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  1. I saved some of that. Scroll down to April 2020; https://www.sotonians.com/t/where-has-bearsys-icon-gone/850/74
  2. It means (imho, of course) that nature has been trying to curtail human population growth for far longer than the past three months. And that when we inevitably overcome this latest hurdle, as we will, the problems caused by continuing and ever-expanding human overpopulation of the planet are likely to bring the end of the species closer. I don't have any viable solution to offer to this conundrum.
  3. Good post, and I agree with your sentiments. Would just add that I think nature started hostilities some time ago, and to be honest, I'd think winning this war could ultimately prove worse for our species than losing it.
  4. Thank Christ for that, I thought it was just me.
  5. Could argue he was at fault for both goals, tbh.
  6. The leftie pinkos were probably more than a little influenced by public revulsion at the hangings of Derek Bentley, and to a lesser extent, Ruth Ellis.
  7. You are Roy Wood and I claim my £5.
  8. I wonder if prowsey can get him sent off again? :thumbup:
  9. ...along with dropping points in the dying moments of injury time.
  10. Pure quality :lol:
  11. If you were a meal, it would be years past it's best-by date and leave a revolting taste in the mouth.
  12. I guess as they improve battery life and range to realistic levels we'll all end up with electric cars. Or conceivably, without cars at all if this guy is right.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45786690 The difference with commercials is the loads they have to pull. It's hard to generate the sort of torque necessary without a diesel engine, and they also obviously need far greater ranges than private cars to be cost efficient.
  13. Diesel's a busted flush now as far as cars are concerned. It's hard to see commercials making the switch any time soon though.
  14. Genuine question, why does anyone bother what garth crooks says or thinks? I don't recall ever taking him seriously, he spouts such a transparent stream of such utter nonsense, but people still seem to quote him as if his opinions on anything were relevant. Which they aren't.
  15. :lol::thumbup:
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