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  1. Anyone got a link to the Lawro interview - heard so much about it but not seen it!!
  2. Was this game actually done on a "number of away games been to" or was this just a simple ballot? I know for one the other big away games it was done on a number of away games - and they explicitly said that it is averaged out for the number of aways in the party. However I didnt see any of this talk on the SFC website for Brentford - they just said it was a ballot? Which I assume means all names in a Hat.... I guess reading some of the posts on here it was just a ballot in the end.
  3. Also interesting that we sold part of the Stadium Car park for £250k after the year end. Anyone know anything of this?
  4. Another interesting point. The club's ultimate ownership remains in probate at the time of signing the accounts - i.e. the Will (if there was a Will) that ML left has not been settled and actioned upon. No idea how long this would normally take but if there are no disputes you would have though ownership would pass on quite quickly. Interesting if there are any Swiss Probate Lawyers on this Forum?!
  5. Most interesting part of the Group accounts is the Aquistion note. This is where a buying Company must set out what assets it bought, how much those assets were worth at "fair value," how much it actually paid for those assets. In Summary The stadium was valued at £13m, half of the value in the previous accounts. The Investment property was valued at £1m, I presume this is that Farm, if saints still owned it when the club was taken over. The loan notes (I think this must be mostly the Norwich union stadium debt) we re-valued down from £35m to £13m. This means NU must have accepted £13m max and lost the difference. The overdraft at the time would also have been settled for a fraction too as that is included in £13m. The total cash that was paid for the club's net assets (ui.e. ignoring the debt that was paid off) was just £6 - which I thought was funny!!
  6. Never been so ****ed off after winning 5-1
  7. I thought the 30 seconds or so of applause from the crowd when it was mentioned by the half time announcer showed the club made a mistake on this one, and perhaps pardew recognisedd that as well.
  8. bloody golf!! My Sky plus bust and I want to see the goals!!
  9. I got up an hour early as I set my phone forward last night. It then automatically updated itself over night!!
  10. Fair point. This will not take out excessive money in the game. It will just mean that the clubs are no longer accountable for when it all falls apart and the owner decides to something else with his saturdays. A cap on clubs spending is needed not a cap on investmnet by owners. As always, its the smaller clubs with wealthy owners who would be hit hardest. The rich will already be rich, and the poor will have no chance of ever competing.
  11. Paul Ince's Quote is made me laugh. Paul Ince: "The stats will show they had four shots to our nine" Scroll down to stats section of the page: Total shots - MK Dons 10, Saints 10
  12. Could be worse - think of carlisle fans
  13. And how can a booking fee be justified when there is no option but to incur a booking fee as sales at the ticket office are not permitted. They may have just increased the price.
  14. I've no intention of going by coach. I was going through some paperwork the other day and found my Saints Charter that the club issued just before christmas. I remember reading that they promise that club travel will be made available on a not for profit basis. Someone's ripping someone off here but not sure who it is!!
  15. Surely there should have been a presentation last night as we are the WINNERS of the JPT Southern section!!
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