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Everything posted by Bensfcno1

  1. Sky Sports fantasy football league created. League: SaintsWeb Forum Code: 8035616.
  2. Saints in STRIPES entered! Good luck to all, although normally get bored of checking/changing team a few weeks in and this year i'm going travelling for most of the season so may be even harder to keep on top of so lets hope my team stays in form and injury free. One can dream!
  3. Im glad defending like that is a thing of the past ;-)
  4. I think Gaston's fitness troubles have been ongoing since he got here. So would have been nice to get a full pre-season out of him to get him Saints fit for once, but having an international player comes with it's costs as stated before so we will just have to manage his playing time and training to get him match fit and sharp enough to get the best out of him this season, rather than rushing him back into starting just because he is an influential player.
  5. I went in November about 9 years ago. Was amazing! Stayed in Cayo-coco, which is one of a few Cayo islands linked to tue North of Cuba by a single road! Wildlife and beaches are unbelievable and people were very friendly both at the hotel and in a locality town we visited, during a trip to an old sugar cane farm.
  6. tbf considering the ingredients of the ave soft drink, athletes probably be better of (health wise) having a pint of Lager or ale anyway.
  7. http://www.fkf.co.ke/index.php?page=NewsandEvents&subpage=FKF%20PRESIDENT%20HAILS%20VICTOR%20WANYAMA Interesting, the Don wont be happy!
  8. Cheers mate! I'm in Aus dec-march and fly out of Melbourne so will be there March time. Looking forward to it and will keep tabs on here and ask questions about games in my various destinations.
  9. Regardless of the international players coming back, the squad does look short by about 6/7. At least a few More signings needed in the coming month. They all seemed happy to see each other and then concentrating on working hard on the exercises.
  10. I would actually like to see him gain some extra core strength as one of his main weaknesses was his one on one strength with defenders last year on several occasions. Maybe this could just be experience, but feel it will come with age, dedicated training and playing matches at the top.
  11. I'm travelling all over the place (south east Asia, AUS, NZ, then South America between October and July. I hope to be able to find places to watch saints games on route so this could be very helpful!
  12. I hope this poll is reflective of Saints fans overall and the 60% stick to ther guns and dont buy. Think retro striped shirts should be encouraged at all games this season!
  13. No especially at £50 and the away kit is ruined by the White Vneck at least saints and adidas won't be getting any money put of me for either!
  14. Has Gaston ever completed a full match for club or country? If so when was his last?
  15. Shame Sky sport didn't recognise Maya when they spoke about the English based player's!
  16. Thanks for the advice CylonKing, off to SE asia in October then to Aus, NZ and finish in South America, flying home from Rio day after world cup final. Will have a look at the suggested MP3 and also the Pacsafe. did you have one covering the whole bag or just your valuables?
  17. I am looking to purchase an MP3 player, but don't want to spend too much (as going travelling for 8 months and dont want to break/loose an expensive one) so Looking away from my usual choice of an IPod. There are a few that RRP at about £45/50 but can purchase for £29.99 or there a bouts. Can any recommend a make or specific model to consider or steer clear of? Criteria would be easy to upload music, decent audio and usable during exercise. Thanks in advance for advice
  18. Gutted and feels weird that i'm not renewing, but not worth it as i'm going travelling in October for 8 and half months. Hope to be able to watch most games on TV around the world, and finish by watching a game or two at the world cup in Brazil as my last destination.
  19. Best prem midfielder not to have his name sung by his own fans, loud and regularly........
  20. http://www.cardiffcityfc.co.uk/news/article/201314-st-holders-to-select-home-shorts-846066.aspx So football clubs do still listen to fans!
  21. I think just chanting 'One Markus Liebherr' song tomorrow will be enough. But thanks Katharina for sorting this out, although looks like it may have just been good publicity stunt from Cortese?
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