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Everything posted by 1976_Child

  1. The interview was poorly set up. It was on the terrace, the interviewer was on the step above NA the camera was below him. We pay our lads many thousands of pounds a week to play, and I don't begrudge them that. But for the love of God, can we find a few quid to hire someone to oversee the post match interview? The subject should never, never, not ever, be filmed looking across and up camera. It is just amateur. Let alone by a sympathetic crew. And we are not an amateur club. We're top of the league, damn it.
  2. I think there is an apostrophe in Brighton's ground.
  3. Nigel, (NC and club PR person too), Please don't allow yourself to be filmed again in a manner as you did after today's game The interviewer was standing above you, the camera was below you. It made you look small and week looking across the camera and up towards the interviewer. It was an amateur setup from start to finish. There should have been a club PR person there to supervise. You were understandably flustered after the result, but to communicate so poorly is a gimme to the other clubs. What you said was honest and good; how you were filmed saying it negated everything you were trying to get across. Not good enough, in this day and age. Get the PR people doing their job. Set the camera up, either with the interviewer in camera or with the subject (Nige) talking at most 20 degrees off the camera to the interviewer.
  4. I reckon we will be playing in the Blue Sq Prem before long. Definitely relegated this season, we just have nothing.
  5. Lalana has been worked out and closed down. I'll bet every manager tells his players to not let him, above any other, play.
  6. Feking bad. Guly needs to learn how to bring a ball under control. Almost every pass to him bounced off two yards. I think it is season over. We've lost at home to a really sh!te side. We'll be lucky if we avoid relegation. Oh well. League one was actually quite fun. At least we used to win.
  7. I have a mate who went to buy tickets to a sporting event on the south coast and was charged for parking his car as well.
  8. Grrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrrrrrr Bark! Bark! Bark! Woof. Woof-woof. GRRRrrrrrr. GRRrrrrrr. Bark bark grrrrr.
  9. Woolwich Wanderers can suck my plums. Fek off and get your own academy
  10. I like fluffy kittens. Meow. Mew. Scratch scratch. Oink. Oi! Piggy wiggy, go away. Oink Meow. Mew. MEW.
  11. Feking mental. I wasn't at the game. But I was at fratton and rightly so, Guly got slated for being sh!te. He was not on his top game. Then he bounces back and scores twice to keep us top of the div for Christmas and he still doesn't get the respect? Schneider...yeah ok. Guly is the MOTM for me. He will rip Brizzle a new anus today. Mark my words.
  12. He can climb over me whenever he wants! mmmm!
  13. "I can't speak to girls at parties. I just stare at them playing with their toys and hope their parents don't catch me molesting them." D.Une. Officer, do you have everything you need now? Yes'm. This Duune character, can I find him hereabouts? Oh sure, officer! He'll be around. S'long as there are kiddies...
  14. Good fred. I had a hard one this a.m. You know the sort, lots of red meat the night before. Bursts all the piles and after a strain 'n' struggle getting it out the bog paper reveals a circle of poo ringed in crimson blood. The joy of evacuation is tinged with the mid-life crises of 'oh my God! I'm bleeding from my anus' But then, apres le deluge, le squirty sh!te: Week willed sphincter letting every half-digested morsel escape the lower intestine at will. Indeed. Give me a nice firm, well formed stool everyday. Even if it is hemorrhoid busting.
  15. Hooorahh! Always was a good signing. Glad he has recommitted to the Don. Still prefer him with long hair. Was a proper stud-muffin. Oh well, so long as he keeps the ball away from the keeper....
  16. Durban. or PMB KWN Try Windhoek instead. Namib beer. Nicer.
  17. In which year did the microwave oven make its debut? And I guess, in which year did it also go mainstream. I'm thinking, 1985/6/7 for debut, 1991/2/3 for mainstream.
  18. Yup! I am a follower of Christ, and it really gets my back up when someone tries to preach at/to me too. Chances are it is some BS about sex etc. Interesting thing is that Jesus spoke much more about money than sex. And yet bankers still have sex?!?! Jesus never shoved his 'religion' down anyone's throat. He was born, He lived, He died. (there are historical records to support these three events) ... and here comes the Faith bit... Christians believe that He rose on the third day after His death, the day we call Easter. And through His death and resurrection we humans, if we ask for forgiveness, will so too be saved and raised. That, in a very porous nut shell, is the Christian Faith. My Faith isn't about lecturing, or Dogma, or Human Politics. I am a Christian because I believe - have Faith, if you will - that my tiny involvement on this Earth is not the be-all and end-all... ... Is it possible to believe a man could be sent from another Realm to walk amongst us? ... Is it possible that this man could be with out sin? With out malice? With out hatred? ... Is it possible that this man could be willing to lay down his presence upon this Earth for us? Is this all science fiction? Who knows for sure? Not the Pope, nor the Arch Bishop. But there is not a human being alive or gone that has not pondered... Who Put Me Here? And Why? I'm a Follower of Christ! You lot make your own minds up! (http://www.alpha.org/) Happy Christmas..!
  19. Yeah whatever.. .. I still say De Ridder should start and Guly needs someone to play off....
  20. My darling honey-bunny right-wing fascist-Toryite Thacherite... ... may I extend to you, and all your kin, a most hearty Christmas! enjoy it... because.. Come the Revolution There Will Be No Christmas For The Rich Tories Like You ... And a very Happy New Year (see you on the other side, a whole new year of wind-ups and bull-shmeg awaits...
  21. Not £30. Where did u get that from?
  22. yeah, £55 quid one way via Gatwick. Four and a half hours. One way. Bah hum-bloody-bug. Just hoped someone was coming along the coast road with a spare seat is all..
  23. If you say so! I've heard different though...
  24. Thanks! Looks like I'm going to be out of luck. Might just get myself up to the dual carriageway on Monday morning wearing my Saints shirt and stick my thumb out. You never know. Take a few turkey sanis in case it turns out to be a long wait.
  25. Merry Christmas! May you all have a lovely peaceful day tomorrow, surrounded by those you love with good food and the odd ale too (if that's your thing). To 'our lads' and all at Southampton FC, thanks for a great year of football too. And finally, as a Christian may I take this opportunity to wish Jesus a very Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday Big Man!
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