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Everything posted by SarniaSaint

  1. HUH ??? Trousers you need to get some pants !!!!
  2. Guess that's the best you can do........as long as it amuses you keep them coming..........I do get a small smile when I see them
  3. So another Cortese signing bites the dust..................anyone surprised
  4. Point being??
  5. How about "Rocking in the Free World" .......Trumps tune (by Canadian Neil Young who was ****ed off about it)
  6. What makes you say that??? don't want to encourage a reply.....more of a rhetorical question
  7. MMMMMMMM ........I know we can't agree ..........but .......ya know
  8. For some reason everyone cums back for more including you
  9. you're clueless
  10. Explain ...........sorry I cant dumb down to your level
  11. Go for it!! even if you only take AK47s of the streets (which is the best he can hope for)..........btw these weapons are not common place among the general population........was an incident here in Ontario where some Quebec gang robbed a jewellery store in London ON and were shooting at the cops with automatic weapons from the sunroof while being chased down Highway 402......rolled the vehicle at 160 klicks and all died. So even in Canada the criminals have them.
  12. You are showing all the signs of some one desperate ..........keep going you're giving me a few LOL moments every nite.
  13. How many have actually amended a previous amendment......look it up !!!!
  14. So he believes the dollar figure from StatsCan.....believe me it was much higher when you take into account the cost to Provincial and Local Police Departments. I already made my comments on the firearms numbers in post #2174
  15. Your words not mine .......btw that cake looks disgusting
  16. OK await your reply
  17. Emu that was a good ......now let me tell you what happened in Canada. Back in the early 90s a guy in Montreal went and killed a load of women students with an AK47 or similar at a university........there was rightfully outrage everywhere. So the federal government of the time introduced the `Gun Registry` this was supposed to keep us good folks safe.......all firearms had to be registered even WW2 momentos. What happened was the only people who registered their firearms were the ones who had their firearms confiscated by the federal government less than 5% of all firearms in Canada. No one else registered (get where I`m going with this).......so after about $5 billion spent the new government scrapped the long gun registry which most provinces had already done.......... So if us nice Canadians ignore what our federal government says how do you think it will play out in the US ......
  18. Because it just wont happen to the second amendment..............and BTW would have voted for him in 2008 and 2012 as would most Canadians......what makes you think I wouldn't .........oh showing your dumb brit side
  19. Again who the f*ck is that
  20. Hey Soggy don't go to the Movie Theater in the US.......not like you ever will
  21. Best self advise you could ever give yourself Chuck
  22. I'll ignore the drivel comment for now. OK you are basing all your arguments/reasoning on the following: - that every person registers a firearm......in the real world this don't happen. - amnesties do happen ........who goes searching for firearms? .....surely not the cops!!! - a constitutional amendment will never happen ...you got to believe on this despite what you think about the US they will never give up a freedom. - fewer registered guns?? will happen because no one will register them - Americans will never give up their freedom its part of what makes them American Now before any one says you are a Canadian born in the uk I have lots of American friends and they are the best people you could ever meet.....they find these senseless mass murder incidents as abhorrent as me and you do ......but they will never give up their constitutional rights or freedoms. Call the above drivel if you want to.......just saying how things really are...........
  23. Now your just bringing the thread back to name calling........Kipper.
  24. good searching ...........you forgot my confederate battle flag avatar!!! ............the lol was just for you I know you hate it
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