jeff leopard
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Everything posted by jeff leopard
I saw Grizzly Bear at the Roundhouse a while back, they were good. Pavement were amazing at Brixton Academy last week. I'm seeing Holy F**k on Monday, and Caribou next month sometime. Crazy times.
'it's rollin over the hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllll' I fakin loved the family cat, the fact they were saints fans just made it even more special.
scarcastic me? i'm just going back to my hair-metal roots (pun intended). I loved my RAWK as a youngling, it was when 7th son of a 7th son came out that I knew it was time to jump ship to indie, punk, new fangled dance music, girls and drugs and all that sh1t. But still have a very soft spot for Rainbow Rising and Down to Earth.
Very sad. Rainbow were the first band I fell in love with, and Dio were great when they played The Gaumont in 1982/3.
Shutter Island From its very first moments it’s clear that all is not what it seems, it has a detached and surreal air that reminded me of Memento, eXistenZ, Mulholland Drive and Eternal Sunshine. The first 90 mins are completely gripping in a fairly trashy way, but then it gets bogged down in over-wrought melodrama. By the time we have the big reveal at the end, quite a lot of me was past caring. Leonardo gives another good performance, but those baby-faced looks that made him a heart-throb are getting in the way of him being convincing as middle-aged and experienced Noir characters. Still, it’s infinitely better than the Departed and well worth watching if you’re a Scorsese fan. 7.5/10 Iron Man 2 Not as quirky or funny as the first one, but judging by the trailers for Robin Hood, Prince of Persia and The A Team, it looks like Iron Man 2 is the best of the summer’s blockbusters. The action scenes are much bigger and there are some great special effects, but the film feels too full of plot. It was the moments in between the action that made Iron Man 1 such as unexpected pleasure, but here there are so many villains and sub-plots that we don’t get to have much fun with Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr is brilliant as the hero, and there are also some good performances from Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell, and Scarlett Johansson is still outrageously fit. Enjoyable but forgettable. 6.5/10
The Boredoms ‘Chocolate Synthesizer’ - amazing The National ‘High Violet’ – alright, pretty dull though Thurston Moore ‘Trees Outside the Academy’ – nice enough
+2 absolutely, couldn't give 2 sh1ts what that pr1ck thinks.
Saw Pavement last night at Brixton and they were brilliant, the majority of the set was taken from their first three albums which suited everyone down to the ground. From the moment they started with cut your hair till their final encore of stop breathing the crowd went nuts, and the band were clearly enjoying themselves. So many highlights - stereo, we dance, father to a sister of thought, gold soundz, two states, shoot the singer. If anyone wants to see them tonight or thursday then go for it, last night there were loads of tickets being sold outside the venue for not much money at all.
Going to Green Man in August, a small(ish), friendly and frightfully middle-class folk/indie/electronica festival held in the Breacon Beacons. It’s a great place to just bumble about and catch loads of people you’ve never heard of, or check out the strange mix of cool young things and indie has-beens. This year’s headliners are Doves (beige rock, anyone? No, I thought not), Flaming Lips (re-invigorated by their new gritty kraut-rock sound), and the very lovely Joanna Newsome. The food is really good and the toilets stay clean all weekend. Beards only.
I think you’ve summed up his appeal perfectly. Off to UKIP HQ with you, you may swing this election yet!
:smt045=D>:smt045 Absolutely, split the right-wing vote! Hung Parliment here we come!!! The future's bright....the future's orange
Happy Voting People, and don't forget...
That’s an amazing result, congratulations, it’s also good to know that upsets are possible. I was feeling faintly smug for brushing aside a very decent league 6 side, but now I’m well and truly trumped. But yeah, here’s to a good fourth round draw (my first time!).
Superbad – Enjoyable, if not hilariously funny, end-of high school comedy which works for a number of reasons, all the adventures the characters get caught up in are believable, it has something to say about American society in general, and it has a lot to say about male friendships, specifically what happens when they stray into the grey area between straight friendship and gay relationship. It’s all too rare that films like this come with emotional depth and characters you actually care about. Supergood. 8/10 Avatar –Who can honestly say they didn’t spend the early 70s getting high and staring at Yes album covers, wishing that they could live in a world of floating rocks, psychedelic plants, dragons and big blue cat things. Well James Cameron clearly did and Avatar is the garish and over-long result. It feels like an Aliens sequal (there are very similar looking weapons, loader things, marines and spaceships) but this time, the human are the aliens that must be defeated (see what he did there), add to this a big dollop of the Matrix and the plot of New World/ Pocahontas. It’s as bloated as a gas planet, which instead of gas comprises of preposterous arse, but its watchable and quite enjoyable. 6/10 If you want to catch a glimpse in how badly wrong Avatar could have been, . It’s really long, but one of the funniest things you can hope to see, and a truly terrifying lesson on what happens when successful directors surround themselves with yes men (as opposed to Yes men)
The mound played their first game against an established league 5 side on Sunday and did pretty well. We were 2-0 down after half an hour but held our own and pulled a goal back with ten minutes left for an exciting finale. It’s still very early in the season but the performance suggests that we can compete at this level, and dare I dream it, avoid relegation? Well, we’ll see. I’ve got a very strong league 6 side in the cup tonight, I haven’t decided yet whether to rest my key players or really go for the win. It would be nice to reach round four of the cup for the first time.
New Holy **** album - free streaming from here http://www.spinnermusic.co.uk/new-releases#/3 so far it's drawing on 'classic' british electronica - boards of canada/chemical bros/some baggy/some bigbeat, as much as the usual kraut rock influences.
I imagine that gay people have pretty much the same relationship problems as straight people. Apart from dealing with small minded people.
Brown tested the theory that things couldn’t get any worse by having a crying w@nk during his women’s hour interview.
oh benji-wenji...what a bitter pill the truth can be :lol: don't worry, you'll get used to it, you'll have years and years to get used to it.
I know what you mean, that fact a Tory is homophobic is common knowledge, new born babies have this kind of info hard-wired into them.
Behold Thatcher's true legacy, a generation of people who would rather die than vote Tory. And its a beautiful thing. This election could still swing either way (apart from towards Labour of course), but anything other than a massive Tory victory is a monumental slap in the face for posh boy Cameron.
Why do people keep bleating on about the Falklands? Jesus. One interesting(ish) thing is that the Genral Belgrano used to be called The Lucky Ship as I think it was the only one to survive Pearl Harbour undamaged. Thanks QI. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Nationalist parties from the Nazi's to the National Front had patriotism coming out of their ya-ya's, that didn’t stop them from being enemies of humanity though. Patriotism isn’t a terrible thing, by and large, but all too often it comes attached to a vision of a white/pure England, and that's for retards. We all know England is a mongrel nation. I've never really seen myself as patriotic, but if I was it would be for a truly multicultural & multifaith nation. But I think of myself as Northern European, or at a push, British (unless its sports related).
I agree. It was a bit of a dog to use originally but they really jazzed it up and now its as good as spotify. The selection of tracks is much wider but some of them are bootlegs of dubious quality, but there are no audio adverts so the music is uninterrupted. Here’s a playlist I did on there - http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/playlist/Ian+s+mixtape/28024560
3rd in league V, 100% record and no goals conceded, let’s say we end the season now before my perfect moment is besmirched by the next 13 games and X amount of drubbings. My next league game is against a decent side, but in yesterday’s game they seemed to fall fowl of the new system, half their players are amazing, the other half were horribly out of position and got half and no star ratings. So as long as their manager doesn’t log on to hattrick again before next Sunday, I might win another game. :clutching at straws
Pardew Out....but when?