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Everything posted by Benj540

  1. I love this kind of stuff, with all due respect don't mean I like to see you in this position. But love employers that act like this.. Absolute hilarity insues when you invite a union rep or someone who has decent HR knowledge. Good luck chap if you do need anything let me know. I've respresented colleagues before in this sort of scenario.
  2. I've got everything crossed for this to come true..
  3. Benj540


    Agree 100%
  4. Again my advice would be to chat to Novatech.
  5. Norwich are really starting to establish a solid side. I agree with MerceSaints28 - I am worried about full back cover - big time. Fox gets a lot of stick, he's okay for the odd game, but I would hate to see him in the side on a long term basis if Shaw were to pick up an injury.
  6. And confirmed Novatech is probably one of the best places to go. They even have a live chat on their website which you can get a lot of free information and help from. I bought a PSU from Novatech and it broke down after 6 months, talked on live chat to a Tech guy who sent me a new one free of charge which arrived the next day. Absolutely top service.
  7. Give me a shout anytime you need, got 2 you could use fella.
  8. Have a look here mate: http://www.sevenforums.com/crashes-debugging/72977-pc-keeps-shutting-down.html#post1636764
  9. Where would collection be from?
  10. Just don't like touch screen. Good phone to be honest.
  11. Swapping my mint condition, 4 month old Samsung Galaxy S for BB Curve 3G.
  12. Don't they say the first 6 or so days are the hardest? Once you conquer that you're free with a little bit of will power.
  13. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+remove+eu+limit+on+ipod+classic
  14. You say they wouldn't promote you as you could not drive, were you able and did you inform them that you would be able to travel to needed destinations. If so they should not discriminate against you for not driving yourself. (Ofcourse might not be possible in your line of work) To clarify how long were you working via the agency and how long for the company directly. And as far as I am aware, everyone who earns over £95 a week and is contracted is entitled to SSP, providing your sick for 4 consecutive days. Oh and regarding holiday entitlement, there is a minimum right to paid holiday. You are entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks paid annual leave (works out to 28 days if you work 5 days a week). However, bank holiday can be included in your leave entitlement. Edit: Didn't read the post thoroughly, Baj's post is a bit more on topic.
  15. Good idea to fair. Would encourage more people to post and get used to the banter on the boards.
  16. What date is this game?
  17. Davis - 6 - Few good claims, not much to do. James - 8 - Solid at RB, excellent crosses/corners. Harding - 8 - Got forward when he could, defended well. Trotman - 8 - Doesn't let anyone past him and very dominent. Jaidi - 8 - Good in the air, best game in a saints shirt. Hammond - 8 - Battled well as usual and got forward well. Wotton - 8 - Played very well, battled very hard. Melis - 8- Played very well, looked confident. (Surprising after a **** performance mid week). Waigo - 7 - Wasted a few balls, but showed some decent skill and pace. Lallana - 9 - What we expect to see from him, wasn't played in 3 different positions. Lambert - 9 - (MOTM) They just could not handle him at all, very aware of everything around him. Subs; Holmes - 6 - Not long enough to make an impact. Patterson - 6 - Chased well, not long enough. Gillett - 6 - Looked a little rusty, not at his best.
  18. I was of the same opinion the 5800 changed my view completely too. I really like the phone, I would advise people to get one.
  19. 1-0 red army!
  20. Could always use COMODO aswell, free and works well, but avoid Norton.
  21. Not 100% sure on this but I do believe from your effective start date as a new employee on a contract, you should be issued with a contract of employment within 8 weeks i.e. statement of particulars and other entitlements and regulations you must follow in your job. For example we issue a code of conduct, annual leave statements and information on sick pay. If your contract has changed for any reason for example; hours change. A variation to contract should be issued within 4 weeks from effective date. Unless this variation drastically changes the role you perform, then a new statement of particulars and terms would need to be issued. As you have not received a contract of employment is it worth checking that you are definitely not a 'casual' employee. You work when required may even be regularly but if you are a casual employee there is no obligation to work for you and no obligation for your employer to provide work to you. As stated above not 100% sure on this but that seems to be how it works where I work.
  22. Does using this link work? Seems to work for me. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsHome/0,,10280,00.html http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsHome/0,,10280,00.html
  23. Don't know if I am missing something here but can't you just use absolute cell references. E.g =$C$11 Then what ever is in C11 will be in every cell with the above formula. Then whenever you change C11, all cells duplicating it will change.
  24. There is the old myth, of sticking the laptop in a freezer for 10 mins can reset this. As said probably a myth... And ofcourse tried at your own risk. http://repair4laptop.org/disassembly_gateway.html You could also try the above link, explains step by step how to take apart certain gateway laptops. Alternatively you could find this chap and 'persuade' him to kindly give you the password.
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