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Everything posted by SarniaSaint

  1. MMMMM .............but you don't know do you..... just an opinion formed from what you have been fed by the media............believe me white cop shoots white guy stories are not the flavor of the month and never have been......just look at the demographics.......it happens but don't get picked up by the uk media.........you got ask why that is.........I know why that is...I'm sure you do too.
  2. Classed as a "peace officer" they are armed and can make arrests etc..............please don't reply and say they should be unarmed............no different to the railroad police.
  3. Had committed a traffic offense......then drove/rolled away........the university cop (not a real cop more mall security) claimed he was dragged then shot him......official video shows something different........sorry if my original answer wasn't what you expected........... Just one question would any one in the uk have known or been interested about this if the driver was white???
  4. You only have to look at the managers of Cardiff and QPR to see why he went from "the greatest thing since sliced bread" to his mixed up reputation. Personally I think he's at the right club to resurrect his career and sign permanently in Jan.........we shall see.
  5. This ^ .........was and still is a legend for us..........but time moves on
  6. Totally agree with the charge......that sensible(sic) to you ??
  7. The same 9 months as you have spent !!!!
  8. Bet you all wished you lived in Ontario. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/news/topless-sisters-stopped-by-police-but-wh
  9. How does he squeeze the triggers ????
  10. Looks like my basement.......except for the blue and that vile ISIS logo on the floor.....
  11. So any more insults/put downs/ we brits are better than you ???? If not just goes to show how clueless you all really are
  12. OH Sue!!!!.......don't go there comparing North American roads to the UK roads ...........you're gonna get burnt...........and BTW welcome to the thread
  13. Crap being the right description .......but one of these for effort......btw welcome to the thread
  14. Nah ........your insults aren't cutting it .......but good for a giggle:)
  15. That was a great vid....same as #1 ........well done the club.
  16. Yes the same Jerk.....Jeez his head needs bringing down to a size that matches his peanut brain
  17. You're Welcome
  18. Great Chuck..........keep em coming
  19. Lovren was signed on the cheap because no one wanted him.............after selling for a big profit you can see why
  20. Never thought that song meaning and words could be misinterpreted........
  21. So according to you the RCMP is not part of the federal government.........how come the RCMP and CSIS are the agencies that provide national security.............they do that on their own and don't answer to the government ??? Thank god I live in a city (pop 73000) that has its own police force that we have shown we are willing to fund. Nobody wants the OPP here. Oh BTW you never answered how many firearms were not registered under the Chretien Liberals attempt to turn Canada into a police state. So just try and answer that 1 question..........I would bet that you are a teacher or retired teacher
  22. Where did you see them???..........yes it is a great tune..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdiCJUysIT0
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