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Everything posted by pilsburydoughboy

  1. pilsburydoughboy


    It is bloody awful
  2. Is that Noel Edmonds in the bed ?
  3. How will we cope without Pulis showing the youth how to go on the ****?
  4. The Magnificent seven ride again?
  5. $8 and your Nan comes with it . Not sure how i feel about that
  6. New Radio station at the club? I hope its an award winning one
  7. I think a giant purple dinosaur will be fine in the championship next season
  8. Not exactly a fans army is it. Dellhurst Park anybody?
  9. Monks Alex Alfred Stadium Oak? Up town? More Beer? Stupid Short ones? Herby smelling fags? Kebab Game over
  10. Awake at 6.15 thinking about the game. Have tidied the garden ,shed and garage. Will wash car again and then go to allotment. Must keep busy until 3 o clock then its radio in the garden and beer. Not nervous at all MUCH........
  11. I remember the guy at number running out in the back yard shouting they have done it when Bobby scored.The guy proceeded to run around until the final whistle screaming his head off. We went up to the motorway bridge at Otterbourne to watch all the cars and coaches come home. I cry every time i see the cup final goal and fully expect to cry when we go up today.
  12. I sat in the bombed bar not more than three years ago. Very sad as the whole country is a fantastic place and the had the added bonus of bumping into the beautiful Anna Friel.
  13. Pills and Powder at football were the food of gods for a while. Nobody could be bothered to fight as they were too loved up for any of that ********.
  14. Royal wedding street party special this week.
  15. The guy is a complete tool. We gave the their goal and we beat them after coming from behind. Get used to it Poyet
  16. Who give two hoots about what a washed up player and a tv nobody have to say about our promotion campaign. That Skate **** will say anything to earn a few quid to spend down the bookies and as for the other idiot has he ever played the game?
  17. I missed the final due to being in hospital after having been rushed in with appendix trouble. Had to listen on the radio with four Saints fans on the ward.
  18. Dont forget the company is making the position redundant. If you fill a multitude of roles at the company then you might be worth more to the company than others.
  19. So has Skacel signed yet?He would be a great player
  20. I do not think it was a Spitfire that flew under the bridge but saw the Spitfire yesterday
  21. Is there are ten posters left?
  22. Be prepared for RATS.You cannot avoid them when keeping chickens
  23. What ever did we see in him?
  24. Hold your head high sunshine and tell all plastic manc fans to get a grip.
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