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Everything posted by pilsburydoughboy

  1. Can anybody really see NC appointing a loser like Hart?
  3. If you have to go just go. I once drove non stop for eight hours without stopping.The next day i laid a Pirelli cable and had to hit it with a stick to contain the beast in the loo. I did **** at a freinds house once and had to get my mates dad to rod the drains as it would not flush at all. Only slightly amusing for a 13 year old.
  4. Number two is Craig Bellamy and number three looks like a right bumder. Are they Saints fans?
  5. Is she our new signing?
  6. The lad that suffered his head swelling up is still in abd way. He works for the same company as me although in a different area i do see him from tie to time. His eyes look in completly different directions and he only communicates to one fellow work colleague. I feel a bit sorry for the guy but he is truly ****ed for the rest of his life.
  7. The landlady is a witch who lives opposite the pub she will not stay in the pub to sleep. The pub offers rooms but not many people stay it is a bit too creepy for most.
  8. They did not start a thread i did. Remind me not to send you a christmas card grumpy....................
  9. The Novatones are playing the Brook on August 13th supporting The Red Hot Phony Peppers. Tickets are on sale from the Brook for £9. It will be a lively affair.
  10. 70cm White Italian Bathroom sink with plunger sink fittings. Good as new.This is a Lavabo Quadro imported sink. It costs £250 when new but will sell for £50. Can deliver locally.
  11. The Novatones from Chandlers Ford have made it through tothe Final of The Live and Unsigned Competition at the 02 in London. http://http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/The-Novatones/36531409570 They are all Saints Fans.
  12. Pop in and speak to Paul at the Maple Leaff Club.
  13. Packets normally or tins at my Mums.
  14. Does he mean Macaroons?
  15. The mighty Fans at that **** hole down the road could not even fill the stadium for their last Prem game ever at Farton Park. Best Fans in the world though my arse. Chelsea will stuff them out of sight.
  16. Three clear penalties and the ref ignores all of them. Lambert gets the **** kicked out him all night and the ref does nothing. I think we are right to blame the ref.
  17. Eating carp has been practiced in England since the monks would farm them for food.
  18. Why have the planes been grounded.Man up some.
  19. Valiant effort though.
  20. I think he gets a Dale Winton tan. He is a bit orange.
  21. My Japs was keeping watch over her
  22. Will the best fans in the world TM buy all their ticket allocation for the final? How many were not sold for the semi 2000? How many at Fratton 16500 for a prem game. What a joke. Bitter no,laughing at the corrupt Prem team yes.You are just a blot on the landscape in Prem history. Championship next season with no money and stuck with administration so another -10 to start the season on.
  23. Her sister sits three rows in front of me in the Itchen North.
  24. I will have two spare tickets as of Friday.
  25. A pre match ramble from pub to pub of less than two miles.
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