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Everything posted by 1976_Child

  1. Yeah, you see the problem with this attitude is that pertinent information which one should be 'bothered' to find is usually hidden deep under layers of other posts. The 'signal to noise ratio' is not good enough. Hence the reason why sometimes a distinct thread is called for. But thank you for your reply.
  2. I am a happy and proud supporter of the Donkey Sanctuary. (http://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/) The donkey sanctuary really is a wonderful organisation so if you are wondering where to buy your Christmas cards or other gifts then please consider helping a donkey or two: http://www.donkeyworld.org.uk/acatalog/Christmas_Cards.html Donkeys are perhaps the most beautiful, intelligent and playful creatures :
  3. I know I have asked this before, but are we all still waiting for the confirmation email from the ticket office? I'm getting worried that my application (sent recorded delivery) has not made it..
  4. don't forget the parking charge
  5. I know. But so what. At least it is a discount for showing loyalty and should hope to fill SMS towards the end of the season. On another issue, I am sure NC said that the payment scheme was set to continue too?
  6. A few days ago he was on a tram in Croydon. He's still in shock.
  7. His free kicks have been cut due to austerity. The club can't afford to be giving away free kicks in an economic slump.
  8. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2532897,00.html Get the last 10 games of the season... Well done NC. Spot on.
  9. There are always those who go to the football to big themselves up by attempting to bring a player down. They are sad. I remember at the start of the season some 14 year old in front of me saying he couldn't understand why Kelvin was still in the squad. According to him, Kel was too old and only ever a league one keeper. Little twerp got an ear-full from me.
  10. Lowe in. Never would have happened if Rupert was still in charge.
  11. Mods please lock and delete this thread. This is a family forum FFS.
  12. he needed a burger
  13. depends on snow
  14. I love it. Very good value for money. All the interviews and highlights and if you don't live in Radio Solent range then you get the match commentary too. And it isn't just for Saints. The single subscription gives you all the club's Players too so you can listen to their interviews and hear what they say about us. There is no contract, cancel whenever you want. Well, well worth the £4 per month.
  15. steve de tidder
  16. I want to see Steve play 90 minutes. He definitely turned the game around, by the sounds of it. Good sub by Nige.
  17. get in!!!
  18. I'm sure he has one already, how else will he get paid?
  19. we had to chase the game at reading!
  20. 10 men can be hard to play against. we came back with only 10 against reading don't forget
  21. "Barnard pulls the trigger" Shouldn't have a gun at the game.
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