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Everything posted by petts

  1. Yeah, thats a good point about the emergency meeting and like you say it does suggest that the FL are very concerned about how to deal with this. For me, I just hope that this doesn't mean the takeover gets dragged out longer than Monday as we need to start preparing for the new season.
  2. Could it be the deal made with administrators was contingient on us being able to successfully appeal the 10 points, and that the administrators were so sure of this that pinnacle accepted the price on that basis? This could mean either the FL give in or a few quid gets knocked off the price. Pure speculation. Part of me thinks that the FL have underestimated the smarts of both the admins and the legal people that would have been employed by pinnacle, though it could just be admins and pinnacle trying their luck. I think both pinnacle and admins would have expected this reaction from the FL; knowing it would be challenged. So the fact that they put in all the paperwork at the 11th hour and current high media coverage (partly due to keegan rumor) does whiff of some sort of plan by the two groups to maximise the pressure on the FL. Again, all pure speculation.
  3. Old news mate! ;-) http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/southampton/1249111.stm
  4. If anyone wants a tour round one of the end results of thatchers britian i'm happy to give ya tour round stockton on tees where I'm currently at. It wouldn't be so depressing to me if it was always this way. I find it's the constnat reminders of the artisan population that was destoyed that gets me down the most. I'm serious, just walk round the town centre and imagine what it was compared to what it is now. It makes me sad when I walk though to see such culture disregarded.
  5. Patton, then platoon
  6. and a belt! though I'm sure it'll all improve as our season does :-)
  7. Yeah, that was one that I was thinking about. Not sure if I explained myself correctly, I meant to say that either the right rt deployed due to a fault, or that the pilots were trying to stop the plane and both rts were deployed, but because the left engine was on fire it wouldn't produce the reverse thrust, but the right engine would, hence pulling it to the right. There probably are a few scenarios that could have caused this awful accident, hopefully they can work out what went wrong so the knowledge can be used to prevent it from occuring again.
  8. Fair point, though I thought a few crashes had been attributed to unexpected deployment of a reverse thruster?
  9. From what has been said in the news on this, and previous incidents I reckon this crash must have something to do with a reverse thruster activation. Whether something sheered off the left engine and wrecked the hydralics systems causing automatic activation of reverse thrusters, or the pilots tried to put it down after V1 and poured on the reverse thrusters (thus pulling to the right as left engine malfunctioning). Though obviously there are so many other things that could have caused the crash, and its normally a series of faults that leads to such events. My heart goes out to those on board and their relatives/friends. A truely awful thing to happen.
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