Sundance Beast
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the things Rupert Lowe has said over the years
Sundance Beast replied to Fitzhugh Fella's topic in The Saints
Your welcome and I suspect not many read Duncan's posts these days as they are stuck in the 1970's, football has moved on for better or worse but Duncan doesn't appear o have noticed that. For the record to the previous post I have made no comment about DW's mother other than our original exchange of views and it is he who continues to bring it up. I will say this though that cancer affects 1 in 3 of us so I suspect there are a few hundred on here silently and bravely suffering as a result of the illness be it themselves or close family members. Most though don't choose to use their own personal tradegies as a stick to beat the club with. Tragic though DW situation is it does not mean I don't have a right to my opinion and be able to give it without his continual resorts to veiled threats of violence and about being able to find me with today's technology and 'talk' to me face to face. Maybe one day Daren and perhaps you can kill two birds with one stone because some people are living with personal tradegies so acute that a bit like our football club they get by one day at a time. Thats my 3 posts out of my system for the day. -
Time for some good old fashioned name dropping
Sundance Beast replied to Fitzhugh Fella's topic in The Saints
BASSA? Now it's beginning to make sense. Duncan it appear's you love flogging dead horses and why you say yourself you love looking back as you believe the good times have left the club for good. Why don't you spend your time writing to Gordon bemoaning what happened to the real Labour party. The world has moved on Duncan and unfortunately for you, you haven't and that's why your views on Lowe have as much relevance as Trade Unions in today's society. -
the things Rupert Lowe has said over the years
Sundance Beast replied to Fitzhugh Fella's topic in The Saints
Hello Tame, glad I got your week of to a good start and hopefully put a smile on your face. It made me smile as well and hopefully its still a decent human trait to be able laugh at yourself once in a while even though I doubt a few on here can admit to being able to do just that. The Fashanu joke is a good one and yes and I did forget he had died but remembered as soon as you mentioned it but unlike some others I don't have room in my head to have an encylcopedic knowledge of every ex-footballer alive or dead. I have trouble remembering my wedding anniversary let alone the time Fash put a rope around neck although I guess its equally symbolic. Still please keep reminding me of it every other time you reply to me as it still makes me laugh. With regards to dear old Duncan somewhere in the more dustier recesses of my brain I was under what now appears to be the misapprehension that he was a professsional journalist. (Unlike Daren Wheeler who comes across as an unusual breed of hooligan who was learned to write) . Therefore, when I saw ITN, I naturally thought that he was referring to his day job but obviously not. I suspect to even the most ardent Saints fans the acronym ITN would automatically make you think about ITV news as oppose to some coffee table tome for which a tree had to die in the rainforest. Easy though how things can get taken out of context if people don't listen to both sides of the argument. Still catching up with events at the AGM whilst i was away on holiday. The Echo's report on the spat between the board and the audience was quite funny and you have to say Lowe managed the abuse quite deftly and it was messrs. Crouch, McMenemy, Lowe, Corbett and Holley who made themselves look quite frankly a bit ridiculous and actually very funny if it wasn't for the fact these people are the ones who are advocating change. None of them had anything different to say or was I the only one who noticed that. Personally, I prefer those who want to run/change our club not to rely on their spouses to fight their own personal agendas but I suppose had lovable and loyal lawrie not sold his shares he could have attended the meeting in his own right. As for Crouch being told by Lowe to 'sit down and behave yourself Leon', or words to that effect it sounded like Lowe had to revert to the role of a calm and collected school teacher. His response to Holley's diatribe was priceless and what else could he say. Cleverer individuals would have removed ther own personal agendas and kept the questions challenging and impersonal and Lowe might not have so easily breezed through a sitcom of an AGM thanks to those in the audience. If it means any of those protaganists will never darken the corridors of power at SMS again they long may Lowe reign. In the meantime I remain supportive of change but only if it is beneficial to the club and not simply to satisfy the desire of those with some form on unbalanaced persoanl agenda or unjustified hated of Lowe. I am not interested in personalities, background, race, 