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About irishsaint83

  • Birthday 31/01/1983

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  1. Ill keep an eye out for you if I can find the Bodega! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Going to this game alone, never been to Newcastle before. Where do Saints fans usually congregate before/after games? Looks like its a pretty good city for the boozers and the ground is central.
  3. You can also keep up to date through Facebook & Twitter: Irish Saints Facebook Irish Saints Twitter
  4. Kick Off: 13:30 - Sunday 6th October Venue: The Living Room bar Address: Cathal Brugha St, Dublin 1 All welcome, come down and join us! Table reserved, will leave a Saints Flag on the table.
  5. 3 PM Saturday 21st September Location: The Living Room bar Address: Cathal Brugha St, Dublin 1 (Top of O'Connell St) Twitter: @irishsaintsfc Facebook: www.facebook.com/theirishsaints
  6. Its about at most a 5 min walk, on Station Street. See google maps below https://maps.google.ie/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=victoria+pub+birmingham+maps&fb=1&gl=ie&hq=victoria+pub&hnear=0x4870942d1b417173:0xca81fef0aeee7998,Birmingham,+West+Midlands,+UK&cid=0,0,7492755984503563963&ei=K0kOUpzpEdHA7Aau9ICwCg&ved=0CJMBEPwSMAo
  7. I was thinking of going to the Victoria / Crown - around the corner from each other.....
  8. yes. im in home end
  9. I am travelling over from Ireland. In Birmingham at 7:30 am on the Saturday. Looking a ticket if anyone has a spare. Will pay an extra few bob too if need be...... Also, looking to meet any Saints fans centrally in Birmingham if anyone is around before heading out to the Hawthorns?
  10. Any Saints fans going to be in Birmingham early? My flight gets in around 7:30 am..... travelling alone.
  11. Do you know a few of us set up an Irish Saints Supporters Club? Very primitive at the moment but you can get involved? Also, I go to a pub in Dublin to watch a lot of the games if your interested.
  12. Plymouth is on the box so will give it a miss but def (as long as I can get a ticket) will be going to the bristol game!
  13. its meant to be king alfred...........ha ha ha....... king arthur is back home!
  14. trying..... waiting on job offers for several interviews in the passed few weeks
  15. why do i go to games........... I have nothing better to do on saturday than to take a 2 hour bus journey at 4am in order to make a 7:30am flight to Bristol so that I can make the 9:23am train to southampton, so that i can go to the john lewis cafe and get a fry at around 11:15am before heading to the King Arthur so that I can watch the early kick off over a couple of pints before heading around to st marys so that I can take a large gulp to finish off my half time pint at around 4pm to celebrate the fact that its been a full 12 hours since i started my journey to have that gulp before making my way back up the steps to block 31, to try and find row bb and take my seat where my ass has been plonked for 16 games this season before heading back around to the King Arthur after full time before heading round to the hotel before getting a nights sleep before heading to to get the train back to Bristol Sunday to make my flight in order to get a 2 hour bus journey so that i can get home in time for a good nights sleep before i have to get up for work on monday morning..... thats why i go to games.....
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