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Everything posted by pilsburydoughboy

  1. Bloody Johnny come latelys get a season ticket and have no hassle getting a seat.
  2. Probaly the same people who were moaning on Saturday about the way Saints played. Some people need a reality check.
  3. Thetube was fun i can remember walking down the stairs to be met by some bloke swinging a chain. He was ****ing off his head.
  4. Just drunk a bottle of baby bio. No come down i am told but my nuts have swollen to unbelievable proportions.
  5. I am still keen on taxi but just wanted to do the homework first. God bus travel is **** your right................TAXI
  6. Are the vouchers in 2009/2010 season tickets still valid? It says you can travel for £4 all day on blue star buses.I normally travel by taxi to game but a few want to do a retro journey. It look like the bus followed by the Lord Louis and then on the corner post then.
  7. They all speak in a Pockney accent coz they is well ard innit
  8. Pork and Apple fingers?
  9. Yes infact it is a dutch cap.
  10. No movement to block four as far as i understand it.
  11. Does he play darts or pop in for the meat draw?
  12. Have you rented that flat out at last Mr Bislowski?
  13. That would explain it then.Cheers
  14. Is he not on loan to us from Norwich? if so how is he allowed to play against his home team?
  15. Agree completly KD has made superb stops all season. We ran out of legs yesterday and paid the price for not being more ruthless in front of goal. KD is not to blame for our defeat.
  16. I had the pleasure off meeting the **** in the hat outside the Northam.I took the opportunity to tell the ***** exactly what i thought of him. I then phoned a few who were a couple of minutes behind to grab the chance. All i got back from the freak was a glare. I would hate a tosser like that to be associated with my club i mean he had blue and white clown shoes on as well as his normal get up.What a ****.
  17. My hands are sore and bruished from clapping along to Pompey going down with no money in the bank a lot .
  18. I have seen loads of lesbian films in an effort to understand their needs.:smt052:smt052
  19. I find i add a bit more venom in my punt if they are also gay.
  20. That is the team. When we are three up we will replace waigo and put woton into the middle in front of the back four.
  21. We do not have a ****** in a clown suit associated with our club
  22. We are a much better supported club
  23. I would love to think that someone has that statue in their shed and when times are really bad they just pop down the shed to brighten their day. I **** myself laughing just thinking about it. Oh i would have loved to be at the unveiling
  24. Having the misfortune of working in skateville i have taken the day off tomorrow so i will be purged of the vile skate air before saturday. And i will be wearing the usal winning kaks on saturday
  25. You will know if you are next to a skate he will be the one with a really poxy fake ****ney accent and spits all the time. Tough as **** they are...........HAHAHA Docker-p is right they are full of **** and just make up stories which people believe. Looking at the reaction from some people on here its like the mongul hoards or the piks are coming streaming over the breached defences. It will a great day witha memorable Saints Victory.
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