'football man status', hobbies, class or upbringing to name just a few. I am only interested in having the best person available to do the job who is strong and man enough to have the courage of their own convictions that they are doing the best for the club and to stick their head above the parapet and get on with it, without the use of fan friendly rhetoric to smokescreen what is really going on. He is running the club better than anyone else has since he left and Salz or anyone else would not be able to do anything differently in the current local and global climate. It is the fans perception and prejudice towards Lowe that is dividing the fan base to a degree not his ability to run the club and if we analyse the performance of the buffoons in the audience at the AGM and there one track path to oblivion we should be grateful he is in control for the time being. Glad I made your day although worrying that's two senior moments I've had this week and apologies for filling my response with a load of stuff perhaps not relevent to you but on 3 posts a day you need to use every opportunity and to allow the occassional post to wind up the lunatic fringe aka imo Daren Wheeler. Chomp away DW afterall you are the Beautiful South. god forbid! -
the things Rupert Lowe has said over the years
Sundance Beast replied to Fitzhugh Fella's topic in The Saints
Apparently, very little, you even seem unaware you have lost the plot. ITN news writer uses Stanley as a credible and unbiased source. I suppose you'll be trying to spin a positive report on the Israeli's indefensible action of shelling a house full of innocent civilians by saying something like 'well in a warzone they were stupid to follow the advice of the enemy.' Extreme? Maybe, but no doubt you get the point. I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve DH but clearly taking Stanley as a point of reference and congratulating him for his material is extreme, divisory and provocative for this club's real supporters. Shame on you. -
the things Rupert Lowe has said over the years
Sundance Beast replied to Fitzhugh Fella's topic in The Saints
Firstly, never apologise for having an opinion especially if you support the current board. Ever heard the club anarchists apologise for refusing to step over the threshold at SMS until Lowe has gone or beating their monotonous ill thought out drum? Always make me smile when the Anti-Lowe use Strachan's unbiased tome to try and hang Lowe, the same man who gave Gordon the job after abject failure at Coventry and all us fans saying wtf has Lowe done? Now Strachan is paraded like some kind of deity by the anti-Lowe brigade - you couldn't make it up although the anti-Lowe brigade love doing just that. Anti-Lowe fan = Short memories or worse = prejudiced. -
the things Rupert Lowe has said over the years
Sundance Beast replied to Fitzhugh Fella's topic in The Saints
And that last comment is probably why most people who take their news seriously will watch BBC or SKY news channels. Working on producing another balanced article Duncan or propaganda that ultimately can only bite the hand that has fed you in the past. Tread carefully old boy you are in danger of making yourself look a tad more ridiculous if that is possible. You're obviously more GMTV than ITN. Word of advice if I may - let it go, it was only a phone call - have you never had a cross word in the happy clappy world of ITN news? Why try and continue to undermine those who are trying to run the club in the only viable way open to us at the moment. Not only that your stance and the encouragement of others is actually damaging the supporters experience for many of us of whom were once your loyal customers. The way you are going and the sources you seem to be reverting to, don't have a print run of more than 500 for your next sparkling read. Most fans I suspect, like me prefer our non-fiction portrayed without bias and our grapes a little sweeter. -
Admin - Watch Rupert find Investors then...
Sundance Beast replied to Channon's Sideburns's topic in The Saints
Quite -
Admin - Watch Rupert find Investors then...
Sundance Beast replied to Channon's Sideburns's topic in The Saints
MFI was orginally saved by a management buyout and look what happened to them recently. Ergo, Lowe will buy us for £1 after administration and take us into administration again ....ooooh how scary. There are many options all of which you will all switch into some conspiracy theory that Lowe is out to get you. You are all beginning to embarrass yourselves just a bit and thankfully there are at least another 12,000 regular supporters going to games who don't share your views or are more ambivalent at any rate. This can be supported by the comments on the articles on the Echo website where the comments are much more balanced and have a less anti-Lowe aganeda apart from one ot two seriously unhinged and unhappy individuals. Anyone read UTS's comments on there? Not exactly someone you want on your side. -
Admin - Watch Rupert find Investors then...
