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Everything posted by PompeyInReading

  1. Hmm, but it was sold out for Pompey fans.
  2. Absolutely, no tears, just smiles, just like last season and the relegation before. Finally one of you gets it...... For those asking, the game was sold out for Pompey Fans btw. Was not possible to get another ticket for the Pompey end.
  3. Agreed, best comparison. Although for true comparison we would need a new shiny stadium, rather than a shack (average increase for new stadia is currently 20%). Puts it about even, which I actually think is about right.
  4. What makes you think anyone belives them?
  5. Thanks for the updates everyone. Just out of interest - Who is this "they"?
  6. There is only two users that have a bad word to say about the pompey fans. Among the others comments are "best fans in championship". Just show me one, just one, from anyone not connected with your club , a posting on a message board, a mad rambling of an old woman, anyone, just one person saying that you are the best fans in the league/england/world. Go on just one. Then when you have found one, see if you can find another. See if you can find ten. I bet you cant. We can - easily. And loads more.
  7. I think, if you wouldnt like that said about your club, then you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.
  8. Dont worry about feeling guilty. Really enjoyed saturday. Great atmoshpere, laughs all around and some really funny songs. If we get to play in League 1, really looking forward to it. Would prefer to be in championship or Prem obviously but this feels somehow cleansing. Strange, but nice.
  9. Looking at the picture on sky sports it would seem it was us that was still laughing.
  10. Maybe. You were top of the league though so does sort of help. What did the Donny cheif have to say about your support. Can you link me to the article? In fact what has anyone independant, ever had to say about your support? Quality not quantity.
  11. Your right, that 1987 year is probably as like for like as we can get. Two old grounds (so just the hardcore, no tourists), both in the top league. You were probably doing slightly better than us but not that it would have made a difference. I agree, we can compare attendances for that year. I have been loyal to Pompey since aged 2. Hardly missed a game, but even I am finding it hard to continue to give money to the club until it is completely cleaned out and I trust that my club is behaving properly. So not I dont find it surprising. I find it surprising that we still have 12,000 to be honest.
  12. I was thinking of away games more rather than home, although now you mention it a quick quote from the commentator at the live coverage a few months ago at FP: "I have been to more packed stadiums", "I have been to shinier stadiums", "I have been to much nicer stadiums, but I have never, ever, ever been to a louder one" Many ex players are quoted as saying that the Pompey support is the loudest they have ever played against. Its not just ex players either, Henry, Pires, Warnock, half the inter milan team have all been quoted as saying the Pompey support is good. I could be wrong, but I dont remember ever reading the same about saints. Happy to be proven wrong though. A quick look on the Barnsley Forum, Reading forum, Millwall forum will give you an idea of what they thought of the Pompey support. Regarding numbers, you have the upper hand without a doubt. One day we may have your infrastructure and league position and a comparison may truly be made. I am not holding my breath though! You talk about 27,000 in admin compared to 17,000 but was it in a falling down stadium?, was it after season ticket holders and loyal fans have been shafted for years? Was it when many find it hard to stomach supporting such appaling actions of previous owners? How many would you have got in the same circumstances? I dont know, and neither do you.
  13. The only way the attendance debate (in relation to numbers) will ever be settled is when the contributing factors can all be included and are on a like for like basis. With regards to fervour, noise etc it will always be opinion. The majority of which is in favour of Pompey.
  14. Looks like you might get your wish. And it's goodbye from us
  15. The level of mis-managent is absolutely staggering. I am so glad it seems to be over.
  16. Cant help but feel with all this talk of St Mary's that you are all being a little (and I mean a little) bit hypocritical. I mean, by your own admission you got away without paying a large % of the stadium. A stadium which will allow you to increase revenue (forever) and therefore have the possibility to purchase better players than say Reading, Derby, Doncaster etc who have had to pay for their Stadium Reading, in particular, have had to accept a frugal wage bill in order to keep up repayments on the Mad. This clearly puts them at a disadvantage to yourselves. Simply because Reading chose to manage their finances. I understand that the people in charge at Pompey did was to a FAR greater extent but nonetheless you have still got an unfair disadvantage. Sure, you have been punished accordingly but you still have that stadium. Leicester, Palace. It may not be as much an advantage that Pompey got, but yours is permanent, ours is gone. Good work, I reckon. So, you have a stadium that you havent fully paid for, we HAD players we couldnt pay for (to a larger value). We are the worse cheats known to man and you are holier than thou. Cheats are cheats whether you steal 1,000 monopoly pounds or 5. Its still cheating. CHEATS
  17. I could be wrong of course but I am sure I saw articles saying that the overdraft was 6m. Stand to be corrected. To re-cap then, administration was a really good deal for you guys. Basically a free stadium, which will go on to contribute to your income to be used on footballl for the rest of your clubs days. I know ML has paid it in full, but withou going into admin I guess that would have not been possible. I dont think admin will be as kind to us as I dont think we will get to keep the players as you have your stadium as I dont think thats an option. Plus on top of that there is the funds that Gaydamak etc are claiming together with 24m taxes (How they can not pay that beggars beleif to be honest and its an absolute disgrace) Intersting to note that our footballing debt is 22.4m, a similar figure to the mortgage on your stadium. Whats the better value? Stadium probably. The sooner we are rid of all individuals assocaited with this mess the better
  18. That’s a pretty good sugar daddy you have there. How much did the stadium cost?
  19. Precisely my point. At the moment you assume that all funds spent will be either a gift or interest free loan or something similar and don’t imagine that its going to be a problem. As such you can pass it off as not really overspending. We were told this very same thing, but of coursed it did turn out to be a problem. At the time of having all the expensive players we still believed it to be the case. Since then of course Gaydamak has quite literally shafted us. I hope ML doesn’t do it to you (and suspect he wont). BUT, if he does I wont be turning around saying you lot are cheats for whatever you may have achieved during this period. I can see that I am looking at this from a biased point of view and that the real truth is somewhere near the middle. Can you? Lol by the way, with the accounting. I blame the spreadsheet and a lack of brain cells. Also, how come no debt on the stadium – surely that cost a packet? Maybe not, as demonstrated I am no financial expert
  20. I only come on here when there is something to discuss. I am a Pompey fans, this is a Saints board. At an average of £20 per ticket over 23 games I think thats a difference in income of 500,000. Barely enough for a decent league one player. TBH though we wont be getting 20k crowds and you wont be getting 32k crowds. Not unless we both get back to the Prem. I am assuming you still have hefty stadium payments? Or has it been paid off? If its been paid off then you prob have to spend roughly the same as Pompey on stadia. I think the main money really comes from TV still, which I guess will be more loaded toward Pompey for the next season or two. Leeds are currently spending to their means and they have managed to get out of league one. They will most likely be in with a good chance of the Prem eventually. They will most likely have to spend beyond their means to stay there. What hope is there for Saints and Pompey. Championship at best. Or overspend. I really dont know the figures TBH. But, I think that you would be more likely to return to the Prem than us if neither had a sugar Daddy simply because of your infrastructure. I dont think there is that much difference though, which I think means both of us will have to overspend to get back to the Prem. Of course, you have someon that will do that for you - and good luck to you. Yes Burnley, etc managed it. Its more the exception than the rule though.
  21. You know, I am actaully quite looking forward to your meteoric rise back to the prem. I really hope you dont spend beyon your means to get there though. I hope you have all already told your billlionaire chairman that you do NOT want any players beyond what the club can afford. To be honest though with gate revenue you should easily make it back to the championship. As for a push beyond that, I think it will have to be spending beyond your means or accept a return to the prem is unlikely.
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