked and demands 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN?' And the doctor replies…'I'm trying to examine you!' Seriously though folks, even the best p*mpey joke in the world wouldn't nearly be so funny as the gang of retards that went out trying to lynch paedophiles and attacked a paedotrician. Does anything sum up P*rtsmuff better?
can i join? listen to '100 miles and running', their best tune imo Max Tundra - Parallax Error Beheads You undisputed king of the prog/jazz/electronica/indie/70s daytime cop theme genre, one of last year's better albums. Keityh Fullerton Whitman - Anthesis beautiful droney acousticy loveliness