Sundance Beast replied to Channon's Sideburns's topic in The Saints
Paranoia or merely confirmation what many of us were saying at the start of last year. Smart investors or circling vultures are not going to want to invest in a company that they know they can purchase for a £1 post administration. Barclays purchase of Lehman Brothers in the US is on another scale but illustrates the point perfectly. Called in to rescue the bank at the last hour Barclays waited until after the inevitable and simply walked back in cherry picked the bits of the company they wanted for an absolute bargain price. Why would shrewd investors in the football world act any differently? Of course there will be investors post administration and Rupert Lowe won't have to go looking for them they'll be knocking down his door. Perhaps we could concentrate on the fact that Lowe for all his shortcomings he is actually trying to act in best interest of shareholders and supporters alike and protect our interests and those of the club. This can only be done if anti-lowe protesters stop their ignorant refusal to accept the previous two seasons have really put us into meltdown and not Lowe's actions from his previous reign. If you believe Lowe set the snowball in motion why didn't those who took over stop it from rolling? Because they would have had to implement plans that would not be deemed fan friendly and therefore revert back to the fiscal prudence of Lowe's regime. Do we battle for our survival or wave the white flag and rollover and accept our fate? Or shall we ***** over Lowe like a bunch of paraniod teenage girls? Seriously most of you are turning this forum into a parody of a football fans forum. You are making the club looked ridiculous and it's no wonder we are classed of being one of the top 5 clubs with the most fickle and moany fanbase. I suspect Charlton fans come on here just to cheer themselves up, so perhaps its time we stop the pantomine guessing and simply concentrate on the reality and importance of support. -
Is it a pointless dig rather than a relevant question just because it doesn't suit your own pointless agenda? Its the same old song from the anti-Lowe camp who are happy to rant unjustified about Lowe and the board and yet expect those who support the club to justify every comment and still be ridiculed. This forum with the return of the sanctimonious Duncan Holley and the pious ramblings of Wheeler not to mention the lunacy of the likes of Stanley and SaintRobbie it really is becoming a parody of a forum for debate and perhaps the whiole site should be relabelled 'Muppet Show'. Thankfully the most venomous and unhinged characters are not representative of the 12,000 fans who are still going to games and clearly don't post on this site but who knows what damage they are capable within their 'social circles'. The Beautiful South? Not for much longer if the lunatics once again try to take over the asylum instead of seizing on every little rumour or morsel of gossip to bring down their own house. You're in danger of turning this club into a house of cards unless you are able to assess the situation with an iota of balance and subjectivity. Many of you should try typing your words without showering your monitors in spit.
Duncan, is it your new years resolution to come on and attack those who reply with a soupcon of irony and sarcasm and in turn add a much needed little zest to a very tired forum obsessed with Lowe? Buctootim made a very valid point and most footballers will be guarded about their reasons for leaving simply because the sport is so incestous you don't want to burn your bridges - Jermain Defoe being a case in point. So I doubt you would get the real reason if you interviewed Cork yourself unless you were a very close confidante. Is it very black and white your reasons for resolving to ignore your previous resolve to stop posting? If you are going to adopt this sort of sanctimonious approach may I respectfully suggest your time may be better spent working on publishing more fodder for dusty and unloved coffee tables.
Lucy Pinder Daren Wheeler Stanley SaintRobbie I love being surrounded by pussies
That's very Stalinesque Robbie but unless I'm mistaken you don't speak 'for the people'. It may be more accurate to say - I don't support Lowe' - or 'some people I talk to ad allow them to have an opinion don't support Lowe'. Otherwise my friend you are dressing up your personal ideals as a MISGUIDED BELIEF that people don't support Lowe. Prove it or lose the role as forum despot.
