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Everything posted by 1976_Child

  1. So the Northam thinks it is so hard and great to shout abuse at Kevin Phillips eh? What we think it is worthy of a laugh to sing "He ****ged Bret Ormerod's wife" eh? Well fancy f@cking me!! Doesn't the lad come on a score within seconds of taking to the field. And how does that make us lot in the Northam seem?? Perhaps the ***ts who started the chant against Kevin Phillips should at the very least be humbled by it and perhaps grow the f@ck up and support our boys rather than hurl insults at another player, whatever colour and whatever his previous history is. I was f@cking embarassed to hear all that crap going on. And frankly, well done Kevin Phillips for rising above it and doing exactly what was needed to humiliate the tossers who started the chant. I am forever Saints, but the crap which came from the Northam today was unaceptable. UP THE SAINTS, SAINTS TILL I DIE!
  2. my dog has just launched a take over bid of Southampton Leisure Holdings PLC. Woof! Good girl! Bring the ball here! Arff..... bark...... howl...... woof. Now where did I park my camel? Shame to fly around on a carpet and eat dandelions all day. Suppose we get a pidgeon to be the club mascot? Stranger things than electricity prices going up and up and up. Weird how some sub-stations are never actually ergonomically designed. Bad Karma. Need a feng shui master to come and paint the garage a deep purple or something before I light the bar-b-q and try and see the moon through my new pin-hole camera. Sally Armstrong knows a thing or two about strawberries. I prefer cranberries. My dog doesn't care for any kind of berry. Good dog! Woof! growl and bark! Now don't chase that cat! I said DON'T chase the feline! Now go and buy that club! Meow.... bye bye.
  3. yup. after they all stormed onto the pitch after the penalties and started slagging us all off I can't forgive them. F@cking w@nkers.
  4. ND and BWP got caught tea leafing and they haven't been banned by the club.
  5. Oh when the Saints! Oh when the Saints! Oh when the Saints go marching in! OH WHEN THE SAINTS! OH WHEN THE SAINTS! JAAN POORTVLIET'S RED AND WHITE ARMY!
  6. go on Young Thompson!
  7. We are going to win 3-0 today.
  8. totally the correct decision. Well done Killer!!
  9. We are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!!we are going up!! We are going up!! come on you saints! You can do it! Saints for ever!!
  10. how can I set my avatar?
  11. thanks, here goes: pompey are a bunch of tossers, ****s, ****ers, arseholes and fa cup winners.
  12. no, never. I just hate paying my way in sweat and tears just to see scroungers, lay-abouts and Dolescum constantly asking me (and the rest of us productive lot) to cough up more and more and more and more.
  13. now that would be darn cool! I could volunteer to write a Vista Gadget to display the feed. I'm into my Vista Gasgets at the moment....
  14. ****** err... the above word should read "P O M P E Y". While I freely admit it is amongst the coarsest words in Shakespeare's tongue, it will make referring to "them down the road" a bit tedious...
  15. anyone who owns a computer, pays a phone company for broadband access and has electricity in his home can certainly afford a friggin' fiver over one year!! for crying out loud... comic really!
  16. you're a man after my heart dear chap! But that is Brown's Britain for you: take-take-take and what's-in-it-for-me-gov? (My football shirt may be Red but my politics sure as heck ain't)
  17. I think he means "We the People's Repuiblic of Saintsweb.co.uk". If you do decide to have a share placing then I'll buy in, but for now I need to peel my onions.
  18. oh right. So are you one of these people who expects to be given everything for free then? Servers cost money!! And if you think a fiver is dear, just thank God that the Admins haven't charged a professional web-developer fee as well !!
  19. ummm. I had over 400 posts on the dead server.... now I only have 200 odd... I guess this is because the database has been archived some what?
  20. honestly can't remember. certainly not since the move to SMS.
  21. I know - but i didn't want to frighten them
  22. Well speaking as someone in the same business as Baj I can tell you that a decent dedicated server with a good data-farm is about £1,500 per year minimum. So at £5 a pop that means 300 people need to become full members. So, with out sounding preachy, if you have a spare fiver chip in and enjoy!!
  23. Phew! I was getting worried. Thought is was a serious paper, not the Trash of the World
  24. Very, very, very impressive game of football. Well done Saints! If that sort of quick-flowing passing game doesn't get them back in to the stadium on match days then nothing will. I think I walked out of the stadium at the end but I can't remember my feet touching the ground. I was on cloud nine! Frickin' well done! We will walk this league!
  25. Hip Hip!! (although, can we get this rather nasty skate blue changed back to the Red please...sure your on it already!) ps: £5 is a bargain
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