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Kingsland Codger

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Everything posted by Kingsland Codger

  1. No. Currently we are discussing all the various options. No-one buying you out of admin and FP being demolished is but one (probably unlikely) possibility. The list of options is far too long to repeat - but perhaps one of the more likely is relegation, start in the CCC next season with a large (say -20) points deduction and playing your youth team - relegation to League 1 followed by, hopefully, another relegation. There is also the possiblity (albeit slim) that the Court might just find a spare slot today or tomorrow to hear the case before you enter administration - in which case it's bye-bye for ever.
  2. But the anti-rust pain bill needn't be all that high. Ater all, around two-thirds of the stadium would be moth-balled;only part of one stand need remain open.
  3. I agree with you about the amount one learns about oneself from their plight. I had simply thought they (owners, CEO, fans, the whole kit-and-caboodle) had broken the rules, had been Very Naughty Boys, got found out and that PCFC deserved to go under for their financial excesses. However, given the way this thread has developed with the perfect mixture of opinions, jokes, quotes, cartoons, one-liners and generally well-informed comments, I find myself now looking forward to the 'death-by-a-thousand-cuts' that seems to be coming their way over the next several years. I never realised I could be such a heartless bastard.
  4. Afair point. I can't give you a direct answer but I note Wasps (one of the top rugby union teams) use the same ground for their home matches and they had a game there yesterday afternoon. After Wycombe's home game on Saturday this will be the third match in 4 days and as it's mid-February and wet ... the pitch is more likely to resemble Paschendale than our own superb playing surface at St Marys.
  5. I'm from the Isle of Wight and so have no obvious loyalty to either city. When I was a nipper (late 60s early 70s) and when funds would allow I would see Saints one weekend and Portsmouth the next and never experienced any anymosity or even rivalry. It certainly didn't feel strange to go and see both teams and there were plenty of other Islanders who did the same thing. As for dockers and strikes - There was a nationwide dockstrike in the very early 1970s but I never heard any stories about any strikes or strike breakers between Southampton and Portsmouth. I don't think Portsmouth was involved in the strike as it was only a naval port at the time. Ferries to Normandy went from Southampton. So I'm of the view it's one of those Urban Myths and the rivalry appears to be only fairly recent.
  6. Your quetion is a pertinent one but I suspect the reason why no-one has responded to it is no-one on this forum really knows the answer. Court procedure is highly technical and unless one of us who reads and posts on here is a Judge or Court Official we are left with mere educated supposition; often highly educated supposition but still supposition nonetheless. Being neither a Judge nor a Court Offical my thoughts on your point aren't worth very much but FWIW I shall inflict them upon you (plural) anyway ... if the Statement of Affairs shows PFC have been trading whilst insolvent (as HMRC claimed in the Court on Wednesday) then I doubt if the Courts will wait until 1 March to make a decision. I believe this because of the problems that might be caused if they delay. Other businesses might suffer as a result of PFC's continued actions and if the Courts are aware of insolvency at PFC it would be odd if they allowed PFC to carry on.
  7. But since the Court commanded PFC to deliver an SoA by Wednesday 17th then things must have moved on from a Winding Up Order? Even if PFC could pay HMRC all it requires and more and even if HMRC withdraw the WUO - it is the Court who want to see the SoA. The matter now isn't one of PFC paying HMRC it is whether PFC are/have been trading whilst insolvent. On Wednesday The Guardian reported Register Dennet as saying ... "I am very concerned about the financial status of this company. It seems to me there's a very real risk that this company is undoubtedly trading while it is insolvent." http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/feb/10/portsmouth-hmrc-high-court-ruling Sadly, I have no clue as to the powers of the Court but presumably they want to see the SoA and, if necessary, hand it over to the relevant group (Crown Prosecutors? Fraud Squad? Something similar?) for any action that might be required. So the question for any lawyers out there is ... is the SoA part of the WUO or is it something different?
  8. This doesn't sound very fair to Wolves, Burnley, Bolton, Wigan and Hull (not sure about West Ham) and other fellow relegation candidates. The Premier League seem to have completely forgotten about all of them in this shameful, shabby and excessively drawn out pantomime.