New Year Messages for Rupert here please
Sundance Beast replied to SaintRobbie's topic in The Saints
I thought it was you Doug? Come on time to come out and let us all know what you really think of the current board compared to the previous two seasons. You know what to do, give us a well reasoned analysis based on all known facts, just like you use to do but seem to prefer angry short rants these days. I'm concerned Doug and I have a theory why your style may have changed, hope I'm wrong. Best regards SB -
In FC's well considered post it is clear which category of 'fan' SaintRobbie falls and it's somewhere to the far right of the axis of evil if it needed clarification. Robbie you need to be a little more flexible in your approach, suggestions and attitude as your manic rants are actually doing more to entrench Lowe in his position than negogiating towards his removal. What really annoys me is the dressing up of opinions as fact, and whilst we recognise Lowe has made mistakes any sane individual would recognise he has had some success and people harp on about the plc but where were these vociferous dissenters before 2003? You all regularly talk about the points in history that support your arguments and mention dinosaurs like McMenemy in revered tones but ignore the moments in history that you presumably all supported and helped us to arrive at where we are today. All to convienient and unbalanced as usual. 'Lowe has done all that in spades and is therefore NOT TRUSTED and ASSOCIATED WITH FAILURE'. This quote made me smile because you could replace Lowe's name with McMenemy or Crouch and the cap still fits. 'A man who loses the faith of so many people over such a period time can only do that through negligence, ineptude, inability, poor salesmanship, poor media profiling, arrogance... the list goes on'. The list only goes on in the heads of the most rabid anti-lowe ergo anti-club fan. How do we really know Lowe has lost the faith of 'so many people'. Probably, only 10% (a generous estimate) of fans post on this forum - for good reason - and clearly a lot of the passion and hatred for Lowe exists solely on this site and is not reflected in the wider fan base and certainly the balanced mix of fans I come into contact with. Neither are the fans I meet happy clappy loweites but recognise in the absence of any suitable change (not change for the sake of change) that it is our moral duty as supporters to get behind the club and not desert it on what amounts to a personality clash. As FC said in his analogy some of you see Lowe as more Shakin Stevens than George Micheal and alludes to the fact it's simple prejudice and IMO probably goes back to the lunatic fringe comment, that let's face it every club is burdened with and we see it everyday on this forum. For instance, I'm not usually referred to as a '****', 'plant', 'mentalist', etc in everyday life to my face in writing but regularly so, and far worse on here. In fact how often are any of us told to f*** O** in all seriousness to our faces in the world outside? If people do with the regularity they do on here then I think we have a write to refer to them as a lunatic fringe or even and an under-class that most of us would wish to avoid. Lowe does not disunite the club, its the fans who chose to take a dislike to him to such a degree that they create a division of their own making. The conflict within our fanbase is of our own making. Lowe is only presiding over our demise because he chose along with the support from Wilde to come back and try and rescue us from the disaster that has been created over the previous two seasons. Were things as catastrophic when Lowe was ousted when he prudently was trying to implement some financial constraints to help plan and rebuild for a push back to the Premiership? If we are heading to League 2? The only reason Lowe will preside over that demise is that he chose to come back and try and help despite his shoddy treatment two years previously by the people he was trying to help/represent but there are none so blind as those who refuse to really look at a situation and in particular overcome their prejudice. Your post is full of paranoia posted as facts and a lot of it is perhaps based on Strachan's book but as we know there are two sides to every argument and we should suspend judgement until we are aware of the story from the other side but I suspect Lowe doesn't need to publish his memoirs just yet and will not cash in on his 'celebrity' until he actually retires from his position as anyone with good grace should actually do. I've never read Strachan's book which was probably ghost written anyway but I'm often thrown the quote 'Well I read in Strachan's book....' when it comes to supporting an anti-lowe agenda. Don't think there is a court in this country that will proverbially hang a man based solely on one side of the argument. Robbie, you don't understand why people continue to support Lowe because you refuse or are unable to look at the situation subjectively, honestly, dispassionately and without prejudice. Thankfully, those more important than our more subversive elements in our fan base can and I for one prefer to pin my hopes on them getting us out of this mess than calls for imaginary CEOs to be instated or mystery buyers to come forward. Take a reality check, and btw stop using the word cancer in this grammatically correct fashion as it's likely to insight anger and outrage from some of the really unhinged elements of this forum because of their close association with the disease and unable to understand, a word no matter how distasteful, can have two meanings. That said perhaps as in this case it's used against Lowe and not McmEnemy they will find it acceptable. Funny old world.