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jeff leopard

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  1. Christy, just seen my new league 6 and the other teams are shocking. I could literally walk it with my reserves. The main challange is going to be not losing the will to live.
  2. It’s been a loooong time since I last posted, in which time the sinistry of mound fc got relegated from league 5 after putting up a good fight, I then breezed to the league 6 title. Yesterday I finished bottom of league 5 with just 6 points to me name, this is especially gutting as after just three games I was third with 4 points. The lesson I learnt was that when you’re a minnow in a big league you literally can’t afford to miss chances. I’ve got a really good winger who had wretched scoring skills and time after time the chances would fall to him and he would miss. In a match we lost 1-0, he had three one-on-one chances and missed them all in comedic fashion. Back to league 6, back to reality
  3. Its another review for Inception (aka Eternal Sunshine of the Spy of Who Loved Me), it’s so rare to see an action film that treats its audiences as adults, and to hear the audience give an astonished gasp at the end of the final shot and then applaud and whoop during the credits (we’re not American for christy’s sake). Its very good stuff, a bit too much cgi for my liking but some of the effects were great – the zero gravity fight is just mind-blowing. It reminded me of Shutter Island, Synecdoche New York and eXistenZ, all of which are great, and to its credit, didn’t feel like a Matrix knock off.
  4. I’ve been getting lots of d i c k inside me lately which I’ve enjoyed enormously. A Scanner Darkly is just a brilliant read, in turns hilarious and heartbreaking, but always fascinating. The film version with Canoe Reeves is worth a watch, although I find the shameless over-acting by Robert Downey Jnr and Woody Harrelson hard to swallow. Minority Report is a collection of some of his most celebrated short stories/novellas, several of which have been adapted into films. I’m watching Screamers tonight which is an adaptation of The Second Variety (another of his ‘who’s human and who’s a robot’ tales). The film is apparently gash but it will be interesting to see just how they managed to screw it up.
  5. Got relegated yesterday I was hoping to take it to the last week of the season but hey, at least we weren’t the whipping boys. Back to league 6, back to reality.
  6. its an unforgettable read, and the way it holds back on the really nasty stuff until the second half of the book works brilliantly. and the chapters on bland 80s pop stars that follow each really horrible murder are hilarious. i've not read any of his other books but the film version of 'the rules of attraction' is well worth a watch.
  7. absolutely brilliant responce, after losing something like 20 million soldiers and civilians during the war, I'm sure Russians and anyone with a grasp of history will be offended by the notion the British fought the Germans on their own
  8. it had dead rubber written all over it long before the kick-off. ivory coast/north korea had the potential to be a great game, but eriksson is a terrible choice of coach for ivory coast, brings out the very worst in them. i honestly hope that brazil and portugal's form both take a dip after that non-game of football.
  9. North/Western European, then British. I'm English/Welsh during the Ashes and English for the duration of England football games. 'English' was a dirty word for a while, primarily because for as long as I can remember, the St Georges cross had been hijacked by the far-right groups/neo-nazi's. Euro 96 went a long way to re-claim it for people that don't drag their knuckles as they walk along. If we can stamp out racism in everyday life then maybe I'll feel proud to be English one day. But then again, nationalism and patriotism, like internet forums, are primarily reserved for those lacking real lives
  10. Desperately sad news for lovers of football, comedy, pop songs and big shorts. I saw him years and years ago at Reading and he was just sublime. Dennis Leary came on after him and spent his first five minutes trying to get the crowd to stop calling for Frank. He was a true comedy original and has surely gone to hang out with Ivor Cutler and John Peel on the otherside. My thoughts go out to Frank’s mum and Little Frank.
  11. how's people's seasons going? league 5 has been tough (as expected) and we've been spanked a few times (as expected) but after a dramatic late equalizer today against our relegation rivals, the sinistry of mound have a slight chance of avoiding the automatic drop. amazingly, we've avoided being in the bottom two so far after a couple of early wins. it could well go down to goal difference, but what ever happens, we've avoided being the division's whipping boys. i've got a friendly on tuesday against a side called 'pompey legends', i can't wait to give those khunts a damn sound thrashing
  12. well, of course they would, for the sake of their sanity, no dount they're working their ar$es off but what have they got to show for it? the americans call it mowing the lawn, they go into a taliban stronghold, clear and stabalise it, knowing full well thet the moment they leave town, the taliban will return. just about all the top brass have admitted that they're fighting a losing battle because the locals don't want us there. they don't trust us to protect them in the long run if they side against the taliban, and who can blame them? both obama and cameroon have admitted they want out as soon as possible, and i imagine they are talking about a couple of years as opposed to a couple of generations. the reason i'm banging on about Afghanistan is because the saville enquiry needs to be a watershed moment for the military. it has to be held accountable for its actions. bloody sunday did wonders for IRA recruitment and funding, and for galvinising a generation of Irish men against british rule. if we make that kind of mistake in Afghanistan then its game over.
  13. *whoosh* that was the sound of a swing and a miss I sincerely hope that the way the army operates now is in stark contrast to how it acted in NI, if not, the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan will end in humiliation and failure (again), making this country a much more dangerous place, and the deaths of all those troops and civilians completely pointless.
  14. I’m sure being a soldier in NI during the troubles was a really tough gig, but nothing excuses Bloody Sunday or how the army treated the Irish in general. Most of the torture techniques in by the Americans were widely used by the British against the Irish. Heavy handed tactics only led to more violence, there was only peace when the Govt started talking to the ‘terrorists’. The guilty, those that lied and those that committed murder, must be punished.
  15. I absolutely agree with the sentiments of the original poster. I’ve not had a tv for years and years and get by very nicely with a radio, a projector, iplayer and DVDs. This means I can avoid the dross that fills around 90% of the tv schedules and completely circumnavigate adverts, or as I call them, AIDS ridden brain-rapes.
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