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Everything posted by Bridge

  1. FFS all I can think of. Is to get this game out of the way and hope the board sack this pile of sh!t manager. There's no football while this inadequate excuse of a manager is here.
  2. Redmond is a waste of space...we were well mugged off...Norwich must be laughing their t!ts off.
  3. I wonder what team he will put out today...***** me this guy is so bizarre in his team selection and methods it begs belief!!! Please Please get rid of him today Christmas is over now!!!
  5. SACK HIM RIGHT NOW!!!! Way out of his depth...There's no sign we will improve under him...He plays the same way nearly all the time and its just not working...My god I thought we were boring to watch last season...This season we are boring and sh it!...Only trouble is I don't think there is a manager out there that can turn this damage around quick, it's so negative how we play and set up.
  6. Roll over and die again...what a load of sh it!!!!
  7. Should have gone weeks ago. ..complete bellend
  8. Bridge

    Josh Sims

    Great news...exciting player….play him anytime over Redmond
  9. If we continue with this current win rate, we will finish on 41 points. Way to close for my liking. There has to be a big up lift in results to push away from danger.
  10. MP is out of his depth! Plays about with the team to much and picks Redmond, I struggle to see what Redmond has to offer? To me he's a championship player at best. He's not a team player, moans at teams mates and ref's all the frigging time, he should worry about himself and what he has to deliver. If MP doesn't get a grip of things soon the Prem will slowly eat him alive! He talks a good game and says all right things to the camera. I just wonder how good he is at motivating the team. I not sure about this set of players we have in the squad, we do need some additions but by god he should be getting more out of them? I don't even know what our style of play is anymore. There no identity to this team. It all still looks grim from my side of the fence and I am still in the MP has to go opinion.
  11. Shane Long's first touch is so sh it....
  12. OMG...We beat the worst team at home on Sunday and now you think we can beat Man City...? I am not convinced by our win on Sunday like many on here are...There is still much to do with this team and I am still not convinced MP yet.
  13. Yep...get rid and invest the money on some good forwards
  14. Oh f uck off we are still sh it....just beat the worse team in the league big deal!!! papering over the cracks
  15. Going by the training gallery...it looks like the next match will be same sh it different day! If we lose on Sunday I hope the hell they have the balls the sack this clown come Monday morning. I am normally up beat about Saints and look forward to match days, but lately it's sucked the life out of that enjoyment with this brand of football.
  16. In the next live game we need to all get a white hanky and wave it booing like the Spanish do when they are unhappy with the manager and need a change...if its on TV with the pundits and commentators talking about it, it will be so embarrassing for the club they will have to do something.
  17. If he is not gone by the next home game, we need to show our disapproval like the Spanish and wave a white hanky along with booing. Something on our part needs to be done...these muppets in charge are either blind or stupid...or worse both!
  18. Get this idiot out NOW!!! and the coaching staff!!! They will not change a thing. We are heading for relegation fast if this lot stay a moment longer!!! Saints do the right thing and get someone in tried and tested...no more gambles with unknowns.
  19. Get this clown out NOW along with all the hopeless coaching staff! We are playing the worst I have ever seen in recent years...Act now or we will be in the Championship just like Villa struggling to get back...Why oh why are we waiting for this idiot the change things on the pitch it is clearly not going to happen. Who comes in I do not know...but there must be someone better then this tw at!!!!
  20. He really is down the pecking order for England. http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2017-...enior-call-up/ Exactly even Garth Southgate knows he's is shi te
  21. Terrible keeper, worst then Kelvin Davis...Would have Boruc back in a flash to cover until we buy someone good enough for the prem....
  22. Chris Coleman was in Winchester high street last Sunday
  23. No way...why go back?...we need to go all out to get a top notch manager. They are out there just need to splash a good wage deal and he will come.
  24. Nice one love to see this team
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