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Everything posted by pilsburydoughboy

  1. She is just disgusting
  2. Visit the Highwayman Pub in Sourton near Dartmoor it is chuffing mental
  3. The Oak Tree
  4. I used to fancy his sister she was hot
  5. Every game as it comes Amigo
  6. I am sure he meany well. Its all about opinions and reactions. I think Mr Docker-p thrives on it like Robbie Savage getting booed at every game only spurs Mr D-p on. Maybe he does not like us be a winning club as it gives him less to moan about.
  7. I once wrote in somebodys wedding book " I cant read and i cant right but that dont really matter coz Chris has now married Jo and his cock will be covered in her fanny batter " Quality
  8. The Novatones not SKA i know but have seen them do a mean Monkey Man. They all support the Saints keep an eye out for the next gig after a game. Always lively
  9. Walk to the top of the road and turn left. Keep going and you cant miss it.
  10. Lambert is in the best form of his life and he knows it. Lambert is fitter than he has ever been which is thanks to Nigel. Why would we sell Lambert to Newcastle who are a myth when it comes to being a big side. Rickie will stay at St Marys. Talk Sport could not predict the rising of the sun correctly. I wont be losing any sleep over it.
  11. Went to Pilgrim House on Friday night was first class
  12. Bring back the beautiful topless bar maids upstairs. That would bring the standards back !!!
  13. Nigel have you seen my specs?
  14. No wonder the server plays up
  15. I started out as a parks for gardener for the city council in Southampton and was fortunate enough to work in all the green spaces in our fair city. I have to say that there are not many cities the size of ours that can claim as much quality green space as ours. Later in life i had worked as a parks manager in Skateville and what a **** hole that really is.
  16. Red Shoot surely was the choice
  17. Thank God for that.They should sign up the landlord of the Angel
  18. I hear he is walking around mostly unchallenged this week
  19. Did they walk about unopposed and start taking liberties
  20. pilsburydoughboy


    Skinheads start your stomping.............
  21. Buy a tainted ******
  22. If i knew how to post a link i would post pictures of the two birds from "Coast" oh yes
  23. Hatch Redshoot is the way to go. We have stayed on numerous occasions and enjoy the pub on site and the high corner inn is an enjoyable half hour walk if you turn right out of the camp site then right again at the bottom of the lane you cant miss it. High corner inn do an awesome pint of cider
  24. There is no standard or set measurements. Every local authority will be different but will have sold you a plot with certain measurements. When purchasing the burial plot the measurements will have been given.
  25. pilsburydoughboy


    Henneys has to be the best shop bought cider
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