  9. On this topic (and on so many others) I am not an expert but if they do the above (i.e. pay £1.8mil and given an 'absolutely final' final chance) what is there to stop PFC pulling the same trick next time? And again, and again. HMRC: Where's our tax money? If you don't have it we'll wind you up immediately. PFC: Remember last time? We'll do the same this time. We'll give you a small percentage of what we owe but, as before, if you wind us up you get nothing at all. Your call.
  10. My Grandfather was in the Royal Flying Corps in WW1, based in Italy. He was only 17 and like so many others he lied about his age to join up. My father was in the Royal Artillery in North Africa and Italy in WW2. My father-in-law served in China and the Pacific - he was in the Japanese Army.
  11. Wonderful stuff! Your time and trouble is greatly appreciated. Keep 'em coming.
  12. Ah ... thank you for posting this. I, too, had thought it not possible to buy one's own seat via the online facility but your post encouraged me to persevere. Hint to others in a similar quandry: Use the 'My Account' link.
  13. The reason for any language existing is for people to communicate with each other and to be understood. At times this means being extremely precise in what one is trying to say. There can be a huge difference in meaning with just one letter being incorrectly typed - e.g. Andy Murray is due in court to day or Andy Murray is due on court today. To this extent, spelling and grammar are extremely important. However, in everyday usage the importance is overplayed. I would far rather someone write an opinion that was stimulating and original even if it contained a harmless spelling error.
  14. For a Japanese view on the bombing of Hiroshima and the immediate days following it, seen through the eyes of a boy called Gen, have a look at a series of manga books called Hadashi no Gen (Barefoot Gen) which have been made into films. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085218/ Wiki has some more details on both the books and films http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barefoot_Gen
  15. I see Kayne McClaggon has recovered from his injury and is back training. Another possibility for the bench over the coming fixture pile-up.
  16. When will we hear his like again. R.I.P.
  17. And yet in the summer Schalk Burger only got banned for 8 weeks for the same offence http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/sport/files/2009/06/schalk-burger_eye-gouge.jpg
  18. I, too, had never encountered such a wide gap between the legs.
  19. I'm from the John Arlott, Dan Maskell, Bill McClaren, Peter Allis era and so am very much in favour of the commentator who doesn't just know the names of the players and the rules of the sport but also has a grasp of the use of English and, at their best, were more poet than mere informer. Arlott: (Describing a shot by Clive Lloyd) - Like knocking a fizzle-top off with a walking stick. McClaren: (Describing constant swift recycling of the ball from successive rucks) - Like chocolate bars from a slot-machine. I'm delighted to say the entire current TMS team continues to delight with Aggers and Boycott being a marvellous double-act. Andy Cotter does a good job on the BBC TV rugby, as does Iain Robertson on the wireless. Stuart Hall's match summaries are works of art.
  20. We don't have to be Pompey fans to be inbred; we have some standards.
  21. A handful? The entire away end was sold out for a Cup game. There were thousands of them there and I discerned no such attempt from some of their fans to get the others to be quiet. You say it was entirely unexpected. I disagree. A minute of respect for the recently deceased isn't too much to ask, is it?
  22. To any and all Portsmouth fans all I can say is ... remember 2nd December 2003. The One Minute of Silence for Ted Bates when you behaved so shabbily. This was the night you didn't just disgrace yourselves in front of a TV audience, this was when you put a curse upon yourself.
  23. To put the cherry on the icing on the cake, our second goal would come from us being awarded a dodgy free kick and us takng it 20 metres further up the pitch with the ball still moving.
  24. You don't have to deny a scoring opportunity to be given a red card; a cynical and dangerous foul would be enough, wherever it happened on the pitch. The defender who hacked Antonio down should have been sent off.
  25. Yes, the Platform Tavern (in Town Quay, just across the road from the Red Funnel terminal) will be open on 26th from 12 to 3. So if you're around and want to have a chat about a trip to Japan I'll look forward to seeing you. George is my name.
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